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Hotrod511's Avatar
This is way over these little boys head. Most of Hot Rods group haven't been 100 miles from home. They are not a world conscious bunch. They are scared white people that are an embarrassment to the white race Originally Posted by themystic
I knew it you are (forbidden word)
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  • 03-03-2018, 10:41 AM
I knew it you are a (forbidden word) Originally Posted by Hotrod511
What word is that hotrod?

Are you wanting to call Mystic the n word?
Hotrod511's Avatar
What word is that hotrod?

Are you wanting to call Mystic the n word? Originally Posted by WTF
you said it I didn't
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  • 03-03-2018, 11:26 AM
you said it I didn't Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I was asking for confirmation that you were calling Mystic a n word.

Thanks for confirming.

Most would have run away from my question.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I knew it you are (forbidden word) Originally Posted by Hotrod511
he's a moochie! lol!
Tariff is the answer????....that is not free trade.

In fact there is no such thing as free trade.

You think Trump will negotiate a free trade pack?

Free trade....would mean I could sell what ever I wanted with whomever would buy it. We do not even have that within this country. There are more rules than Carter has liver pills.

If that was the case....Trump or any other President would not have to negotiate a 'Free Trade' agreement.

So once you establish that there is no such will realize that politicians from each country are just negotiating for their minority donor class. Originally Posted by WTF
Your 0zombie Ignorance is reveling... Dozens of articles in the past few days prove it... wtfuckery WAKE UP!

themystic's Avatar
I knew it you are (forbidden word) Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Scared little white boy. I bet you don't even mind that term, white "boy"

You are a super pussy. I'm embarrassed your my son
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Tariff is the answer????....that is not free trade.

In fact there is no such thing as free trade.

You think Trump will negotiate a free trade pack?

Free trade....would mean I could sell what ever I wanted with whomever would buy it. We do not even have that within this country. There are more rules than Carter has liver pills.

If that was the case....Trump or any other President would not have to negotiate a 'Free Trade' agreement.

So once you establish that there is no such will realize that politicians from each country are just negotiating for their minority donor class.

Originally Posted by WTF
I never said that tarrifs are free trade. It isn't.

the only way to make trade fair is the use of tarrifs.

U.S.A. was not built up using free trade.

there is free trade in-country. 50 states trade with each other without tariffs. I don't get where you say USA doesn't have free trade internally, unless you're talking about govt. regs affecting commerce.
LexusLover's Avatar
You mean like iPhones which are built in China? Originally Posted by BigLouie
LexusLover's Avatar
there is free trade in-country. 50 states trade with each other without tariffs. I don't get where you say USA doesn't have free trade internally, unless you're talking about govt. regs affecting commerce. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
... regulations do affect interstate commerce.
BigLouie's Avatar
The way I see it countries like China have dump their cheap products in the American markets for decades and everybody has got use to buying the cheap shit, which never last very long, then buy more of same cheap shit! So if you want more jobs we need to buy more products made in the USA which will bring more jobs, you can't have it both ways, everybody wants higher wages, well to have higher wages and more jobs you need to buy more products made in America I don't mind spending more for a product that will last Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Forgot to mention that you really really need to research some. The US gets almost no steel from China, it mostly comes from Canada, Brazil, South Korea.
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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2018, 03:20 PM
Forgot to mention that you really really need to research some. The US gets almost no steel from China, it mostly comes from Canada, Brazil, South Korea. Originally Posted by BigLouie

We get like 2% of our steel from China... If you read the article below, you'll see how stupid Trumps tariffs are. Trump is just trying to drum up votes for the mid terms.

President Trump’s newly announced steel and aluminum tariffs are widely seen as a strike against China. But here’s an odd thing: the tariffs are based on a pair of Commerce Department reports (steel here, aluminum here) that examine whether domestic production of these products is essential to national security. However, the reports recommend tariffs only on raw aluminum and raw steel mill products (plates, wire, sheeting, etc.), and when it comes to raw metals, we hardly get any at all from China:

It’s pretty much the same deal for aluminum:
There might be a case that these products are crucial for national security and our supply shouldn’t be dependent on uncertain sources, but that only holds water if you consider Canada, Brazil, and Mexico to be uncertain sources. This is just me, but I can’t say I stay up nights worrying that Canada might cut off our supply of steel and aluminum if we get into a war.

But things get even odder when you broaden your horizon. If you look at more advanced steel products, we do indeed import a lot from China:

But these products aren’t included in the tariffs. Apparently we’re worried about being dependent on Canada and Brazil, but not on China. This is … peculiar, no?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your 0zombie Ignorance is reveling... Dozens of articles in the past few days prove it... wtfuckery WAKE UP!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Wake up is right.
Typical treehouse post.
Goes from,

"Well, there you have it. There is already an appointed person, likely a prosecutor, from “outside of Washington”, in place prior to the recent request for a Special Counsel by Goodlatte and Gowdy. That was exactly what an objective analysis of the events previously outlined – and we previously noted."


"Attorney Jeff Sessions is noting the existence of an outside prosecutor who has been in place for quite a while, exactly as we thought. All the evidence of this was/is clear if you misinterpret the post and make shit up you follow the granular details closely. Here’s how we figure it out; and also the reason why no-one in Washington DC -including congress and the president- was previously aware."

The article goes from saying "likely a prosecutor" to claiming,
throughout the rest of the article, there is a prosecutor and sessions confirmed it. Which it isn' (a confirmed by sessions prosecutor)

As far as tariffs being good;

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

3 More Ways You May Not Realize That Tariffs Will Hurt Jobs

"There is the standard wisdom of how tariffs on steel and aluminum will hurt many industries, from aluminum can manufacturers to the automotive industry. Sure, you'll maybe save some jobs in metals production companies in states like Pennsylvania or iron mining in Minnesota — which, let us remember, were critical to the 2016 elections. Getting some jobs back in traditional areas helps shore up the voters for a 2020 bid.

But all the companies making products out of metal will be hit hard, affecting growth and jobs. According to some economists, there are 80 jobs in companies that use steel to every 1 at those that manufacture the steel itself."

Trump kissed the asses of the steel and aluminum CEOs, bought the votes of 2 states, and said fuck everybody else

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  • WTF
  • 03-08-2018, 12:49 PM
UTrump has already backed down from his bluff...
Job numbers out today. Record employment depending how you define it.