
It has happened more than a few times to me, the gents weren't taking care of their business and all it did was make things for him and his family more difficult than they had to be.
bladtinzu's Avatar
I think it is so rude for a provider to text or answer the phone while handling an appointment. I put my phone on silent and just return phone calls after the appointment is over with.
I went to an outcall appointment one time and the gentleman refused to get off of his farmville game. It wasnt offensive, just funny as hell. Originally Posted by alexisr26
Farmville?? And that is the way to handle business. I figure if I can give up my hourly rate not answering the phone/emails/texts/BBM so can they.
text is the best way to get in touch with me personally especially on short notice because I have children and a job and can't always talk.I don't have a designation time to answer calls for this and no one in my personal life knows about this ... Of course we talk before meeting but we don't discuss anything either way so nothing to worry about. I would never answer a text or call while we're together... for the guys that just prefer to talk I make arrangements to do so, no big deal. I always say if you want me to call you back you have to leave a msg with a time to call you back by and if not you have to call me back. or text. I use to be no text at all but I have small kids so I compromise! thanks for everyone that understands! like i said if you prefer to talk all ya gotta do is say so and I will make time to talk ...