Biden telling folks how great the economy is

  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2023, 07:59 AM
Biden telling folks how great the economy is Originally Posted by oilfieldace
A couple of weeks ago I was watching CNBC, and Jared Bernstein, Chair of President Biden's Council of Economic Advisers was on, telling how great the economy is under Biden. He went on to say that President Biden managed to reduce spending by $1 trillion over 10 years by getting the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) passed. This was the bill passed back in June that raised the debt ceiling.

What a joke! The $1 trillion was actually $1.5 trillion according to the Congressional Budget Office, and it was money that House Republicans clawed back from the $5 trillion+ in unfunded spending passed by Democrats when they controlled the Presidency, House and Senate during 2021 and 2022. Democrats were shouting Armageddon. We were going to default on the debt. The military and other government employees wouldn't get paid. Veterans wouldn't receive their pensions. And children were going to go to bed hungry, unless they caved to the demands of evil Republicans. Well, they caved. And now the Biden Administration is taking credit for the legislation! Unbelievable!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Fair enough and there's truth in what you're saying. However, inflation kicked off in the USA months before it did in other countries, because of the way-overdone fiscal stimulus resulting from Biden's American Rescue Plan (ARP). Larry Summers and Jason Furman, two top Democrat economists, were shouting from the rooftops at the time that it was a bad idea.

The ARP is part of the reason why Americans have seen real (inflation adjusted) wages fall since 2020. It's part of the reason why ICU and many other Americans say what they do about the cost of living. And why in polls Americans are giving a huge edge to Republicans as to who they believe does a better job of handling the economy. Originally Posted by Tiny
I agree that Biden giving most individuals $1400 in his Covid Stimulus Package was a driver of inflation in this country. It was a campaign promise and Biden wanted to live up to his promises made. I doubt very many complained when that $1400 deposit hit the banks. But I agree long term it had a considerable negative impact on inflation.

As for the polls, yes, they are very negative for Biden's handling of the economy. The main reason cited is inflation which has hit everyone's wallet and even though it is easing people look at prices and see them much higher on most goods and that is a major influence on their opinions.

"Biden’s Economy Is Great Everywhere Except in the Polls"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Green New Deal anti-CO2 crap is a time bomb with things getting worse everyday because of it. But what do you expect when politicians don't have degrees in engineering or even accounting.. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The Green New Deal?

How much of it is in place? Any?

Thanks for attempting to answer a question that your fellow Trumpists won’t touch.

But if you’re blaming climate legislation for the economy, you’re doubly wrong.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Yesterday your President said Thanksgiving meal was the 4th lowest in HISTORY? IS HE CRAZY? What country does he live in. Good economics my buttt.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yesterday your President said Thanksgiving meal was the 4th lowest in HISTORY? IS HE CRAZY? What country does he live in. Good economics my buttt. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Don’t actually follow. My Thanksgiving meal was delicious, easily one of the 5 highest ever, lol.

Please clarify your statementtt.

Thank you and happy holidays.
Biden was being hammered by inflation numbers months into his presidency. People are generally stupid, especially magas, to put all that on him and not the fuckups of the previous administration. The Inflation Reduction act was stalled by Republicans for almost a year. Republicans wanted the American people to feel financial pain as they know that Biden will be blamed for it.
eyecu2's Avatar
Mine was about the same in cost as usual. Within 5-10 dollars as usual. Turkeys were more money but my local store had specials for regular customers. So literally 6 ppl are for almost the same as the last 4 or 5 yrs. On the other hand I got a carver ham from Sam's club, and it was the fucking bomb. Easily one of the best hams I've ever had..9 dollars for a 2 lb'er, and worth more than any Spiral cut from anywhere.
ICU 812's Avatar
So, three years into it and it is still all Trump's fault.?

By this time in the first Trump administration, mosty economic indicators had turned around.
  • Tiny
  • 11-28-2023, 03:30 PM
Eyecu2, I usually find something to agree with in your posts, not in this one though.

While I think the economy is just MEh....I think that ppl like Manchin screwed up by not voting for more. I wanna know when the infrastructure money will start showing up in roads and new Bridges. Seems like it's way behind the votes. Originally Posted by eyecu2
We spend far more per mile of road or subway or whatever than most European countries. I think part of the reason is that the federal government throws around too much money without accountability. In my community we used to have empty buses that ran around town. Why? Well, the federal government paid for the buses and part of their running costs. We didn't have to pay much locally, so why not?

There are exceptions, but in general it's best if infrastructure costs are borne by localities and states. The power of the purse should be closest to the people.

The infrastructure in Texas where I live is pretty good IMHO. All you have to do is drive to New Mexico and compare the condition of the roads when you cross the state line. Or step off a plane at New York JFK or LaGuardia or Miami and compare airports to Dallas or Houston.

...but at least we don't hear about...the education lady who was the millionaire inheritance of Amway doing crazy bullshit. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I thought Betsy DeVos did the best she could. American secondary education is dominated by teacher's unions, and by administrators who don't let teachers teach. DeVos tried to bring competition via school choice and vouchers into the system, which were good moves IMHO. But the quality of education is determined mostly at the state and local level. There's only so much she could do.

Remember when the guy who was in charge of the US post office decided he was going to just destroy Mass mail sorters, oh and by the way just before an election? You can't make that shit up - talk about right in your face fucking cheating Originally Posted by eyecu2
Is it possible Trump wanted to manipulate the postal system to hamper mail in voting because he thought it would improve his chances in 2020? Well, yes. Did he do that? Very unlikely. The U.S. Postal Service is like the U.S. Justice Department. While run inefficiently, remember the old saying, "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor Presidents trying to improve their election prospects stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Trump wasn't smart or powerful enough to manipulate the postal service in that way.

From the Washington Post,

According to a grievance filed by the American Postal Workers Union and obtained by The Washington Post, the Postal Service was poised to decommission 671 of the massive machines, about 10 percent of its inventory, and capable of sorting 21.4 million pieces of paper mail per hour. The Postal Service, by comparison, processes as much as 500 million items each day.

But Postal Service officials and industry insiders say the removals were part of a long-range plan, one that reflects Americans’ diminishing use for letters and growing reliance on package delivery.

The 671 machines slated for removal were scattered across 49 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The removals correlated closely with population: States with more people and, hence, a larger USPS footprint had more machines taken out. California had the greatest number, 76, followed by Florida (59), Texas (58) New York (52) and Ohio (34). Alaska is the only state with no machines on the list.

Let's do the math. If the retired machines operated 24 hours a day, they'd have a capacity of 21.4 million pieces/hour x 24 hours = 514 million pieces per day. They're 10% of the inventory of machines, so that means total capacity of the mail sorting system was 514 million / 0.1 = 5.14 billion pieces per day.

On a busy day, 500 million pieces are handled. So we were running the machines at only about 10% of capacity! If you argue they should only operate 8 hours a day, then it's 30% of capacity. It should make sense to retire those machines.

Also please note that only around 160 million votes were cast in 2020. And only part of that 160 million were mail in ballots. Furthermore, those ballots were mailed over a period of weeks, or probably more than a month in some states. Compared to the 500 million pieces processed on a typical busy day, that's a drop in the bucket.

Finally, it doesn't look like the machines were selectively removed in blue states. It appears the removals were scattered throughout the USA.
The Green New Deal?

How much of it is in place? Any?

Thanks for attempting to answer a question that your fellow Trumpists won’t touch.

But if you’re blaming climate legislation for the economy, you’re doubly wrong. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Nope, I'm right, try reading real business news not Democratic propaganda from CNN and NBC.

The EPA has increased the MPG requirements above what is realistically attainable. Not to mention the EV crap cars they are pushing. Your sources are economic illiterates.
Biden was being hammered by inflation numbers months into his presidency. People are generally stupid, especially magas, to put all that on him and not the fuckups of the previous administration. The Inflation Reduction act was stalled by Republicans for almost a year. Republicans wanted the American people to feel financial pain as they know that Biden will be blamed for it. Originally Posted by royamcr

It wasn't an inflation reduction act, it was how to increase inflation by government but if we call it reduction the idiots will believe we are actually helping instead of causing the problem
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope, I'm right, try reading real business news not Democratic propaganda from CNN and NBC.

The EPA has increased the MPG requirements above what is realistically attainable. Not to mention the EV crap cars they are pushing. Your sources are economic illiterates. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Actually the link I posted was from neither CNN nor NBC.

I love the gas mileage in my hybrid but the next vehicle will be electric.
Clay Media's Avatar
Actually the link I posted was from neither CNN nor NBC.

I love the gas mileage in my hybrid but the next vehicle will be electric. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Is it a Kia? , Staff Edit - Biomed1 then crashing them and posting the video on tiktok.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is it a Kia? Niggers love stealing Kias, then crashing them and posting the video on tiktok. Originally Posted by Clay Media

biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.