Who Killed John F Kennedy?

Degener8's Avatar
The Zapruder film shows without a doubt that there was more than one shooter. Oswald was (supposedly) shooting from the 6th floor of the Book Depository building, which was behind Kennedy, whose car was moving away from that location. The fatal headshot came from the front. The film shows that when he was hit, his head went back and to the left, which is totally impossible if he was shot from behind. Check out the movie JFK, by Oliver Stone. While I don't agreed with everything Stone portrays, it's still a really good movie and a good starting point if you want to learn more about the assassination.

Edited to include link showing Zapruder film (warning- VERY graphic).
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Jakie wrote a book on all that she knew. Not to be released until 30 years after her death.
pyramider's Avatar
So was it the Mob/Organized Labor, LBJ, the Soviets?
John Bull's Avatar
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
So was it the Mob/Organized Labor, LBJ, the Soviets? Originally Posted by pyramider
Don't leave out the CIA or the Miami Cubans....
  • MrGiz
  • 04-26-2010, 06:53 PM
The book CROSSFIRE , by Jim Marrs is one of the better books on the assasination. It doesn't come to any hard conclusions.... but rather presents most of the more plausible theories, and tries to find common lines between them all. Pretty decent collection.... check it out. I'm pretty sure Oliver Stone relied on the book for much of his presentation in the movie.


P.S. - I am in complete agreement.... the "Kill Shot" came from front-right!! You can see Connally react as he was hit by one of Oswald's shots that passed thru Kennedy's neck.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Actually, it was LBJ so he could be Pres. It will be revealed in Jackie's tell-all.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Jakie wrote a book on all that she knew. Not to be released until 30 years after her death. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
And what, pray tell, is your source for this breaking story?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
And what, pray tell, is your source for this breaking story? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It was in the news when she sold the book. I remember it. That's it.
boardman's Avatar
This is a fascinating topic.
There may have been as many as 5 shots but only three came from the school book depository. Sound evidence recorded possible shots within 1/2 second of each other. Impossible with a bolt action rifle. However, it has also been shown that the noises recorded were possibly echos.

I don't claim to be a sharpshooter but I do have 30 years of hunting experience. I own a '03 Springfield which has a Mauser action similar to the Carcano. With a good rest I absolutely can fire three rounds accurately in 6 seconds with the clock starting at the crack of the first shot. That means I only have to reload and fire twice in that six seconds. I've done it. As far as accuracy goes, the shot was only 75 to 80 yards. With a 4x scope that's similar to twenty yards with open sights. So, that's like three shots with open sights at 20 yards hitting a target the size of a pie plate in six seconds with a solid rest. It's doable and Oswald wasn't even that accurate. The first shot missed and the second hit Kennedy in the neck.
What is unusual is from a bench, under pressure of time, your 1st shot will always be the most accurate. Now, it could be that Oswald had a form of "Buck Fever" that caused him to miss his first shot but he settled down after he was committed. I've done that as well but I wasn't shooting to kill a human.
Firing that fast he had no way of knowing whether his shots were on target or not. With the recoil from the rifle he would not have seen the impact of each shot. With enough experience he would know what he hit by the sound of the impact however. Within 150 yards I can tell whether I have hit a deer in the shoulder or ribcage by the sound of the impact. I think most other experienced hunters will agree with that. I don't know if Oswald had that kind of experience or not. I think he had three shots and fired them as fast as he could on target.

In tests, with realistic materials and identical angles, similar shots have taken similar paths as the second bullet supposedly took, through Kennedy's neck, Connally's torso and into his wrist.

Do I think Oswald acted alone? No, I think there definitely was a conspiracy but I also think it is probable that Oswald was the only one that pulled the trigger that day.

I'm sure my opinion about the conspiracy side will change after the next documentary comes out. It usually does. My opinions about the marksmanship and ballistics involved are pretty solid.

And that's my $.02 (Isn't that 102 dollars in hobby money?)
Guest032213-02's Avatar
I think it was Victoria Pricniple. Wait.. That is who shot JR. Sorry, My bad.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-27-2010, 05:59 PM
Damn , its like I woke up after a 47 year nap!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Damn , its like I woke up after a 47 year nap! Originally Posted by WTF
I guess we can start calling you RVW instead of WTF.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Damn , its like I woke up after a 47 year nap! Originally Posted by WTF
That explains a lot. Most of your previous posts seemd like you weren't quite alert. I can't wait for the WTF who has his wits about him.