Thank God SXSW is over!

Bob McV's Avatar
BULLSHIT!!! tax revenue? then why am I paying $10K in property tax a year just to live in this "paradise" .. shitty traffic control, toll roads, .. gestapo authorities, $1000 a month for elec.. the law of business is things get cheaper in volume.. fuck the SXSW,, thanks for $600 hotels, over an hour to get into our reg restaurant, no parking, yeeah,, it was fucking great!!
If you remember the 70's, think "AquaFest".. THAT"S where it should have stayed so locals could enjoy.... let's see.. OH YEAH, LOCAL SHIT! I DON'T think you'll find the majority are "joyful". and if you want to leave town and rent out your house, you better give the city their cut and buy a permit.. thank "GAWD" the fucking tourists are gone for the most part.. now just the Rodeo people to contend with.. I vote we have a month in Austin with no events.. or better yet.. share the wealth and divide it up among us locals to go out and have a drink on the fuckers that organized SWSX. Originally Posted by nuglet
This issues you list, for the most part, are limited to the immediate downtown area. Which should be easy enough to avoid unless you live or work there. If the former it would be pretty easy to prepare for, the later may need some assistance from your employer but doable none the less.

To say the rock and roll was better 50 years ago just shows you aren't a fan of innovation, evolution, or change. Nothing wrong with that at all.

was there any big festival in February ?

I saw the ramones at the armadillo but do not remember them at aquafest, it must have been summer of 78 when i spent the summer in dallas. i saw the ramones every single time in town they played and saw them at least a dozen times including Dallas that summer. I met them at zebra records on lavaca. Originally Posted by sue_nami
One of my regrets in life was not seeing the Ramones. I had a chance I let slip and then Joey died a few months later.

Did you happen to catch the Riverboat Gamblers this year?