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Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are the poster child for faggotry. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Now who coulda seen THAT coming?

What happened to my $10,000, Uncle Han?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Now who coulda seen THAT coming?

What happened to my $10,000, Uncle Han? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What ten grand?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Guys, we need to support each other, and get our grandchildren and children to marry within the covenantal relationship we have with God and each other as his chosen people. Over half of marriages involving Jewish people in this country are to those fucking gentiles and it is causing us to slip into oblivion at a time when the Arabs want to wipe us out back in the home country. This article has some helpful suggestions about how to push the kids along without being too pushy - not that any of us would ever do that!
/ Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That's Mr. Gentile to you.

You're a fucking embarrassment. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
said the heeb kettle to the heeb pot.

tell you what, i'll buy both of you a subscription to your favorite magazine if you both would just STFU.

Yep. such a RAG does exist! and you thought i made that up didn't ya?

and who's the 2014 heeb magazine poster boy? why it's a REAL heeb whoremonger!!!!

aren't you both so proud?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It is up to them, my friend. Though I advise they charge premium rates. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
not a problem JL. all us gentiles ate loaded.

and they'd ask for a kickback too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's Mr. Gentile to you.

said the heeb kettle to the heeb pot.

tell you what, i'll buy both of you a subscription to your favorite magazine if you both would just STFU.

Yep. such a RAG does exist! and you thought i made that up didn't ya?

and who's the 2014 heeb magazine poster boy? why it's a REAL heeb whoremonger!!!!

aren't you both so proud? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's "Hebe," you ignorant, maggot fuckstick!

Gosh, golly, god bless America.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's "Hebe," you ignorant, maggot fuckstick!

Out of curiosity, who here besides CC thinks this kind of shit is OK?

Stand up and be counted or stay silent and be counted.

JL is a piece of shit, and most likely a total fraud. But Waco Kid is using this thread to call a Spaid a Nigger ... To his face.

I'm sorry, guys. CC and ECCIE are dead wrong on this.

Lets hear what YOU think about this. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
hey dicknose i didn't name that mag, some HEEB did. please note the bold text.

A (purposeful) mispelling of the Jewish slur 'hebe'. While before 'hebe' was an ethnic slur, 'heeb' is a word of pride regarding ones Jewish idenity. This transformation is due in large part to the emerging Jewish youth culture comming out of New York City.
The magazine Heeb: The New Jew Review, is aimed at young hip Jews.

good enough for hip (sic) jews, good enough for ECC.

and as for what anyone else thinks of your posts ....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
hey dicknose i didn't name that mag, some HEEB did. please note the bold text.

A (purposeful) mispelling of the Jewish slur 'hebe'. While before 'hebe' was an ethnic slur, 'heeb' is a word of pride regarding ones Jewish idenity. This transformation is due in large part to the emerging Jewish youth culture comming out of New York City.
The magazine Heeb: The New Jew Review, is aimed at young hip Jews.

good enough for hip (sic) jews, good enough for ECC.

and as for what anyone else thinks of your posts .... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It really doesn't matter how you explain yourself. You're too fucking stupid to be sly. Everybody knows what you meant and how you feel. This isn't the fifth time you've done this.

You're pure trash.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Out of curiosity, who here besides CC thinks this kind of shit is OK?

Stand up and be counted or stay silent and be counted.

JL is a piece of shit, and most likely a total fraud. But Waco Kid is using this thread to call a Spaid a Nigger ... To his face.

I'm sorry, guys. CC and ECCIE are dead wrong on this.

Lets hear what YOU think about this. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes, speak up please. Lets hear what you think. Since its so wrong....Tell me how wrong we/I are/am.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're right, CC! So is Waco Kid. So is everybody else.

I'm wrong.

Carry on. I'll try to be less critical.
JCM800's Avatar
said the heeb kettle to the heeb pot. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
so if urban dictionary gives you a pass for a clearly intended ethnic slur, that makes it ok to you?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Would you gentiles quit beating up poor Yssup Rider? He can't keep up with you and he is sinking into his own shit. You are making him look like more of a fucking moron than he is.
He is an embarrassment to our people, and I hope he didn't reproduce any Jewish children, because we need strong and smart Jewish people, not idiots like him.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Would you gentiles quit beating up poor Yssup Rider? He can't keep up with you and he is sinking into his own shit. You are making him look like more of a fucking moron than he is.
He is an embarrassment to our people, and I hope he didn't reproduce any Jewish children, because we need strong and smart Jewish people, not idiots like him. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You continue to be a worthless sack of shit, and an embarrassment to your race.

I say "yours" because your actions absolutely guarantee you're not part of mine.

Now go back to the sewer from which you crawled, White Slaver.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You continue to be a worthless sack of shit, and an embarrassment to your race.

I say "yours" because your actions absolutely guarantee you're not part of mine.

Now go back to the sewer from which you crawled, White Slaver. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fuck You, Faggot!!
Lifes GOOD!...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lifes GOOD!... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You call that a life, Simple Jack?