Clubs are closed....7 days most likely 30

What is IG?
hittinit i wanna catch some of the rain... where do you go looking Originally Posted by pgod51
I used to have digits on lots of 'em but as it goes, had to get a new phone. I've reached out to acquaintances for help as well. Just hoping this blows over soon. I know too many people in the restaurant indy and not real sure how many - if any - were prepped for anything like this.
TheBad IG = Instagram (It's a Social Network like facebook)
I wish I would have gotten more numbers before all of this Corona problem started. If someone would like to send me a few numbers that would be great.
Alot of numbers I had have stopped responding. One told me to go to Kik app just to stop chatting. Then about 99 percent are fake. Instagram the girls don't reply. Got a bunch there.

Anyone got any suggestions on apps to meet up on the DL with some real good good?
Hotassamelia's Avatar
If anyone has IG for dancers, help a brotha out and PM some. Originally Posted by sphlish
Ive got a number for you sphlish...
clear your PM's kind sir...
I’ve been wondering about the same thing. Wondering how to find out who plays OTC and how to contact them. Some searches on IG haven’t been fruitful
Any one recall m@&!3 from sugs (day)/pts(nite)? She's got an onlyfans account now. Buddy sez he was not impressed.

The "not responding" could be chicks adhearing to the 6foot rule and they may not wanna take anything home; lots of them are single mamas.

An H-town sc tried opening on friday claiming to be a "restaurant" that offers entertainment - (sound familiar?); they got shut down in a heartbeat. Bottom line 25% capacity wont bring in enough money to go back to full-time operations. Add in the 6foot rule, mask requirements, and the fact that if regular folks even go back to work they are so behind on bills who's gonna have $ to patronize no one but themselves? These clubs could be in a pickle for quite a while.

I reached out to my ex. Her birthday was last month. She was surprised i remembered. So far, so good.