Best Advice you've gotten about this world (for Him)

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Translation please.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-17-2010, 02:04 PM
Hmmmmm... which one has you the most baffled?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Hmmmmm... which one has you the most baffled? Originally Posted by MrGiz
Has WTF posted yet?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2010, 02:32 PM
Has WTF posted yet? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
My balls never need washing

Sydneyb's Avatar
#1 - If you are married or have a serious SO, protect your real identity with the fierceness of a lioness protecting her cubs. Have layer upon layer of identities between your hobby and your real life.

#2 - Never violate Rule #1 Originally Posted by John Bull
This isn't realistic advice in the context of this board. While it is likely excellent advice for the one hour wonders (however fleeting, I understand these are often wonderful experiences) but most of the exchanges that take place in the demiland aren't disposable.

Usually the men want to know what a woman thinks about the world and HIS world. Which means we have to know what that world is and who he is. Then there is the fact that people often travel together and/or we often have an ongoing arrangement (or dare I say relationship) for months and even years. I know it gets said here often, I just don't think its fully understood; these relationships are different - for better or for worse, its just not an anonymous experience - it requires mutual exposure for it to even work.
Rudyard K's Avatar
3) If you have a bad date or potential date, even if she was downright mean or tried to rip you off, try not to waste your time or energy getting angry about it. Learn from it, then move on. Almost by definition not all of your dates with meet your expecations. That is part of the game. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Good advice here...but also for all of life.

Roll with it folks. You skinned your knee. It stings. Sometimes it stings like hell. Get over it. Get up, brush it off, and move on.

And sometimes...while it ain't worth making it your life's get to get even.
discreetgent's Avatar
At all times treat the lady as a human being with the respect and dignity due another person. If you are spending extended time with a lady behave like it is a date; treat your lady like you would a date.

2) Respect the boundaries of the relationship. Don't fall in love with a provider. Also hold her accountable for adhering to the boundaries & cease further contact at the first sign she is unable to do that. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I agree with this to an extent. In my opinion I would add a caveat: anytime people are involved strange things can happen. Go with the flow, keep a clear mind, but don't assume that anything is impossible.
#1 - If you are married or have a serious SO, protect your real identity with the fierceness of a lioness protecting her cubs. Have layer upon layer of identities between your hobby and your real life.

#2 - Never violate Rule #1 Originally Posted by John Bull
This isn't realistic advice in the context of this board. While it is likely excellent advice for the one hour wonders (however fleeting, I understand these are often wonderful experiences) but most of the exchanges that take place in the demiland aren't disposable.

Usually the men want to know what a woman thinks about the world and HIS world. Which means we have to know what that world is and who he is. Then there is the fact that people often travel together and/or we often have an ongoing arrangement (or dare I say relationship) for months and even years. I know it gets said here often, I just don't think its fully understood; these relationships are different - for better or for worse, its just not an anonymous experience - it requires mutual exposure for it to even work. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I agree Sydney however there was a time not too long ago that I thought exactly as JB posted. Yes, these arraignments/relationships are different which is why discretion is of the utmost importance even if some don't realize it or practice it.
atlcomedy's Avatar
At all times treat the lady as a human being with the respect and dignity due another person. If you are spending extended time with a lady behave like it is a date; treat your lady like you would a date.

. Originally Posted by discreetgent
I thought it went without saying that a lady should be treated like a lady, but so true. And that is true whether I'm seeing her once for an hour or she is someone I see regularly over years or for that matter she if she is my cleaning lady or the woman I see at the grocery deli counter. A gentleman is a gentleman. Period.
John Bull's Avatar
This isn't realistic advice in the context of this board. While it is likely excellent advice for the one hour wonders (however fleeting, I understand these are often wonderful experiences) but most of the exchanges that take place in the demiland aren't disposable.

Usually the men want to know what a woman thinks about the world and HIS world. Which means we have to know what that world is and who he is. Then there is the fact that people often travel together and/or we often have an ongoing arrangement (or dare I say relationship) for months and even years. I know it gets said here often, I just don't think its fully understood; these relationships are different - for better or for worse, its just not an anonymous experience - it requires mutual exposure for it to even work. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I understand what you are saying Sydney and for those who are looking for a substitute girlfriend and really want a faux relationship, it would be almost imposssible to maintain security. I believe, however, that one such as me, who may be interested in a day, maximum; and who isn't traveling with or getting into complicated arrangements, can still see demi's and protect security.

Does that mean that some demi's are going to refuse to see me. Probably! Someday! But none has yet. I think that's partly because of my long time Board presence and my long time Board mod position. In fact, I think that's the only benefit there is to modding.
In fact, I think that's the only benefit there is to modding. Originally Posted by John Bull
We thought it was the big fat paychecks. Champagne dreams and caviar wishes and all that rot.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
I thought it went without saying that a lady should be treated like a lady, but so true. And that is true whether I'm seeing her once for an hour or she is someone I see regularly over years or for that matter she if she is my cleaning lady or the woman I see at the grocery deli counter. A gentleman is a gentleman. Period. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
You always call a spade, a spade.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Believe it or not, even us "one hour wonders" develop a meaningful client/provider relationship over time. I take one hour appointment, but I also see the same clients 2-3 times a month for years. You do learn a little something new about the other over time
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2010, 08:29 AM
You always call a spade, a spade. Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
Not only that but sounds like ole atl is close to hitting up his cleaning lady and deli counter chick!

Nic let make sure we order that sammy before atlcomedy sullies her !

Believe it or not, even us "one hour wonders" develop a meaningful client/provider relationship over time. I take one hour appointment, but I also see the same clients 2-3 times a month for years. You do learn a little something new about the other over time Originally Posted by Nicole Preston

GF , you do not know how much respect I have for ya!

...all you ladies really.
GF , you do not know how much respect I have for ya!

...all you ladies really. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF in suck up mode.