Eyes Wide Shut?

Yeah & speaking of flying, I'm always cracked up by the guys that say something like, "Well baby if only I was in Texas...." Well, my friend, airfare is cheap. You could play all day and be home by dinner if need be. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Its either money or time. When you have the money to fly there, you don't have the time. When you have the time, not enough money. Its a vicious cycle. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I agree with Alt, airfair is cheap. But, my solution to the time dilemma is not for the man to fly to the woman, but have her fly to see him. That way we do all the travel and show up just when you need us. Problem solved.
Yeah & speaking of flying, I'm always cracked up by the guys that say something like, "Well baby if only I was in Texas...." Well, my friend, airfare is cheap. You could play all day and be home by dinner if need be. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
hey, alt, that directed at me? As noted time is the biggest issue. I do say "I gotta get to TX" because I want those ladies on here to be complimented by the thoughts/feelings. I am trying to be nice to them. And I try to be nice to all on here. We're all a pretty good bunch on here (jury's still out on PJ moderating my jokes). Actually I did hit expedia to just see what it would take to get to TX from NYC. RT was $400+ (yes, I do watch my dollars, I haven't hit the lottery yet). Or $250+- with a stop in-between. Not real good for staying UTR. The wife would have issues if she learned I was dating. And flying is SO much fun these days.
I agree with Alt, airfare is cheap. But, my solution to the time dilemma is not for the man to fly to the woman, but have her fly to see him. That way we do all the travel and show up just when you need us. Problem solved. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
'Colette, I probably should investigate that solution.

Doing the math, $450 AF, $300 car service to and from the airport, hotel (one night or two?) $200 to $400. And I have not even compensated my date for her time. Does the clock start "door-to-door" like the electrician/plumber does? Does it start from the she arrives at the hotel, or is it for our time alone. Is she exclusive to me during that time? Do we agree that she meets others (do I get a cut? ). I typically can only meet in the mornings, so the dinner date/over-night is just about impossible. And what if it is someone I've never met? I mean 'Colette and others seem delightful on the board and/or emails (and if I was considering this multiple phone calls would be needed). But at the meeting we realize that we do not "have a match." I am tossing these comments as thoughts/stream o' consciousness stuff.

Someone like Nicole Preston seems to be comfortably situated in TX, so she prolly doesn't have a need to travel. And I cannot carry on a case of wine on an airplane anymore.

I *might* be defensive about this. Sorry, bad coffee day.
I check SWA and with advanced notice $129 each way Houston to NYC. I don't charge for time that I travel, so only for my time with you. Outside of Texas, my min. time is 4 hours - so that is $1200. So, SROnly you could have me hand delivered to you for 4 hours for only, <drum roll please> $1700. That is a rough estimate for my time, flight, and room. But, we could work something out.
atlcomedy's Avatar
hey, alt, that directed at me? As noted time is the biggest issue. I do say "I gotta get to TX" because I want those ladies on here to be complimented by the thoughts/feelings. I am trying to be nice to them. And I try to be nice to all on here. . Originally Posted by SR Only
actually no, it wasn't. It was directed at a couple of "valued posters" here & was not meant as a shot. It was meant as a suggestion of a viable option.

As PJ pointed out indirectly, as a single guy, this option is more available to folks like me. So it isn't perfect.

NB suggests maybe a better option -- the fly her to me plan. Everyone is different but I think her pricing model is pretty typical...doesn't charge for travel time, just reimbursement for actual costs and then an extended minimum (say 4 hours) so the trip is worth it for you.

But my point is, using NB's estimates, you can have her (figuaratively) on your doorstep for only about a $500 upcharge. In my view, if you wouldn't mind giving her $1000+ for her time, that isn't too steep a price; particularly if the pickings are slim in you neighborhood...

The variation on this is you book an extended date with her & based on that she decides to tour, or stay a couple of days, in your city.

I don't mean this like "haggle" or in an unflattering way, but talk to your dream date. Tell her what you are willing to do. They might say yes. The rates page on their website may not have anticipated all situations.

Happy hunting
nycflyer's Avatar
Have you heard of these events? Or am I always the last to know these things? Some names are familiar.

http://www.eyeswideshut1009.com/default.html Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

I saw this too and thought the concept was very intriguing. Imagine a group of clients and companions who had never met before and fly into one location for the purpose of spending an amazing night playing with each other in some posh mansion or better yet, a castle. And yes, of course it could be done a whole lot cheaper via swinging, but I wasn't really attaching the issue of price as much as the concept.

There is a high-end swingers club in London that meets once a month in a townhouse usually in Belgravia or Kensington and they re-enact the mask scene from EWS. At the party, everyone keeps their mask on until the stroke of midnight and then the masks, and a lot of other things, come off.
NB suggests maybe a better option -- the fly her to me plan. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I fly her to you?!? Hmmm, what's wrong with this picture? I'm a nice guy, but not that nice. Oh, wait, that's not what you meant? Oh, nevermind.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I think it's a swingers thing......Otherwise it's not business savvy..unless you like sharing....
smoothnsilky's Avatar
If it is a swingers thing, count me out. I have been to a few swingers places and besides the bickering between the couples, usually or the scared looks on peoples faces, they couldn't believe they were actually there, it was a drag.
discreetgent's Avatar
I think it's a swingers thing......Otherwise it's not business savvy..unless you like sharing.... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
It's not a swingers' thing. The idea is to provide a lot of variety at a price point that is lower than what a date with each lady would require. Typically there is a maximum number of gents allowed. Everyone has a good time (well hopefully), ladies all get paid, gents get to be kids in a candy store at a "bargain" rate.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
It's not a swingers' thing. The idea is to provide a lot of variety at a price point that is lower than what a date with each lady would require. Typically there is a maximum number of gents allowed. Everyone has a good time (well hopefully), ladies all get paid, gents get to be kids in a candy store at a "bargain" rate. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Interesting concept.
reno's Avatar
  • reno
  • 01-27-2010, 01:46 PM
having been in the lifestyle (swinging) for 5yrs i can tell you it is def not a lifestyle event.and dawn i think you've been to the wrong parties,just about every couples party i've been to have been an awesome experience.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
having been in the lifestyle (swinging) for 5yrs i can tell you it is def not a lifestyle event.and dawn i think you've been to the wrong parties,just about every couples party i've been to have been an awesome experience. Originally Posted by reno
Well they were out in the boonies here in PA so I am not sure if that had something to do with it or what, lol. You could be right though.
atlcomedy's Avatar
It's not a swingers' thing. The idea is to provide a lot of variety at a price point that is lower than what a date with each lady would require. Typically there is a maximum number of gents allowed. Everyone has a good time (well hopefully), ladies all get paid, gents get to be kids in a candy store at a "bargain" rate. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Like I said different strokes for different folks but I can see the appeal of the concept.

One question I'd have would be around discretion. I'm sure there is screening; maybe(probably) even good screening, but for much the same reason I shy away M&G's, discretion would be a concern for me.

The closest thing I can think of it are some of the sex clubs outside the States where you can have several different experiences in a single outing. I guess when I'm halfway around the world I'm less concerned with running into my boss or neighbor

BTW I see ads for things like this locally from time to time, albeit not at the D&T end of the market. Ususally like a $50 or 100 cover at the door (of a private residence). You mix & mingle & when you find something you like you come to an arrangement and "grab a room." Those scare the hell out of me on a number of levels
... I guess when I'm halfway around the world I'm less concerned with running into my boss or neighbor
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I guess the mask doesn't disguise you enough for your comfort. I totally understand, it's not for me either. But, I am friends with several of the girls involved and I know that they have great fun and meet some great guys.