MTG is jso fucking stupid. Doesn't know Soup from Holocaust.

TechPapi's Avatar
i wouldn't dickwhip aoc with tiny's dick Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

But you'd bang Marjorie Taylor Greene???


Sort of hot? The woman’s sex on a stick. There’s no “sort of” to it.

As to smart, she has an economics degree from Boston University and can talk for hours about the great economist Milton Keynes. Originally Posted by Tiny

You're right. I downplayed it because I didn't want the wackoff kid to go whackoff again. Gave you a "like"
winn dixie's Avatar
Yikes! you really are jerking off to AOC, aren't you? Talk about in your head. I mean, your making the sheet bump every night listening to whoever is bashing her on faux news.

She's sort of hot. Smart too, although I often find her tiresome and condescending. Still, not even in the same universe as tiresome as trump-tards. I'd hit it. Originally Posted by TechPapi
And your miss universe is stacy abrams?
TechPapi's Avatar
And your miss universe is stacy abrams? Originally Posted by winn dixie

And yours is daddy drumpf.
winn dixie's Avatar
And yours is daddy drumpf. Originally Posted by TechPapi
You can do better. Make me proud youre one of my apostles
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You can do better. Make me proud youre one of my apostles Originally Posted by winn dixie

be careful! you need to manage your groupie with a light touch or they'll get banned. like rooster.


Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
She is full bush ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well dang! I really had the hots for her. Let me know if she gets mowed or at least trimmed. Maybe a heart shaped top mop for Valentines day.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Naw man, you need to get some of that MTGash. I doubt your SAT score is high enough to lay pipe with AOC.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And your miss universe is stacy abrams? Originally Posted by winn dixie
You’d bring her up of course because …
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You’d bring her up of course because … Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Because her SAT score is much higher than yous, as in; if she SAT on you it might push some blood up to your brain for a change.
lustylad's Avatar
I doubt your SAT score is high enough to lay pipe with AOC. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Smart girl! Did you see what she posted in her twitter account today?

"Everyone’s making a big deal about truckers uniting and the possibility that they may stop working because of the fascist mandates.

But I’m not worried.

Why should I be? Truckers don’t do anything for me. They just get in my way when I’m driving down to Florida to escape the hellscape that is my native New York. Get out of my way!

I bet they all want to date me.

No, truckers don’t do anything for me. I don’t get anything from Amazon and I get all my food from grocery stores, not truckers. This is a very important point.

Truckers just drive around all day polluting the atmosphere and making horrible noises. They don’t do ANYTHING!

So, no I’m not afraid if they stop “working”. It would make my life so much easier!"
Wtf??? just how the hell does AOC think all her food she gets at grocery stores is actually DELIVERED to those stores? Holy hell, what a dumb cunt .....
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wtf??? just how the hell does AOC think all her food she gets at grocery stores is actually DELIVERED to those stores? Holy hell, what a dumb cunt ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge

Remember all those people when asked "where does Obama get all this money for free phones" and one said "from his stash".

Interviewer: What are you waiting in line for.
Inner city Black person: Obama Money.
Interviewer: Where does the money come from.
Inner city black person: The city, the state.
Interviewer: Where does the city or state get the money.
Inner city black person: From Obama.
Interviewer: Where does Obama get the money.
Inner city black person: I don't know, from his stash. That's why we voted for him, "Chant" Obama, Obama.

Did I just read somebody say that AOC has a degree in economics? Nuff said.
matchingmole's Avatar
MTG looks like Tom Petty..
winn dixie's Avatar
Naw man, you need to get some of that MTGash. I doubt your SAT score is high enough to lay pipe with AOC. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Smart girl! Did you see what she posted in her twitter account today?

"Everyone’s making a big deal about truckers uniting and the possibility that they may stop working because of the fascist mandates.

But I’m not worried.

Why should I be? Truckers don’t do anything for me. They just get in my way when I’m driving down to Florida to escape the hellscape that is my native New York. Get out of my way!

I bet they all want to date me.

No, truckers don’t do anything for me. I don’t get anything from Amazon and I get all my food from grocery stores, not truckers. This is a very important point.

Truckers just drive around all day polluting the atmosphere and making horrible noises. They don’t do ANYTHING!

So, no I’m not afraid if they stop “working”. It would make my life so much easier!"
Originally Posted by lustylad
All you need is a carrot or molasses to fuck aoc.

Of course that stuff is delivered by truckers to the store!

aoc is a self entitled dummy