This is Rude on a Lot of Different Levels

Pink Floyd's Avatar
I have only had had this problem with a girl from KC, and I don't think she had enough scheduled to warrant the trip, and I have received OKs from every girl that I have seen that was on P411 at the time. Something in your P411 profile may be putting up RED FLAGS. If you say you want a Cleveland Steamer or any these others, that may be a problem. Charles, you are so well known you should never have a problem. I had 2 NCNS from one of my ATFs, but I knew she was unpredictable and she gave me a fantastic rate so I just put my money back in my pocket, and she would make it up the next visit. This girl was on everybodies Top 5 list in OKC.
I was under the impression that having a P411 provider's account means that you are a verified, reputable provider. I too have experienced no response from P411 messages, e-mail messages, finally I was able to contact a provider by calling her. Finally able to see her - sent a note by e-mail after our session to thank her. Guess what? No response. Of course, attempting to get an OK from her for our session on P411 is not a possibility. Frustrating... I do my research on this site as well as the other reviewing site - starting from P411 should be a good start, but apparently not. Stay safe and have fun! Originally Posted by plainjoe

We're not all like that! P411 (IMHO) is a great site and usually a safe bet. But, people will be people, and there is NO guaranteed site, since there are no perfect people. I agree, don't lose any sleep over it. Some women do not work in the Hobby full time, or travel a lot, and can't get online as much as they should. (Somebody say assistant needed?) There are many reputable women, who are much more worthy of your time and money. You'll know as soon as contact begins. With a little more research (consistent reviews over time are worth their weight in gold), I'm sure you'll find your match(es)!! You might look at it this way: the universe saved you from a possibly "less than ideal" experience!
Happy Hunting!!
I've had a wide variety of responses to getting the "OK." For the most part, getting an OK is pretty routine. One lady I saw posted the OK as she was driving away. One lady I had to "bug" for a week to get it. One lady has yet to respond to my request for an OK, and it's been a couple of months. One lady gave me one when she didn't see me. I had seen her previously and she had previously given me an OK. But I (quite surprisingly) got another.

Oh, well...
KenMonk's Avatar
I have had many a lady express how embarrassed they are to have to tell a guy they don't want to see him or can't make the appointment. Originally Posted by tigercat

Even more, I have had ladies I have seen several times but who NCNS or last minute cancel on me tell me they are so ashamed that it occurred that they do not want to face me. When I explain that the failure to communicate with me makes it worse, they have no good response. Since I see a lot of true MILFs, in most cases, they had a good enough excuse that I would have easily accepted it. I understand they have family that must come first. Kids in emergency rooms, death of a sister, etc. (And these were verifiable excuses that I did verify.) Originally Posted by tigercat

Maybe I am working backwards here but I saw this and my eyes almost popped outta my head. You go as far as attempting to verify on some level if a providers kids are in the emergency room or the death of a family member? I've never heard of doing something like that.

To the OP, you need to harden up and realize you WILL be rejected and it WILL happen a lot. I have been rejected a few times and I'm still here getting dates. It happens.

I also don't get the grudge thing. I am not going to waste time and enegry on someone that told me no. Like arguing or smearing the provider is going to change anything? What people need to realize is that by holding a grudge or leading a smear campign they are hurting themselves because other providers see that. If you smear provider A for one reason or another Provider B and C see that and think... "What in the hell is this guy saying about me behind my back"? Hence some of the no replies. I would even see a provider who earlier told me no earlier. The only thing that would upset me is if a provider lied about a session, or something like that and so far I haven't run into that.
Still Looking's Avatar

Maybe I am working backwards here but I saw this and my eyes almost popped outta my head. You go as far as attempting to verify on some level if a providers kids are in the emergency room or the death of a family member? I've never heard of doing something like that.

To the OP, you need to harden up and realize you WILL be rejected and it WILL happen a lot. I have been rejected a few times and I'm still here getting dates. It happens.

I also don't get the grudge thing. I am not going to waste time and enegry on someone that told me no. Like arguing or smearing the provider is going to change anything? What people need to realize is that by holding a grudge or leading a smear campign they are hurting themselves because other providers see that. If you smear provider A for one reason or another Provider B and C see that and think... "What in the hell is this guy saying about me behind my back"? Hence some of the no replies. I would even see a provider who earlier told me no earlier. The only thing that would upset me is if a provider lied about a session, or something like that and so far I haven't run into that. Originally Posted by KenMonk

I'm not married any more so I hardly ever here no anymore!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I'm not married any more so I hardly ever here no anymore! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I am single also, but don't you think a lot of the guys are married? I take a long time deciding on who I want to see, and once I make the decision to schedule, that would be a bummer to get a no or no response. I am suprised by your experience in Vegas. I do tend to schedule well in advance except with one of my ATFs who seems to like the last minute dates. I also send introductary PMs usually a couple weeks before I even try to schedule and tell the girls to check me out. I just sent a PM last night and the girl has already responded. I will take my time and schedule some time pretty soon. I wonder if the girls think it is more of a hassle with a married guy?
Still Looking's Avatar
I am single also, but don't you think a lot of the guys are married? I take a long time deciding on who I want to see, and once I make the decision to schedule, that would be a bummer to get a no or no response. I am suprised by your experience in Vegas. I do tend to schedule well in advance except with one of my ATFs who seems to like the last minute dates. I also send introductary PMs usually a couple weeks before I even try to schedule and tell the girls to check me out. I just sent a PM last night and the girl has already responded. I will take my time and schedule some time pretty soon. I wonder if the girls think it is more of a hassle with a married guy? Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
I hear you. Yes it would be frustrating to zero in on a provider only to not get a response. But we can't dwell on that. There are countless reasons why this happens. Not all are personal. If we are waiting for a bus and it doesn't show up we look to catch the next one. Pondering why the one didn't show up is a waste of time, even thou it is frustrating.

I just recently noticed a hot little number. I sent a PM saying I was interested in meeting. She replied within hours and said she would check with some of my I reviewed. I replied check with the yeses! LOL
[FONT=Verdana] If we are waiting for a bus and it doesn't show up we look to catch the next one. Originally Posted by Still Looking
If your main mode of transportation is bus, you're probably in the wrong hobby. ijs lol
Still Looking's Avatar
If your main mode of transportation is bus, you're probably in the wrong hobby. ijs lol Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
So long as its not a Short Yellow Bus!
I can deal with not getting a response, if I get a "no" then I can deal with that also. I don't have time to hold a grudge. The thing I have a problem with is a NCNS at the last minute. I try to do as the lady ask and confirm our date the night before. Twice I have called the lady the night before and got a green light but when I am on my way and call for the location information and get no answer and continue to call till it is 30 minutes after the appointment time and get no answer that's when I get ticked off. I know things happen that can't be helped but I also feel a little common courtesy is in order. I have had to cancel 2 or 3 dates but I did it a minimum of 36 hours ahead of time. Just my 2 cents worth.
john353's Avatar
I'm sure we've all had our ups and downs when it comes to this subject.

Most recently, I have sent an e-mail and a P411 PM to a little cutie that I have been eyeing for a few months now, just to see if she was available before I send her a formal request. guessed it. No response! What sucks is when you finally make the time, put her at the top of your list, make the decision to totally focus on just seeing get no response.

Some guys can just pull up a list, close their eyes and point...when making a decision. I don't do that. It takes me time and research to make a decision and after that decision has been get no frustrating. When I'm trying to set something up 2-3 days in advance, it isn't a big deal; I have time to start all over again. It's when I'm trying to be spontaneous that it presents a bit of a problem. When I make up my mind that I'm going to get laid TODAY...tomorrow just isn't an option. Time, research and window of opportunity are all factors that come into play.

As far as getting P411 OK's...I have never really had an issue except twice. On two occasions, I have had to send multiple requests and it took at least 2-3 weeks to finally get my OK. One time...I even contacted P411 to get them to assist. I don't know how they handled it, but I got my OK and surprisingly the provider in question was still very nice to me and I even saw her a couple more times after that.

So here I girl isn't responding, so what do I do? Well...that's the great thing about the hobby. We have other choices.
cumalot's Avatar
I've done P-411 requests and there has only been one person that did not respond to my P-411 request...the silent treatment sucks...I would love to know why from that person, but it's water under the bridge now...
geecue's Avatar
It is very rude when a lady doesn't respond to an appointment request!

It doesn't happen very often, but it seems to be happening with more frequency. I make an appointment request (through her preferred method) or through P411 (my preferred method).

And she doesn't respond. At all. And I can tell (at least on P411) when it was she last visited the site, so I know she's seen the request. And, if it's through her website, I assume it's set up so she sees it immediately.

Now, it would be nice if the ladies actually had the gumption to reply. Several things: I'm busy then, I don't see guys your age, not just not now, but never. You know, some courtesy response that says look elsewhere. [BTW, some courtesy responses hurt, but at least the response is there. One lady laughed at my request and said "she was booked." Learned my lesson with her.]

Ladies, you have to realize, before requesting an appointment, most guys, me included, have invested a lot of time in researching the field. Getting a "no" is one thing. Hearing deafening silence is quite another. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Agree totally would rather be told anything just reply, never any hard feelings from me.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Agree totally would rather be told anything just reply, never any hard feelings from me. Originally Posted by geecue
I totally agree
Just look at it as you saved yourself from being with a rude person Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

You said it right there SnL. If she took business seriously she'd respond in a timely manner.