Lowest Unemployment Since Eisenhower

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Like the democrats, the OP is not counting the U6 people.
God job Biden, way to bring us back from high unemployment when you took over to a low we have not seen since Eisenhower, before I was born, more than 50 years ago. Even lower than the unemployment number Trump bragged was the sign of the best economy in the history of economies. Black unemployment at a record low number. Hispanic and women unemployment and labor market participation near records numbers.

Time for some recognition. so here it is. GREAT JOB BIDEN Originally Posted by 1blackman1
.... Crikey! ... Biden's done ALL THAT?!

And where's the credit from the public??
His poll numbers are in the shithouse. ...

... Ah, and there's the rub, me good mate.
The economy is "doing fine" - and yet nobody sees that.

Hmmmm... And to considour...
You know what? ... Let's do that:


Considour yourself - Mis-Informed.
Considour yourself - part of the (Biden) family!

You've surely taken to them - so strong,
It appears - that - you're going to get it WRONG.

Considour yourself - well in - no need, to say please.
After some considouration - I can surely state -
YOU had better learn to speak CHINESE!

... THAT'S America's future with Joe Biden.

#### Salty
Good Job Biden. Making America Great Again for Biden is action not slogan. Thanks President Biden for improving life for everyone, even those that lack appreciation for your hard work and leadership. .
Good Job Biden. Making America Great Again for Biden is action not slogan. Thanks President Biden for improving life for everyone, even those that lack appreciation for your hard work and leadership. . Originally Posted by 1blackman1

The current news headlines would have the country in a recession with the same facts as now if it were a Republican in office.

Three bank failures does not signal economic strength.
lustylad's Avatar
Good Job Biden. Making America Great Again for Biden is action not slogan. Thanks President Biden for improving life for everyone... Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Let's go Brandon!

Shake yer pom-poms, blackman! Then shake yer booty too!

A funny thing just happened - I spotted one of yer girlfriends passing me on the highway waving the flag too!

adav8s28's Avatar

BTW, why did more people die from Covid under Biden, even when he was handed several vaccines? Here’s a hint: Covid is gonna Covid, and there isn’t a damn thing we could’ve done about it. We sacrificed our economy, which could take a generation to recover, for nothing. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The facts are the vaccines worked if you bothered to take one. There have been very FEW "Break through deaths from CoVid". A Break through death is defined as someone who got the vaccine (Merk or Pfizer two shot, Johnson and Johnson on shot) and died from CoVid during the protection period.

Out of 184 million vaccinated people there were only 7,000 break through deaths. The link is dated Oct 2021. Six thousand of those deaths the person was over 65 years old.

The reason there were just as many deaths under Biden as Trump was the vaccines were available but people did not get the shot. In Trumps last year in office the vaccines were not available until after Trump left office. When Trump got infected and got the Regeneron Antibodies, that was still experimental and not available to the general public yet.

The facts are the vaccines worked if you bothered to take one. There have been very FEW "Break through deaths from CoVid". A Break through death is defined as someone who got the vaccine (Merk or Pfizer two shot, Johnson and Johnson on shot) and died from CoVid during the protection period.

Out of 184 million vaccinated people there were only 7,000 break through deaths. The link is dated Oct 2021. Six thousand of those deaths the person was over 65 years old.

The reason there were just as many deaths under Biden as Trump was the vaccines were available but people did not get the shot. In Trumps last year in office the vaccines were not available until after Trump left office. When Trump got infected and got the Regeneron Antibodies, that was still experimental and not available to the general public yet.

https://abcnews.go.com/Health/breakt...ry?id=80644538 Originally Posted by adav8s28

Nope, just garbage posts. The inaccurate data leads to poor statistics. Pretty much everyone analyzing Covid stats has an agenda, thus they put bias into the studies.
adav8s28's Avatar
Nope, just garbage posts. The inaccurate data leads to poor statistics. Pretty much everyone analyzing Covid stats has an agenda, thus they put bias into the studies. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Speaking of garbarge posts ^^, just take a look in mirror Farmer John.
Speaking of garbarge posts ^^, just take a look in mirror Farmer John. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Sigh, when people are brainwashed into believing lies it is hard to convince them otherwise.

The bottom line is that Fauci and the CDC spread more information about Covid than anyone else, and it has resulted in people believing all kinds of garbage.

Vaccines are not the only way to get immunity from a virus. Fauci was honest about that in January of 2020, but every month that went by he spread more disinformation about viruses.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I thought this thread was about unemployment. Aren't there plenty of other stupid ass threads in here started by wacky Covid and vaccine deniers to discuss those topics? LOL
I thought this thread was about unemployment. Aren't there plenty of other stupid ass threads in here started by wacky Covid and vaccine deniers to discuss those topics? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Yeah I forgot what thread I was in.

I've seen idiotic posts on all sides of the Covid issue though. No one understands immunity, no one understands vaccines, no one understands mutations, no one understands the generic type of virus that causes covid is not easily controlled or helped by vaccines.
I thought this thread was about unemployment. Aren't there plenty of other stupid ass threads in here started by wacky Covid and vaccine deniers to discuss those topics? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... Too right! ... I surely agree-with Lucas.

Let the "Pro-Vax" ghouls and the other gun-grabbing louts
find another thread to post in!

This one concerns Biden's low job numbers.

#### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I thought this thread was about unemployment. Aren't there plenty of other stupid ass threads in here started by wacky Covid and vaccine deniers to discuss those topics? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Trying not to hijack this thread any further but...
"wacky Covid and vaccine deniers"? Seems like almost everything that you thought was "wacky" turned out to be correct. China, Wuhan, Ivermectin, antibodies, high failure of vaccine, et. al.

Probably time to take your brain back to the shop for calibration.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trying not to hijack this thread any further but...
"wacky Covid and vaccine deniers"? Seems like almost everything that you thought was "wacky" turned out to be correct. China, Wuhan, Ivermectin, antibodies, high failure of vaccine, et. al.

Probably time to take your brain back to the shop for calibration. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Just how exactly am I supposed to respond to this without completely changing the topic to Covid and hijacking this thread further like you just did instead of 1b1's unemployment topic just because you got butt hurt again from another one of my posts? And then you want to conclude your post by wasting your time trying to insult me?

Just FYI, putting the word "but" in a sentence does not exclude the subsequent gibberish that follows.

I think you're adorable though, old timer.

Edit for df below: You could probably talk to 10 different Econ PHDs and get multiple thoughts about whether really low unemployment is a massive achievement or nothing to hang your hat on. Sure, they'll agree about high unemployment being bad, but they certainly won't agree on extremely low being good.

I guess it depends on your point of view. I think it shows a thriving economy but I can think right off the bat why it shows other things that may be problematic both long and short term - wages too high, increase in money supply, companies rapidly outsourcing and going from onshore to nearshore or offshore for cheaper labor for unskilled workers and that's just a few of the very basics.
dogfart's Avatar
It seems most people do not put too much stock in "low unemployment numbers". Even cheerleader Georgie Stephanopolous is worried.
