If you democrats can debunk this I'm all ears.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-10-2012, 05:47 PM
Instead of all ears, how about a smidgen of brain! Your side is not on your side btw.
I at least applaude you for being on the correct side of the political spectrum. You just gained points for intelligence in my book, "Liberalism is an incurable mental disorder" Originally Posted by MUSHROOM MAN

If you rank yourself with her you really are a mushroom man.they keep you in the dark and feed you BS...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That is exactly what I'm talking about. That is a catch all spending bill and not a budget. Think of your own life. If you had a budget on how much you could spend on pussy then you know what you can buy or not buy. Do I go with Kaylen or Sensia? I can't afford to do both. With this spending bills you can go entertain Kaylen and then go back to the bank and say you are going to starve and your children will go without shoes unless they give you some more money. Which they do because you threaten to blame them for your family being in crisis. This whole lack of a budget has got to be calculated.
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  • 10-11-2012, 06:41 AM
Joes post was where I stopped and answered because the rest of you haven't reup your meds.

Lemme know when that disease clears up. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Did you give some of us a disease?

Let us know , will ya.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Okeydokey. Good enough for me. I despise the lies that float around in emails. I want to stand for what is good and right and honest. My own team pulling this crap is disgusting. Thanks for the info Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Again LK talks about crap she doesn't know about- copying and pasting crap then made to look like a fool-smh!! You mention your "own team" are you talking about the GOP???? Not you Kayla- the person who said she would vote for Hiliary????
TexTushHog's Avatar
So much more fun when you can ignore facts, isn't it.
now now now ... no fair cutting the chain email rope Originally Posted by CJ7


Bingo, CJ7! These morons never check!

Noted exception on the wingnut right - Joe Bloe - good on you for checking snopes!

I'm SURE LK sent out a retraction after she emailed all her
Obama hatemail recipients. NOT!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I didn't write the following and I've not fact checked it. Please do.

Teddy Roosevelt*********** 3
Others to FDR************* NONE
FDR*********************** 11 in 16 years
Truman********************* 5 in 7 years
Ike************************ 2 in 8 years
Kennedy******************** 4 in 3 years
LBJ************************ 4 in 5 years
Nixon********************** 1 in 6 years
Ford*********************** 3 in 2 years
Carter********************* 3 in 4 years
Reagan********************* 5 in 8 years
Bush*********************** 3 in 4 years
Clinton******************* 15 in 8 years
George W. Bush************ 62 in 8 years
Obama*********************923 in 3 1/2 years
Originally Posted by LovingKayla
the line highlighted in red is a red flag that this is bogus.

presidents before FDR didn't issue EO's? wow what a concept!

that is bogus as one can get it. and the numbers of EO's after FDR were too low.

can we say that this article is.... BUSTED!

yeah, I know others have made their point on this piece of junk as bogus.

just gettin in my 10¢ in.