Clinton/AG Loretta Lynch have secret meeting

gfejunkie's Avatar
All democrats are brain dead idiots! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Got a trolling problem? Originally Posted by SassySue
It is why he wants to be a leader, he qualifies. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The big question will be: how much will the Clinton crime foundation pay the Obama crime foundation for the pardon he gives her for all crimes committed while she was SOS. You know the Ford Nixon precedent where Ford pardoned Nixon even though he was not charged, tried , or convicted.
The big question will be: how much will the Clinton crime foundation pay the Obama crime foundation for the pardon he gives her for all crimes committed while she was SOS. You know the Ford Nixon precedent where Ford pardoned Nixon even though he was not charged, tried , or convicted. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You do realize the people contributing to the Clinton Foundation will be contributing to Obama Foundation.

They would make out like bandits if Barack could convince Michelle to take the SoS position.
I'm trying to get this story straight

so Clinton is in his plane on the tarmac and lynch is in her plane on the tarmac

and somehow Clinton got out of his plane and walked across the tarmac and entered her plane solely to talk about grandkids?

its reminiscent of Hillary saying all the emails she deleted were about yoga and Chelsea's wedding
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bitter much, dipshits?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Clueless much, dipshit?
lustylad's Avatar
I wonder how MSNBC will handle this story? Will they cover it at all? Will they call it another made-up scandal? The MINIMUM that needs to happen here is Lynch is obligated to recuse herself from making any decision once the FBI report/findings are known. If she stays on and protects hildebeest by refusing to follow up with any criminal prosecution of any kind, then all hell will break loose.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Reminds me of a scene in "Guide for the Married Man". A director (Carl Reiner) has the hots for a young, blonde actress so he suggests they get together some place out of the way. She hops a plane for Japan, he hops a plane for New York. She gets on a ship going from Japan to India, he gets on a ship bound for London. She takes a train to Turkey, he takes a train to Switzerland. She takes a bus to Switzerland and a mountain cabin, he takes a sled dog team to that same mountain cabin. They fall into each other's arms as they rip each other's clothes off when the door opens and there's the wife with photographers. Why was Lynch in Arizona?
Bitter much, dipshits? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Good point dipshits
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I'm reading "The MEN who shot Liberty Valance."

It's a modern day version
gfejunkie's Avatar
I wonder how MSNBC will handle this story? Will they cover it at all? Will they call it another made-up scandal? The MINIMUM that needs to happen here is Lynch is obligated to recuse herself from making any decision once the FBI report/findings are known. If she stays on and protects hildebeest by refusing to follow up with any criminal prosecution of any kind, then all hell will break loose. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't know how MSNBC is handling it nor do I give a shit. Nothing there but a bunch of liars anyway.

Lynch will absolutely have to recuse herself. She owes the Clintons too many favors anyway. He was there to remind her of it.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'm trying to get this story straight

so Clinton is in his plane on the tarmac and lynch is in her plane on the tarmac

and somehow Clinton got out of his plane and walked across the tarmac and entered her plane solely to talk about grandkids? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The way it's being reported is that there was a hidden plane that neither one of them were using for travel. That's where the meeting took place.
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar

Guest123018-4's Avatar
May be that Bill needed another cigar from her humidor.