Meanwhile, The Good News!

Your sense of Justice is pretty pitiful. You clearly believe some people are above the law. Maybe we should start selling and awarding people No Jail cards. If you’re rich you can purchase enough cards to avoid any prosecution. And let’s not prosecute any politicians for any crimes.

It’s becoming more and more clear that Trump broke the law. Then instead of just returning the documents he went through the trouble of trying to hide them so he could keep them. Then he made up some silly and relatively easy to debunk lies of why and how he kept the documents.

All of this is self inflicted. He coulda returned the docs and this would have all gone away. Instead he left the govt no option but to launch a full scale investigation ending with an indictment on a pretty serious crime.

And it’s pretty clear, from his own words caught on tape in 2021, that he had secret military plans to attack Iran, knew they were classified, knew he didn’t and couldn’t declassify them and that he had the doc in the presence of people without clearance to see them. All because there was an article about Milley that he didn’t like.

Tiny, it’s pretty sad that you want to see folks just break the law and walk just because they are rich or politicians. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The only thing Trump broke was the Democrat's back and they are out for revenge, pure and simple. They can do whatever they want to Trump they can never cover up what Trump has exposed. We will have a Republican President in 2024 because the Democrats have spent all their time hating Trump so much.
Uh huh.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The only thing Trump broke was the Democrat's back and they are out for revenge, pure and simple. They can do whatever they want to Trump they can never cover up what Trump has exposed. We will have a Republican President in 2024 because the Democrats have spent all their time hating Trump so much. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Call me crazy, but I assume the Democrats were content to just kick his fat orange ass out of office. The rest of this shit is Trump's own doing. When you file 60 plus frivolous lawsuits and add in a bunch of his other childish nonsense that pisses off the government; you're going to piss off the wrong people with power.

Trump is such a dumb fuck narcissist bully that he doesn't even understand the main rule of being a good one - don't try to bully people who will kick your ass.
Ripmany's Avatar
No newes is good newese
Call me crazy, but I assume the Democrats were content to just kick his fat orange ass out of office. The rest of this shit is Trump's own doing. When you file 60 plus frivolous lawsuits and add in a bunch of his other childish nonsense that pisses off the government; you're going to piss off the wrong people with power.

Trump is such a dumb fuck narcissist bully that he doesn't even understand the main rule of being a good one - don't try to bully people who will kick your ass. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yeah right you that's it. Well you might just be crazy.
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2023, 11:54 AM
Your sense of Justice is pretty pitiful. You clearly believe some people are above the law. Maybe we should start selling and awarding people No Jail cards. If you’re rich you can purchase enough cards to avoid any prosecution. And let’s not prosecute any politicians for any crimes.

It’s becoming more and more clear that Trump broke the law. Then instead of just returning the documents he went through the trouble of trying to hide them so he could keep them. Then he made up some silly and relatively easy to debunk lies of why and how he kept the documents.

All of this is self inflicted. He coulda returned the docs and this would have all gone away. Instead he left the govt no option but to launch a full scale investigation ending with an indictment on a pretty serious crime.

And it’s pretty clear, from his own words caught on tape in 2021, that he had secret military plans to attack Iran, knew they were classified, knew he didn’t and couldn’t declassify them and that he had the doc in the presence of people without clearance to see them. All because there was an article about Milley that he didn’t like.

Tiny, it’s pretty sad that you want to see folks just break the law and walk just because they are rich or politicians. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Because they're rich or politicians? Yeah, you go throwing Trump, Biden or Clinton in jail and it does in the words of the Waco Kid make us look like the United States of Banana. But I wouldn't throw Julian Assange in the clinker for confidential records violations. He's not rich or a politician, and I'm sure the DOJ and FBI would believe what Assange did was a lot more egregious. And, unlike what Trump did with the records at Mar a Lago, harmful to America.

I'm going to sound like a broken record. We've historically had the highest incarceration rate in the world. The Democrats want to put the Republicans in jail and the Republicans want to put the Democrats in jail. Democrats want to incarcerate white businessmen and Republicans want to incarcerate young black men. Yeah, if people are guilty of violent crime, fraud and the like, put them behind bars. But possession of drugs, paying off porn stars and keeping confidential records at your house don't cut it IMHO.

If the DOJ is going after Trump, do if for the alternate sets of electors. For the pressure on mainly Republican election officials. Maybe even for January 6. You put me on a jury for one of those cases with eleven angry Democrats and you might just not have a hung jury.
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2023, 11:56 AM
Call me crazy, but I assume the Democrats were content to just kick his fat orange ass out of office. The rest of this shit is Trump's own doing. When you file 60 plus frivolous lawsuits and add in a bunch of his other childish nonsense that pisses off the government; you're going to piss off the wrong people with power.

Trump is such a dumb fuck narcissist bully that he doesn't even understand the main rule of being a good one - don't try to bully people who will kick your ass. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You're on a roll McCain. No, you don't fuck with the Man, even if you are a president or ex-president.
Be interesting to see how people react now that the indictment has been unsealed and made public. For the cult members...
It accuses Trump of breaking seven different laws, including 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and single counts of false statements and representations, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document, concealing a document in a federal investigation and a scheme to conceal.

It says the information Trump took with him when he left the White House “included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the U.S. and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for a possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack.”

According to Tiny, we shouldn’t jail people for the above. We should just let folks do anything as long as they aren’t violent. That’s a nonsensical position to which he is entitled.

Trump knew he was breaking the law and figured he was above the law. Now he might get jailed for it along with his idiot assistant who will likely be asked to take the fall.
This is best time to watch Fox. All the squirming is great TV.

All they’ve been able to say is silly stuff like “when Biden is charged maybe we will get some similar issues.” And my favorite one is “if he’s found guilty it’s unfairly like a death sentence because of his age.” These people are the best and stupid.
The photos of boxes on a stage in a ballroom and even better the photos of a bathroom filled with boxes next to a sink and toilet are great. Trump did a great job of securing documents.
Trump’s lawyers essentially sunk him. They exposed that he was trying to get them to lie for him and claim that they were in charge of the documents. They were not taking the fall for him. Good job lawyers.
dumars's Avatar
Now 37 counts! And counting?

Just gets better every day!

  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2023, 08:59 PM
According to Tiny, we shouldn’t jail people for the above. We should just let folks do anything as long as they aren’t violent. That’s a nonsensical position to which he is entitled. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Since when was fraud a violent crime? I don't know why you want to throw everybody in jail Blackman. It's probably a lawyer thing.
  • cc314
  • 06-09-2023, 10:14 PM
For those minimizing the seriousness of confidential records,

"3. The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods."