This goes back to what I read in Erin Myer's escort aristocracy program. Erin suggested that as escorts we should delete our personal facebook pages and create ones for our work persona because it simply takes up time. When I read this I thought it was a very silly idea. My personal facebook is how I stay in touch with my family in Nigeria. I see now that it wasn't so silly of an idea.
Nina, if you feel that your life is in danger then take down your website, your ads, delete everything and explain to your clients what is going on and start over. If he's not a threat just ignore him. I would even go as far as suggesting that you delete the facebook profile that you have now, tell your family and friends you have a new page, add them there and move on. This guy just sounds like he wants attention.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh i would never put down my webpage. I know escorts who invent themselves new every few months for that reason. Not a good idea. Gives the stalkers too much power. They know they got you intimidated. Plus, the escort advertisement options are limited and every new profile will be found again under the same circumstances the old one will be found. There is no anonymity as an escort anyway.
My life is of course not in danger. :-))) That would be a little too much to interprete. Its just annoying. That is all. I don`t understand why someone would contact me again, after i already was really and extremely unfriendly and rough to him (except he is a masochist).
He did not threaten me or anything, he just invaded my private sphere and thinks he is some kind of friend? :-)