Obama's Response to Giuliani: At Least I Didn't Marry My Cousin

When you start bringing up the sins of the father (if you're not talking about the father) you have no argument. Go away idiot. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

We can talk about his sins. He married his cousin and stayed in an incestuous marriage for 14 yrs. Dodged the draft and had the nerve to call someone unpatriotic.

and then there's this. He's a cross dressing homosexual. He needs to keep his fucking mouth shut about Obama. Rudy is cross dressing tranny while Obama is President so deal with it.

Lol. Ok that's what he should have said.

Rudy says that Obama doesn't love this country because he didn't grow up like "us". He's goddam right Obama didn't grow up fucking his relatives in some incestuous romance and then marrying them. Rudy Giuliani is a sick diseased rhinoceros pizzle. In case you think I'm lying google it. Her name is Regina Peruggi they were married 14yrs before he decided it was wrong and immoral so then he divorced her.

This alone disqualifies him from public office. But i can go on about him and his draft dodging family.

Rudy also got a half dozen deferments ducking the Vietnam war. A federal judge he was clerking for wrote a special exemption for him.

Rudy says Obama wasn't brought up the way you and I were but did Rudy tell you that his father Harold Giuliani did time in prison for robbing a milkman and participating in a loan sharking operation.

Rudy's dad and all of his uncles all found ways to avoid serving in WWII and made sure people knew they were felons to avoid going. Conversely, Obama's grandfather and uncle both served in WWII with his uncle helping to liberate Buchenwald.


http://m.nydailynews.com/opinion/way...icle-1.2122253 Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You should be worrying about your own people... Tippu Tip of Zanzibar


Danish Psychologist: “Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding”

Muslim culture still practices inbreeding and has been doing so for the better part of 1400 years. Consanguineous marriages were originally sanctioned by Islam’s prophet Muhammed, who had a very liberal view on men’s sexual relationships. In addition his many sex slaves, he married several cousins, the divorced wife of his own adopted son and the six year old Aisha, deleted

A rough estimate shows that close to half of the world’s Muslims are inbred as a result of consanguineous marriages. In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins – children of siblings – and in Turkey the share is 25-30 percent.

Statistical research on Arabic countries indicates that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algeria are blood-related as are 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (the southern part of Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen. According to Dr. Nadia Sakati of King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, 45 percent of married Arab couples are blood-related. The fact that many of these couples are themselves children of blood-related parents increases the risk of negative consequences.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We can talk about his sins. He married his cousin and stayed in an incestuous marriage for 14 yrs. Dodged the draft and had the nerve to call someone unpatriotic.

and then there's this. He's a cross dressing homosexual. He needs to keep his fucking mouth shut about Obama. Rudy is cross dressing tranny while Obama is President so deal with it.

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I thought he was a taxi driver. I saw Guliani playing a taxi driver on SNL. So I guess that makes him a livery man according to you.
Ducbutter's Avatar
All 50 states in the country have laws prohibiting incest. Exactly 0 states in the country have laws prohibiting you from marrying your second cousin. Therefore, no state in the country considers marrying a second cousin to be incest. So Zany, it seems your position on the matter makes you something of an outlier. Or are you just an "out" liar?