It's Time - I Believe Today's Liberals Would Approve the Death Penalty For Racists and Homophobes

  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 11:55 AM
Debbie, I'm the 99% also . Originally Posted by DSK
If by 99% you mean that you have 99% of the handles on this board then ok
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If by 99% you mean that you have 99% of the handles on this board then ok Originally Posted by shanm
Be fair, you have two or three yourself.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I consider myself an old time liberal, not one of the fascists and freedom haters (for non-like minded people)who call themselves liberal today. Although they oppose the death penalty, I believe they would support it against racists and homophobes.

So, it is time for the law that the fascists claiming to be liberals really secretly want to show their power and righteousness to everyone.

Admit it fascist liberals, you believe homophobes and racists should die for their beliefs!!! Originally Posted by DSK
You need to be very precise, it is who they BELIEVE are racists and homophobes. Reality does not matter to them, it is about perception. Take the city council a decade ago on the east coast, a council member charged with keeping the budget declared that he could stay within the city budget but he would have to be "niggardly" with the money. A fire storm erupted. This gay councilman was forced to defend himself from racist attacks. It did not matter to the media or the offended that NIGGARD is a norse word that means to be cheap and a spend thrift. Perception was all that mattered. He had to resign because he was, as they percieved, guilty of racism.
  • DSK
  • 04-04-2015, 01:47 PM
You need to be very precise, it is who they BELIEVE are racists and homophobes. Reality does not matter to them, it is about perception. Take the city council a decade ago on the east coast, a council member charged with keeping the budget declared that he could stay within the city budget but he would have to be "niggardly" with the money. A fire storm erupted. This gay councilman was forced to defend himself from racist attacks. It did not matter to the media or the offended that NIGGARD is a norse word that means to be cheap and a spend thrift. Perception was all that mattered. He had to resign because he was, as they percieved, guilty of racism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
When you are trying to save all of mankind as the angry left thinks they are going to do, killing a few people is a small price to pay, even the occasional friendly fire death as you so ably pointed out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Killing a few people in the pursuit of perfection is a hallmark of the progressive left going back over a century. Or killing a few million people.

See eugenics, holocaust, forced sterilizations, Buck V Bell, Pol Pot, the Ukrainian famine, the Chinese famine, abortion, the Pivot of Civilization, the Armenian massacre, etc. It always seemed like a good idea at the time.