Me thinks, they protest too much

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Shakespeare might be right but you aren't.
Ashli Babbitt was inside the Capitol building when she was shot.
From a Jan.8th, 2021 story,there is video showing the events. Video from 2 days after the event and you still don't know what you're talking about. You're still lying about what happened even after there was posted video.

"Babbitt and others were attempting to breach a barricaded door inside the Capitol building on Wednesday afternoon, angrily demanding that three U.S. Capitol Police officers who were guarding the door step aside, one of the clips show.
Roughly 35 seconds after the officers moved away, as she climbed up toward a broken section of the unguarded door, Babbitt was shot by an officer on the other side."
They were breaking the window out of the door, inside the building, that was between a hall and the house chamber.
Plus you don't care enough to spell her name right.

So this is what pisses me off. You can't even see information that has been right in front of you, you aren't smart enough to confirm what you think you know, and you are a tucker carlson (he has been lying since the 2020 election) follower. Most people knew he was lying because he never showed any evidence. Now his own emails prove he was lying and you don't understand the damage he has done.
Now I understand why correcting you is pointless other than being an exercise for myself.

And on a side note, with all those hours of $ootage, what are the chances a lying POS is going to post any video that proves him wrong?

He'll just lie again and say he hadn't seen it. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bullshit. You're lying again.
McCarthy is going to give the footage to carlson. Not the press in general. Trying to keep wraps on the information. Just like the laptop drive that has been played with. No clear chain of custody. Luckily there are original tapes carlson can't get at.
A guy already known to have lied about pushing false stories about the 2020 election.
How do we know he lied? We saw his own emails. As well as all levels of management
All of the primetime "hosts" as well.
The trumpys are all waiting for the lying liars who are more dishonest than the trump gang. Talk about there being no way we'll see the truth.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

let's see how well your claims hold up, shall we?

Carlson got a "first access" deal. McCarthy is on record stating he will release the entire footage to other media outlets.

The House speaker said in a Wednesday interview with The New York Times that he expects to make the footage more widely available after Carlson uses the material.

"I was asked in the press about these tapes, and I said they do belong to the American public. I think sunshine lets everybody make their own judgment," McCarthy said.

now about that chain of custody

Giuliani never had the actual laptop. i find it amusing you continue to claim that when it's been widely reported for several years that the repair shop owner turned the laptop over to the FBI. Giuliani got a copy later. eight months later in fact. y#Forensic_analysis

Mac Isaac obtained the laptop in April 2019, claiming it had been dropped off by a man who identified himself as Hunter Biden and requested that the data on the damaged laptop be recovered.[6][30][31] Mac Isaac eventually brought the laptop to the attention of the FBI, who seized it in December 2019, under the authority of a subpoena issued by a Wilmington grand jury that had been investigating Hunter Biden for financial matters since 2018. He asserted three years later that while he was copying individual files and folders from the laptop's hard drive to another device, he "saw some content that was disturbing and then also raised some red flags", including "criminality ... related to foreign business dealings, to potential money laundering and, more importantly, national security issues and concerns".[30]

Giuliani was later quoted as saying he had given the copy to the New York Post because "either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out".[12]

John Paul Mac Isaac said two federal agents came to his Mac Shop in Wilmington, Del. in December 2019 to recoup the laptop following a subpoena, he details in his new book “American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth.”

i think that covers it, don't you?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
let's see how well your claims hold up, shall we?

Carlson got a "first access" deal. McCarthy is on record stating he will release the entire footage to other media outlets.

The House speaker said in a Wednesday interview with The New York Times that he expects to make the footage more widely available after Carlson uses the material.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Enough said.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
let's see how well your claims hold up, shall we?

Carlson got a "first access" deal. McCarthy is on record stating he will release the entire footage to other media outlets.

The House speaker said in a Wednesday interview with The New York Times that he expects to make the footage more widely available after Carlson uses the material.

Enough said
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

so you agree McCarthy has said the material will be released to the overall media.

thank you valued poster
... Of course he'll release the footage to ALL the media.
CBS, ABC, CNN and the like are ALL screaming for it NOW.

Where were they asking for "all the footage" the last
two years? ... Reckon it wasn't "important" to them then.

But NOW they all want it - as they try to distort
and dismiss whatever Tucker may show as "conspiracy"
and "Russian Disinformation"....

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Don't see no reason to distort since raw footage and arrest from such have not been disputed.
Don't see no reason to distort since raw footage and arrest from such have not been disputed. Originally Posted by Precious_b
... Are you joking?

... The arrests and the charges ARE BEING DISPUTED EVERYDAY
because the defence barristers were not given any access
to camera footage that would CLEAR their clients.

But NOW - they'll have it - so some of the "bogus charges"
can NOW be expunged and people seeking redress
wll have proper avenues TO SUE.

... It's surely the American Way!

#### Salty
Disputed by whom. Seems there’s a lot of guilty pleas and begging for forgiveness. The stupid folks that believe conspiracies about FBI involvement and such might continue with “disputes” but folks actually charged do no such thing. Hell, if Jordan and McCarthy really believed the many crazy looney conspiracies they’d be out there front and center with the proof rather than giving it to Tucker to use in his latest conspiracy.
... Some of the "guilty pleas" were as I mentioned.
Because the defence was NOT able to access the footage
that might have cleared their clients.

But NOW they will be able to access it.
And here will come the appeals!

#### Salty

Brady motions were filed in every case and they were heard when appropriate. No one was denied access to exculpatory evidence including videos.

You just make up shit and say it like there’s any support for your statement aside from someone else saying on some crazy website. Get smarter man.

Brady motions were filed in every case and they were heard when appropriate. No one was denied access to exculpatory evidence including videos.

You just make up shit and say it like there’s any support for your statement aside from someone else saying on some crazy website. Get smarter man. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Oh, there we are - "when appropriate" and decided
by the prosecution... Of course the courts are
gonna claim this - 'cause they know what's coming.

I surely hope you didn't get your info from the
same news sources that told ya that the Hunter
laptop was fake and Russian disinformation, mate.

OR yer gonna be mightily disappointed.

#### Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
Shakespeare was right...again.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has handed over thousands of hours of video footage to the press and the democrats are howling like mad animals. One has to ask, if the left just wants transparency, honest video, and the truth...why are they so unhappy with more footage?

We have democrat boot lickers talking about debunked (when did that happen), edited (by whom?), and misleading video taken by security cameras. The only people that had this video for editing were the capitol police.

So now we can see what Ray Epps was really up to.
We've already seen one unidentified "rioter" opening a door, pushing people through before being shouted out by a woman in the crowd, all while wearing an official G-man ear piece.
We've also seen Ashley Babbit shot by a capitol policeman while still outside the window. According to DC law, she was not a threat yet.

41,000's going to take some time but why are the democrats so opposed to transparency? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Shakespeare knew how to spell methinks
... Hee Hee! Almost spilled me beer!

Hey Mole - how do we know that Shakespeare fellow was
correct with HIS spellings? ... Did Mr. Webster create
his Dictionary before then??

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
... Are you joking?

... The arrests and the charges ARE BEING DISPUTED EVERYDAY
because the defence barristers were not given any access
to camera footage that would CLEAR their clients.

But NOW - they'll have it - so some of the "bogus charges"
can NOW be expunged and people seeking redress
wll have proper avenues TO SUE.

... It's surely the American Way!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Being a Botany Bay Bastard Baby, you seem to not realize that is their right.

So, you are saying that there are NO convictions from people arrested for being on the grounds January 6? Not one person charged, tried and convicted?

Not one?

*I* think not.
... Nope - not saying that... Surely been a number of
charges, guilty pleas, and some convictions - as
1blackman1 has mentioned. ... And yes - in some
of the convection cases - the prosecution used
video footage - when they had a fellow attacking
police and what-not.

But in other cases - the defence has not been
given the proper video footage to clear clients.

"Botany Bay" ... Ye Christ! ... Why would you think
I'm from there?? .... Other than air travel - I onley
been to Sydney once - they tell me it's nice.

#### Salty