Review Discounts!!!

missconstanceflow's Avatar
WOW I GUESS I no now THANKS GUYS!!!!! lol
missconstanceflow's Avatar
Oh yeah and for the recored I have some of the best HOUSTON TEXAS SKILLS STOP BY some time to see
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-28-2013, 05:54 PM
So who was it?
Oh yeah and for the recored I have some of the best HOUSTON TEXAS SKILLS STOP BY some time to see Originally Posted by missconstanceflow

without naming the offender..........This thread amounts to a sly ad with this comment
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
without naming the offender..........This thread amounts to a sly ad with this comment Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Or not so sly.
missconstanceflow's Avatar
BnGAddict is the name
poppy71's Avatar
Did you even look at his posts or review? His inactivity shows he probably would not do one but he still should have kept his end of the deal.
Wakeup's Avatar
That's what I was wondering...the guy has ONE REVIEW that he wrote eight days after he joined...and you're offering him a review discount???

You know what happens to stupid whores? They get stupid shit done to them...
missconstanceflow's Avatar
Wake-Up that all you do is talk shit get a life cause it sholll aint on hear my friend
I don't offer review specials hell I don't care if they even write a review or not! I offer specials when I post ,and in the future Constance only do that with guys that comes to see you often!
poppy71's Avatar
I think you're missing his point which was the same as mine. If you are gonna offer a review discount at least check the guy out and see if he even writes reviews. It's just like screening - if you don't screen and something happens to you then people will say you should have screened. If you offer a review discount to a guy that does not write reviews, comments 4 times on latinas in spas, and then tries to rent his fucking car and that's the bulk of his activity here then you really should not expect him to keep his end of the bargain because his activity shows he won't. If you checked his profile you would have seen what both wakeup and I saw.

This is a review special lesson for all the girls - don't give a review special to a guy that has 0 reviews - he probably goes around seeing who has one to get a cheaper rate but has no intention of writing one.

Offer the review special on the second visit not the first. If your service is good he'll be back and if not well he learned who to avoid.

If you offer a review special then add a review screening part to your client screening process and then you can avoid situations like this.

If you don't take the time to see things other than the money then the money will let you see just how much bullshit is out there.
I think you're missing his point which was the same as mine. If you are gonna offer a review discount at least check the guy out and see if he even writes reviews. It's just like screening - if you don't screen and something happens to you then people will say you should have screened. If you offer a review discount to a guy that does not write reviews, comments 4 times on latinas in spas, and then tries to rent his fucking car and that's the bulk of his activity here then you really should not expect him to keep his end of the bargain because his activity shows he won't. If you checked his profile you would have seen what both wakeup and I saw.

This is a review special lesson for all the girls - don't give a review special to a guy that has 0 reviews - he probably goes around seeing who has one to get a cheaper rate but has no intention of writing one.

Offer the review special on the second visit not the first. If your service is good he'll be back and if not well he learned who to avoid.

If you offer a review special then add a review screening part to your client screening process and then you can avoid situations like this.

If you don't take the time to see things other than the money then the money will let you see just how much bullshit is out there. Originally Posted by poppy71
Poppy said it all!
inctown's Avatar
Here is a question.

In theory ladies if you offer a review discount see a guy and then the next day he posts a "No" review would you make a beef or would you just say hey it was a review oh well?
poppy71's Avatar
A no or yes should not matter...a review special is for a review.