Yea ok, lets keep letting illegals in so they kill our children

Budman's Avatar
A total of 17,250 people were reported killed in the U.S. in 2017. It is hard to find information as to how many were killed by recent immigrants, legal or illegal. My guess is that, as usual, people like you overly place blame where it does not belong. Yes, immigrants are involved in crime, but not as much as you would believe. The estimate is that there are over 13 MILLION people in the U.S. with a green card. One of them committed a murder. So let's condemn them all. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You claim the right wants to condemn all illegals for the actions of a few is complete bullshit. We condemn them because they are here illegally. The fact that some commit additional crimes makes it worse. So using your logic because some of the illegals are good people we should welcome all that want to sneak into this country without consequence. Come in legally or don't come at all.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So you're saying, whats one or two people killed here from illegals and people who have not been proven out through the complete validation process of immigrating to this country. With all due respect Sir, what if that were your mom and child. Ahhh its just a few people, really? Is that what you would say, I think not, as now your emotions will be involved and lets face fact, the Democrats/Liberals always play on the side of emotion never on the side of pragmatism. Originally Posted by Cherie
People who know me know I am one of the most logical people around. Very little emotion involved in my decision-making. My point was that many people want to condemn ALL people of a certain race/religion/immigration status/sexual orientation/etc. for the crimes of a few. Yes, stop illegal immigration into this country. Yes, if the green card process is not keeping out people who are likely to commit crimes, improve the processes of issuing green cards. YOU are the one who is dealing with emotions by asking "What if it were your mom and child".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You claim the right wants to condemn all illegals for the actions of a few is complete bullshit. We condemn them because they are here illegally. The fact that some commit additional crimes makes it worse. So using your logic because some of the illegals are good people we should welcome all that want to sneak into this country without consequence. Come in legally or don't come at all. Originally Posted by Budman
First, I did not imply that all people on the Right want to condemn illegals for the actions of a few. My statements are directed more at people who are in this country legally. JD's statement was " A green card . . .another foreigner killing people, legal or not." That to me is BS and inflammatory.
I know. The left doesn't mention the cartels when they are protesting - and the cartels know this. Chicago is the largest outdoor shooting range is the U.S. now and the left just ignores it. They don't want to look in their own backyard. It's amazing.

Your disingenuous argument intentionally ignores that many of those so-called citizen-on-citizen killings you cite, e.g., in Chicago, are directly attributable to the drug culture made possible by the dim-retard Open Borders policy which drug-mules exploit to seed violence and chaos in this country, speedy. BTW, speedy, take note of Director Homan's remark in the signature below. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I know. The left doesn't mention the cartels when they are protesting - and the cartels know this. Chicago is the largest outdoor shooting range is the U.S. now and the left just ignores it. They don't want to look in their own backyard. It's amazing. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Quite to the contrary. All I see is the right wanting to blame EVERYONE other than multi-generational U.S. citizens for the problems in this country.

This thread is a perfect example of exactly that. The OP cites a double murder that occurred only because it involved 2 men who were not U.S. citizens. No mention of the many similar murders that have been done by U.S. citizens.
lustylad's Avatar
The OP cites a double murder that occurred only because it involved 2 men who were not U.S. citizens... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well yes, that's precisely the point. If your loved one is killed by a fellow citizen, that's bad enough. But if your loved one is murdered by someone who shouldn't even be in our country, then your grief is greatly compounded! You can't help but blame your own government for letting it happen by failing to secure our borders.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Quite to the contrary. All I see is the right wanting to blame EVERYONE other than multi-generational U.S. citizens for the problems in this country.

This thread is a perfect example of exactly that. The OP cites a double murder that occurred only because it involved 2 men who were not U.S. citizens. No mention of the many similar murders that have been done by U.S. citizens. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So why welcome more problems into our country don't we have enough with our crazy citizens running around killing each other,. No, not racist, fact.
First, I did not imply that all people on the Right want to condemn illegals for the actions of a few. My statements are directed more at people who are in this country legally. JD's statement was " A green card . . .another foreigner killing people, legal or not." That to me is BS and inflammatory. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
When you are through misspeaking tell us what you really mean. Go slow. Check your work. Make sure your generalities aren't extraordinarily encompassing. Don't use strawmen like "Most people think I'm the most..."

Hotrod511's Avatar
People who know me know I am one of the most logical people around. Very little emotion involved in my decision-making. My point was that many people want to condemn ALL people of a certain race/religion/immigration status/sexual orientation/etc. for the crimes of a few. Yes, stop illegal immigration into this country. Yes, if the green card process is not keeping out people who are likely to commit crimes, improve the processes of issuing green cards. YOU are the one who is dealing with emotions by asking "What if it were your mom and child". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So how well does your wife know you Speedy? After all we all know why most use this web site for
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So how well does your wife know you Speedy? After all we all know why most use this web site for Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Speedy doesn't have any reviews. he's just here for the "comments".
Your disingenuous argument intentionally ignores that many of those so-called citizen-on-citizen killings you cite, e.g., in Chicago, are directly attributable to the drug culture made possible by the dim-retard Open Borders policy which drug-mules exploit to seed violence and chaos in this country, speedy. BTW, speedy, take note of Director Homan's remark in the signature below. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And how about every American life saved by an immigrant doctor or nurse? That would have been prevented as well if you don’t let anybody in.
Not saying that there wouldn’t be American doctors and nurses to help, just saying that many life’s have been saved by people that were once green card holders. And that’s just in a medical/health example.
Crime is crime and should be condemn regardless of the race, sex, nationality or migratory status.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And how about every American life saved by a LEGAL immigrant doctor or nurse? That would have been prevented as well if you don’t let anybody in.
Not saying that there wouldn’t be American doctors and nurses to help, just saying that many life’s have been saved by people that were once green card holders. And that’s just in a medical/health example.
Crime is crime and should be condemn regardless of the race, sex, nationality or migratory status. Originally Posted by Arturoperezpaz

ftfy ...

did your family take a swim across the Rio to get here? does it upset you that many Hispanics and LEGAL immigrants from many other countries not only agree with Trump about ILLEGAL immigration but also voted for him?

by the rhetoric of the liberal media, not one black man or woman, not one woman of any category, no hispanics, man or woman not one person man or woman who is college educated, would vote for Trump. yet many did, and in enough numbers not only for him to win, but to send the pollsters scrambling to figure out how they could be so wrong.

or as the chinese say .. "Two Wongs don't make a right"

I B Hankering's Avatar
And how about every American life saved by an immigrant doctor or nurse? That would have been prevented as well if you don’t let anybody in.
Not saying that there wouldn’t be American doctors and nurses to help, just saying that many life’s have been saved by people that were once green card holders. And that’s just in a medical/health example.
Crime is crime and should be condemn regardless of the race, sex, nationality or migratory status.
Originally Posted by Arturoperezpaz
You dumb-ass dim-retards keep wanting to mendaciously play with the language. As Waco pointed out, no one has a problem with LEGAL immigration, dumb-ass. It's ILLEGALS who are causing the problems. In a nation that puts value on law and order, these individuals violated our laws day one. They're law breakers. Conflating LEGALS with ILLEGALS has been a mendacious dim-retard ploy for over two years now. Change your diaper and take your nonsense back to your play pen where an idiot dim-retard will fall for your mendacious BS.
No,no. If the illegal person had not been able to cross our borders into the U.S. - - the crime would not have happened.

The stories you presented about Americans getting murdered by other Americans who are already CITIZENS of the U.S. ( Yes, we got some crazy mofos here )- but they are already citizens - nothing to do there but let the legal system do it's job. However, with an ILLEGAL citizen - it should not have happened in the first place. There's no excuse for losing an American human life that could have been prevented by enforcing and toughing immigration laws so these ILLEGALS do not pass thru. I'ts not that complicated and we are.

The left tries to throw out all these numbers and statistics about immigration but the only number that matters to me is one -- One American murdered by an ILLEGAL IS ONE TOO MANY.

Quite to the contrary. All I see is the right wanting to blame EVERYONE other than multi-generational U.S. citizens for the problems in this country.

This thread is a perfect example of exactly that. The OP cites a double murder that occurred only because it involved 2 men who were not U.S. citizens. No mention of the many similar murders that have been done by U.S. citizens. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
We need to make "open borders" phrases like the n word so people won't use it.