GOP Presidential Debate

I think the Presidential race will be between President Obama and Mitt Romney and Perry needs to just disappear after fumbling the debate last night so badly.

The comedians are going to milk that one for weeks!

Of course, the dyed-in-the-wool Republicans will vote for whoever their party nominates as is their custom, but I believe President Obama will win the election, but probably not Texas.

. . . When was the last time Texas became a blue state?

You know Fast Cum, putting aside the whole socialist-failure-antiAmerican-scumbag issue, America always votes for the most manly appearing put it another way, the wimpier candidate doesn't win.....Odumbo was lucky he was up against John McCain....though called a war hero,he wasn't too manly......he broke under interrogation in the Hanoi Hilton, not to mention the 2 planes he lost us [thank you for your service anyway Mr. McCain]......

Now, setting Odumbo next to Romney, who looks wimpier?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, it's a close call.
Wait unitl the Republican Convention in August; the Republicans will nominate Romney, it will be balloons, American flags, patriotic symbols, messages of a better America, Romney will get a hugh boost as Republicans unite behind him; Independents will follow, and the campgain will begin.

Romney and the Republicans will go on the attack. Obama will be forced to defend his polcies that have destoryed the American economy - Obama care, bailouts, failed stimulus, war on drillling, war on banks, yada yada.....the Independent vote will not swing to Obama; his chance at 2nd term is doomed...ain't gonna happen.

Lol Dream on- Mr. Flip flopper will not defeat Obama get use to Barry until 2016- sorry but that's what's going to happen. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Actually, it's a close call. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

??????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You seem a bit confused....perhaps I can give you some useful advice......even if the provider looks hot to you, do not answer the provider's ad if there is a TS in the provider's name.......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Romney comes off as a goody-goody limp wristed wimp. I wouldn't put him up in a manliness contest with Obama. I would definitely prefer Romney as President over Obama, but I wouldn't call him more macho.
Romney comes off as a goody-goody limp wristed wimp. I wouldn't put him up in a manliness contest with Obama. I would definitely prefer Romney as President over Obama, but I wouldn't call him more macho. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

my advice is too late....the alzheimer's disease has won......a provider's BBBJ skills are more important to him than XY/XX......
Limp writst???? Who throws like a girlie girl???

Let's go to the video......

I bet Romney can toss as good or better than Bush......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
a provider's BBBJ skills are more important to him than XY/XX...... Originally Posted by Marshall
Well, duh. So what's your point?

Well, duh. So what's your point?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy



of course, you knew that! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think you're mocking me. No wonder Doove left. You are MEAN!
Iaintliein's Avatar
If Romney is nominated vs Obama there really is no point in voting.

If Cain gets the nod, my prediction is it will be him vs Hildabeast, with Obama used as a photo op as the left throws him under the bus. Without race, they'll try to run a woman (the victim of her womanizing husband's actions), against an alledged "womanizer". She will run on a gun control platform.
If you are expecting a transitional momemnt in American politics in the 2012 election you will be disappointed. It isn't going to happen. That isn't how American politics work. We change and adapt but with incremental change....Ron Paul will not be president. A third party candidate will not prevail........Romney president with more Conservative Tea Party members in Congress is the kind of incremental change I expect from the 2012 election.

And sorry you think there is no differnce between Romney or Obama; that speaks more to your expectations than the reality of these two candidates.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This will be a strange election year. The Libertarians expect to be stronger than usual, and there is another group, farther left called Americans United, who are planning to name a candidate. Hopefully the incremental change will include the destruction of the two party system.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Vote your conscience, but don't waste your vote and return us to the wasteland the Republican Party took us into!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is one thing of which I'm certain. My conscience will never let me vote for Obama.