Where is everyone at? Cause I wanna Play?

going to socials is a great idea!!!
you and the gents get to meet each other,
and they get a sense of "who you are"
before taking the plunge.
you also get to network with the ladies.
doubles! and also--if i meet a cool lady,
i may recommend her to the gents ive met.
gents like variety--and the ladies like referrals

also pics may help.
i havent viewed your showcase
but men are visual
just get creative with the cam---im sure theyll turn out great

good luck to you!!

*just like FL mentioned, its not related to this board, but im sure the right people may be in contact with you, if you are truly interested
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Building a solid client base is a slow process but once you have one then you can rely on your regulars when times get slow. Just stick with it. I agree with Kitty that men are visual. Get some new pics taken and maybe that will spark some more interest.
whitetail32's Avatar
And....Now I had sent 2 PM's yesterday and 1 text with no responses. can't do any more than that as i was ready. then I got busy and couldn't for the rest of the day. But I still never heard back from any of them. So a nice response would hav ebeen nice as in "no time today, am busy" or whatever. then all could be forgiven. In other words, some 'courtesy' is always nice.
82vintage ==> please check your PMs
82Vinny's Avatar
Will be attending the social. This better be fun! What to wear what wear!
whitetail32's Avatar
and i cannot make this one
theyre always fun!!!
just keep an open mind
Glad we could help 82vintage....
82Vinny's Avatar
New Pics are up in showcase, a few changes have been made!
Thanks Again for everyones Kind words! Cannot wait for another Social I had fun even though I was Wayyyyyy Late!
My wife won't let me come hang out with you, lol. Give me a few months until my divorce then life will be much easier.
mainly just plain ol' money. it's supply and demand issue. most are 'demanding' too much and not enough supply to support the demand
whitetail, with all due respect...this statement just comes across as being a tad disrespectful.

Most providers have lowered their donations to accomodate the *average* donations for SA...and, some of us run specials on top of that. If $125/hr is still *too much* what exactly do you expect?

Many providers genuinely try to accomodate our *friends* and offer specials for various occassions. When we hear that we're all *demanding too much,* when some of us CLEARLY have fair donations for our service level...it gets exasperating!

If you're having trouble getting anyone to respond to you...have you entertained the thought that *maybe* it's not them who's at fault?
Traveltheworld's Avatar
I have made appointments with three different providers this past week and two of them (well-known here) did ncns on me. The third one wanted to reschedule but I wasn't interested. My bottom line is if you as a provider have a common courtesy to let us know whether or not you can, we will try again later. If you don't even have that, I don't care how hot and sexy you are, you lose my business. I don't like to have a plan B but sometimes I wish I did. Wish you all luck and have fun out there.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
whitetail, with all due respect...this statement just comes across as being a tad disrespectful.

Most providers have lowered their donations to accomodate the *average* donations for SA...and, some of us run specials on top of that. If $125/hr is still *too much* what exactly do you expect?

Many providers genuinely try to accomodate our *friends* and offer specials for various occassions. When we hear that we're all *demanding too much,* when some of us CLEARLY have fair donations for our service level...it gets exasperating!

If you're having trouble getting anyone to respond to you...have you entertained the thought that *maybe* it's not them who's at fault? Originally Posted by Likinikki
I won't argue against your point. A lot of the ladies have lowered their prices/offered specials/grandfathered to accommodate the gentlemen of this site/their regulars. It just in our nature to complain about prices during times like we are in. I sure it was not meant as a professional jab against the ladies. Unfortunately the pressure of the times can make us extremely blunt with our conclusions/opinions about the cost of living and enjoying life in and out of community.
as long as screening is done, i dont mind being a plan b
Traveltheworld, very sorry to hear about your NCNS's...it's completely unacceptable...unless there was some sort of emergency. I hope they have the courtesy to give you an explanation.

Sanantonioman37, I fully understand about the *pressure of the times,* it affects all of us...providers and hobbyists alike. There are all types of hobbyists...some have an unlimited hobby budget...some are well into their late 60's or even 70 and still working...some are retired and on a limited income...some have two or three jobs...some work full-time and go to school on a limited hobby budget, some have gone through a horrific divorce, etc...and yet, they seem to be able to find a way to remain respectful.

Your understanding of what we do...of the risks we take...of what we sacrifice...is so much more appreciated than the constant murmuring of how *we demand so much.* There's nothing sexy about feeling worthless.