Al Qaeda Chief urges westerners kidnapped

Your hatred of Obama has caused your to invent moronic names for him, you "toof-less" inbreed. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Your inner Communist/Marxist shines brite... you voted for him... nyRINOer
Your inner Communist/Marxist shines brite... you voted for him... nyRINOer Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yes, I did vote for him, you mouth breather.

And if the GOP puts up a mope like Sarah Palin in 2016, I will either vote Libertarian or vote for the Democrat to spite assholes like you.

This may come as a shock to the 6 or 7 functioning brain cells you still have left, but you and JDCornhole and IBLying don't get to define what conservatism is. If you accuse me of being a Communist, you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

The GOP will one day soon tell the rednecks to get lost and you will have nowhere to go. The RNC will weed out the evangelicals and racists and deny them funding. And the rednecks that are lost will be more than offset by fiscally conservative Democrats and independents that crossover.
Yes, I did vote for him, you mouth breather.

And if the GOP puts up a mope like Sarah Palin in 2016, I will either vote Libertarian or vote for the Democrat to spite assholes like you.

This may come as a shock to the 6 or 7 functioning brain cells you still have left, but you and JDCornhole and IBLying don't get to define what conservatism is. If you accuse me of being a Communist, you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

The GOP will one day soon tell the rednecks to get lost and you will have nowhere to go. The RNC will weed out the evangelicals and racists and deny them funding. And the rednecks that are lost will be more than offset by fiscally conservative Democrats and independents that crossover. Originally Posted by ExNYer
LMAO @ you Ozombie... nyOluvER
LexusLover's Avatar
Your hatred of Obama has lead you to make stupid arguments.

I don't hate Obaminable. I didn't vote for him either time, and each day proves I made the correct decision not to vote for him. That's not hate. It is simply recognizing that one should not elect someone with no qualifications for the job.

You can't even concede that the killing of OBL was a good thing to Obama's credit.

I give Obaminable the "credit" for giving the "green light" just like I did when he gave the "green light" on the pirates, and now droning anyone who is identified with associations with terrorist organizations. ... even their sons when they want to play terrorist. I actually praised him for doing so at the time.

The inability to give credit to an opponent for anything is the sign of a zealot. Hatred makes you do and say irrational things.

See above. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your enthusiasm to put people in nice little pigeon holes is remarkable, although the results are flawed.

I won't give Obaminable THE CREDIT for killing OBL ... for a couple of reasons ... if he were killed by "Seal 6" as reported .. then the intelligence gathering that resulted in the operation being successful began long before Obminable began to even run for THE office, and may be before he thought about IT seriously. I believe that is generally accepted knowledge, even by yourself.

I think we can all agree at least that Obaminable did not kill OBL. Right?

By the way .... your name calling is a sign of immaturity.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
No, he isn't joking. This is one of the reasons that I think we should kill jihadis when found. Quick and dirty and blame them for resisting. Whether they were or not.

I also think this is one of the major reasons Obama wanted Bin Laden killed not captured. The other major reason was to avoid the fiasco of a trial. I'm sure there are other lesser reasons, but I think those were the big two.

Holding jihadis has had major problems.

First, once we reported them captured, we could no longer kill them. We had to either try them (with sketchy evidence), hold them without trial (bad), or release them if we had little or no evidence. More than a few of the ones we released went back to being jihadis.

We KNEW who and what they were simply due to the fact that they were in AQ training camps or were participating in an attack. But there is a difference between what you know and what you can prove in a court beyond a reasonable doubt.

This is why simply wiping them out when we found them is the better choice.

Second, we began the stupid and disgraceful policy of torture once we had all those prisoners. I guess we had to do something with them, right? All the good intelligence we ever got came without torture. The storyline in Zero Dark Thirty that torture helped get evidence to find Bin Laden has been debunked.

But the damage to our reputation has been indelible. We have no moral grounds for criticizing Putin or Assad over human rights violations after all the waterboarding stories came out.

If AG starts water boarding captured Westerners to get information from them, what exactly do we say?

And third, obviously, is the kidnapping strategy to exchanges prisoners. If there are no prisoners, there is no reason to kidnap innocents.

If we eventually find Al Zawahiri, let's hope he gets a bullet like Bin Laden. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I have always been a firm believer in firing a warning shot into their heads.
Neither a captive nor captor be.
Drone him... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Drone them and the horses/jeeps/etc they rode in on.
Your enthusiasm to put people in nice little pigeon holes is remarkable, although the results are flawed.

I won't give Obaminable THE CREDIT for killing OBL ... for a couple of reasons ... if he were killed by "Seal 6" as reported .. then the intelligence gathering that resulted in the operation being successful began long before Obminable began to even run for THE office, and may be before he thought about IT seriously. I believe that is generally accepted knowledge, even by yourself.

Speaking of putting people in nice litte pigeon holes with flawed results - clearly you haven't read many of my posts - I am anything but an Obama worshipper. So I guess you take your clues from IFFY. Gotcha.

I think we can all agree at least that Obaminable did not kill OBL. Right?

By the way .... your name calling is a sign of immaturity. Originally Posted by LexusLover
But telling me I've been watching too many cowboy and Indian movies was a sign of dispassionate reason, right?
LMAO @ you Ozombie... nyOluvER Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The sad part is your own lack of awareness of your own stupidity.

The GOP hasn't even picked a candidate and you have already determined you are going to vote for him or her.
The sad part is your own lack of awareness of your own stupidity.

The GOP hasn't even picked a candidate and you have already determined you are going to vote for him or her. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Oh yea , who is that?... Little maNyer
Oh yea , who is that?... Little maNyer Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It's unknown dipshit. That was the point of my post.

Look, I can only type these posts slowly for you.

I can't read them to you and explain them.
It's unknown dipshit. That was the point of my post.

Look, I can only type these posts slowly for you.

I can't read them to you and explain them. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Did you think I would vote for a Commie/Marxist who never worked a day in his life?
Did you think I would vote for a Commie/Marxist who never worked a day in his life? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Is there a Commie/Marxist like that running in 2016? How do you know? You don't even know the GOP candidate yet that you have defaulted to.
Is there a Commie/Marxist like that running in 2016? How do you know? You don't even know the GOP candidate yet that you have defaulted to. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I hope NOT... but I also hoped you would not vote for a Commie/Marxist, but YOU DID.
I hope NOT... but I also hoped you would not vote for a Commie/Marxist, but YOU DID. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
My little way of punishing the GOP for selecting a bland, milquetoast candidate that would be acceptable to rednecks and evangelicals.

But I also voted GOP across the board in House, Senate, and Texas state offices to offset the Obama vote.

Do I get credit for that?
My little way of punishing the GOP for selecting a bland, milquetoast candidate that would be acceptable to rednecks and evangelicals.

But I also voted GOP across the board in House, Senate, and Texas state offices to offset the Obama vote.

Do I get credit for that? Originally Posted by ExNYer
You could have voted the opposite and had more respect from me... Obrobro has fucked this country up to no end.

BUT 90% of your posts I agree with. When you back a Ozombie and come after my friends... We will go round. I don't think it will change...
My little way of punishing the GOP for selecting a bland, milquetoast candidate that would be acceptable to rednecks and evangelicals.

But I also voted GOP across the board in House, Senate, and Texas state offices to offset the Obama vote.

Do I get credit for that? Originally Posted by ExNYer
ATF distraction.