Why does everyone hate obama?

MaxShaft's Avatar
Respect because he is our President? Respect is something that is earned, not because of a title! I don't respect Obama because of his policies. 6 trillion in additional debt! Increase in taxes FOR EVERYONE! Increase in government spending for policies that have failed! Intrusion into individual and religous freedoms! Most important for me is Obamacare!!! As a health care provider, I stated to everyone over two years ago that Obamacare if not about health care... it is about controlling 1/9th of our GDP!!! I pointed out two years ago that Obamacare was a tax!!! What did judge Roberts rule in August... (paraphrasing) "Obamacare is a tax and the Supreme Court is not responsible for ruling on poor decisions made at the polls." Thank you America... you made a poor decision again. God help America.

BTW: you say it is not Obama's responsibility in the end? I agree, it is all the liberal, progressive bleeding heart's in all levels of government that is leading this country down the road of fiscal destruction. But the President is the considered leader of our country and, IMHO, he has led nothing.

Also, as former military... his foreign policies suck. I can tell you from people I know who travel all over the globe, that this President is a joke in other countries. My SO is Asian, and all the people in China 'laugh' at America because of this President and his domestic and foreign policies. Yes American (Americans) we SHOULD be very afraid of China...
Guess you hated Bush also as Obie has carried out most of his policies.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
If Mitt wins tonight......... this proves that you can ,indeed go back, once going black.


Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
ummm..yeah..about that..lol

  • hd
  • 11-07-2012, 09:45 AM
I respect the office of the Presidency, but not the ass that's occupying it!
6 trillion in additional debt! Increase in taxes FOR EVERYONE! Increase in government spending for policies that have failed! Intrusion into individual and religous freedoms! Most important for me is Obamacare!!!

. Originally Posted by MaxShaft
for the debts was the former president responsible who wasted a lot of money for useless wars.

And intrusion into religions?? Hello?? Because Mitt Romney would not do so? He is a mormon, he automatically disrespects other religions, as they believe they are superiour in their belief system.

Plus, the anti-abortion thingie is typical for religious extremists. so , where is religious freedom now? Or let`s say "Freedom from Religion". Religions are private and have no place in politics. So, the abortion agenda is just more than ridiculous.
Altbier's Avatar
Everybody loves a WINNER! As opposed to the wiener!
I've never hated Obama and still don't...but don't care for his policies, ideas, notions, concepts, and most of all him giving away all my money I pay in taxes to people that could work but choose not to.
I believe in helping people but it gets to a point where you just enable them by giving everything to them...I just hope we can survive 4 more years of it !
Our freedoms and rights will be taken away from the working man.

Now that being said..why in the hell is this in the comedy section...there's nothing funny about communism?
I am surprised that people who claim to be well educated think Obama is a king and can do whatever he pleases. He represents one third of government in Washington...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
ok now yall ..this isn't the sandbox lol spankings for everyone

boshif's Avatar
You hug my ass and I'll kiss your elephant or is that the other way around. You hug my elephant and I'll kiss your ass. Or you can just kiss my ass.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I was born in the states and left when I was a 1 year old. I grew up in Australia, graduated returned to the states where I received my degree in petroleum engineering at Texas A&M. I returned to Australia briefly and moved back. Mind you, I'm 40 years old and have seen the damage he has caused to the oil industry, health care and welfare system. I pay the same taxes as you. He is wanting a great republic to fall into the hands of a democracy, which will be the end of FREE America.

I will say, I hate the very air he breathes, in fact, if he had his way he would tax it.

I was one told the lowest form on life on earth was "TOAD CUM" and he has set the standard.

Look at the bright side, the end of the world is 12-21-12. We have less than two months of TOAD CUM "obama".
he wants to away your guns and keep them for his military, he also wants to take away your rights. why the fuck did people vote for him??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????
well they say it was the minoity vote and women that got him relected
At a town hall meeting in New Orleans yesterday, a little boy asked Obama the question that’s plagued him since he was born. Mr. Obama sir, why the fuck does everyone hate you so damn much? He didn’t swear that much, mind you, but research shows people love it when we swear on this site so we toss it in whenever we can. Cock!

Obama began his answer in a very diplomatic and well spoken fashion. Not everyone hates me. I got elected President. Plus, sometimes shit happens. It’s all good. But is it, Barack (we can call him Barack, because we’re tight. He let FunnyCrave spend a weekend in the White House plus everyone on staff got to have CIA operatives kill someone for us for free!)? Is it all so good?

The answer is no. There are more varied reasons why people hate Barack Obama other than politics and people frustrated by hard times. And here’s the handy list that breaks it down for you, of who hates Obama and why.

Glenn Beck – Hates Obama because of a drunken evening a year ago watching Black Snake Moan and getting very confused while looking for a tranny prostitute who looked like Sam Jackson. Has been uneasy near minorities in positions of power ever since.

FOXNews – Hates Obama because Rupert Murdoch only hires the most ignorant ass clowns money can buy, sort of an Imperial Clone Army of retards who think and say whatever they’re told, as long as it comes out sounding stupid and self righteous.

Southerners (to clarify, just the ones that hate Obama) – A combination of any of these three reasons. They hate Obama for taking away flavored dip, they hate Obama for being an un-American terrorist or they hate Obama because he’s black (on account of they’re racist).

Republicans – Much the same as southerners, only instead of dip, it’s because he’s a Democrat and they are contractually obligated to dislike him.

Internet Commenters on any and every board regardless of whether it has anything to do with the President – Don’t actually hate Obama, but people who comment on the internet have a 99.7% chance of being clinically retarded and therefore can’t be held accountable for what they type.

Conservative Bloggers – Hate Obama because they are repressed homosexuals who have tried to hide their love of cock behind a tall, chilly wall of firearms, Christianity and unease around people who are not as white as they are.


This gave me a good laugh. Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
he wants to away your guns and keep them for his military, he also wants to take away your rights. why the fuck did people vote for him??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? Originally Posted by NeedSomeFun1

This is the same crap that went around in '07 caused a huge sale in guns and ammo,and nothing came of it.Probably a rumor started by the gun lobby to get idiots to buy a lot of their product.