Idiocy knows no bounds.

USAsoldier's Avatar
I normally just skim over your posts, but let me address this one. You libtards/progressives think it's OK to slam Trump with horrible comments, but let me give it to you back then the harris fanboys and all of a sudden think it's a big deal. This democrats rhetoric has led to two assassination attempts, probably more to come because idiots are looking at this like it's some sort of contest. As much as I detested Biden, it bothered me to see him fall when he did. I took no joy in seeing this old man suffer the limits of his advanced age.

Give me a freaking break. The cunt is doing everything she can to get votes. Claiming that she wasn't a 'border czar' when all of America knows she was. It's funny that she had 3 2/3 years to change the horrible direction of our country, and here at the last minute she expects us to forget her feelings she had in 2020. Stuff is on video and just doesn't walk away.

One more thing about you libs, if some dude followed a female family member into the girls room, I would do something about it. I will let you libs find a corner to cower in while she's in harms way. If you truly support the cunt, then you support allowing men in the ladies room. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
The shooter in Pennsylvania was a registered Republican. His whole family are part of the MAGA world.

The second dude in Florida was a Trump supporter and voted for Trump twice for POTUS.

Biden, Pelosi, Obama, The Clintons and many other top Democrat leaders have all had many many threats made against them by Trump-MAGA supporters.
Most of those Trump-MAGA supporters have been arrested, and in one case, a Trump-MAGA supporter was killed when the FBI raided his home in Utah. That MAGA supporter had targeted Biden. Actually, I believe another Trump-MAGA supporter was also killed when law enforcement went to arrest him for mailing mail-bombs to top Democratic leaders.

Where was the Republican outrage then??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Plan A, debate the point
Plan B, if you can't debate the point, just make fun of it.

You're plan B all day long.

Dude, READ what you wrote about ladies baffrooms.

Is that what's bugging you?

The headline of your thread says it all!

txdot-guy's Avatar
I normally just skim over your posts, but let me address this one. You libtards/progressives think it's OK to slam Trump with horrible comments, but let me give it to you back then the harris fanboys and all of a sudden think it's a big deal. This democrats rhetoric has led to two assassination attempts, probably more to come because idiots are looking at this like it's some sort of contest. As much as I detested Biden, it bothered me to see him fall when he did. I took no joy in seeing this old man suffer the limits of his advanced age. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
John, Here is a list of eight of your threads that you've started in the last week. Eight about Kamala Harris and or Democrats. All using derogatory language.

- kamala, no brains or original ideas
- More evidence democrats are Iran's bitches.
- So the bitch and her minions who need the Teamster vote
- Even this guy can't figure the commiefornia cunt out
- opppsss, cheating democraps just got bitch slapped by PA. Supreme Court
- oooppppsss, the bitch can't get out of her own way
- ooopppps, the cunt got fact checked and proven to be a liar
- So, for those who back the Commiefornia Cunt

Republican pundits and politicians want to blame the violence on left leaning rhetoric but what do you call this. The point is that if you want to have a discussion that doesn't devolve into a pissing match we all need to leave the vitriol at the keyboard's edge.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
How fake is this bitch? I just can't believe some people just follow her blindly, no matter how ridiculous she is.

Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
They’d vote for a turnip if it had a D beside it. They voted for a near cadaver last time.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
John, Here is a list of eight of your threads that you've started in the last week. Eight about Kamala Harris and or Democrats. All using derogatory language. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

The ignore function is your friend.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'll be honest, I don't even know what the purpose of this thread is even about other than more fucking whining and ranting by the OP. Are we supposed to be discussing union support, Harris being a bitch and cunt, inflation, how bad liberals are or dudes following chicks into bathrooms?

Anyway, in before the lock.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
John, Here is a list of eight of your threads that you've started in the last week. Eight about Kamala Harris and or Democrats. All using derogatory language.

- kamala, no brains or original ideas
- More evidence democrats are Iran's bitches.
- So the bitch and her minions who need the Teamster vote
- Even this guy can't figure the commiefornia cunt out
- opppsss, cheating democraps just got bitch slapped by PA. Supreme Court
- oooppppsss, the bitch can't get out of her own way
- ooopppps, the cunt got fact checked and proven to be a liar
- So, for those who back the Commiefornia Cunt

Republican pundits and politicians want to blame the violence on left leaning rhetoric but what do you call this. The point is that if you want to have a discussion that doesn't devolve into a pissing match we all need to leave the vitriol at the keyboard's edge. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

OK, again I'm going to play nice. Why my attitude, maybe it's to allow you never trumpers to see the same hate you post toward him. It's not my normal posting style to use this type of language, but I just want you 'river to the sea' democrats to finally wake up and see you're a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. 28% of democrats want Trump dead ( , and I'm supposed to respect these voters? I detest harris, and want her to lose in November, but in no manner do I want her physically hurt. I detested biden, but I felt nothing but sorrow for him when he fell down on numerous occasions. I took no joy in seeing an elderly man maybe breaking a hip or something like that.

I just can't believe the hate toward Trump is so bad that 1 out of 4 democrats want him dead. It tells a lot about the mindset of democrats.
  • cc314
  • Yesterday, 08:31 PM
OK, again I'm going to play nice. Why my attitude, maybe it's to allow you never trumpers to see the same hate you post toward him. It's not my normal posting style to use this type of language, but I just want you 'river to the sea' democrats to finally wake up and see you're a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. 28% of democrats want Trump dead ( , and I'm supposed to respect these voters? I detest harris, and want her to lose in November, but in no manner do I want her physically hurt. I detested biden, but I felt nothing but sorrow for him when he fell down on numerous occasions. I took no joy in seeing an elderly man maybe breaking a hip or something like that.

I just can't believe the hate toward Trump is so bad that 1 out of 4 democrats want him dead. It tells a lot about the mindset of democrats. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Here is the poll source, which does confirm the 17% and 28%,

Here is what they say are the full results, but I can't find the 28%,
I'm curious about the numbers from Republicans and Independents. If someone finds the full, full results, share the link. Thanks.

Here is the question, "7* While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been killed last weekend?" There is a difference between "want him dead" and "America would be better off...". Some of the responses might have been more along the lines of "I'm okay if he dies" rather than "I want him dead."

I'm not saying anything about your source or the poll source. I would just like a closer look.
The shooter in Pennsylvania was a registered Republican. His whole family are part of the MAGA world.

The second dude in Florida was a Trump supporter and voted for Trump twice for POTUS.
Originally Posted by USAsoldier
... The shooter and his family are NOT part of the MAGA world.
The shooter "registered" Republican to make it easier to
get inside the venue to then try to assassinate Trump.

The "second dude" in Florida was a Trump supporter
with "Biden/Harris" on his vehicle...
And "voted for Trump twice" but was going to kill him.

Hmmmm... Idiocy really does know no bounds.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
One final note about this particular pole mentioned by RMG research group - owned by Rasmussen, who is always favorable towards a Republican outcome versus a Democratic outcome. Perhaps he polled the same Trump lovers that they always do, in order to skew and draw nefarious/ negative results and have a negative connotation about Democrats. If you really want to know what Democrats wish for Trump - it's that he lands in jail for the rest of his life. Not that he get assassinated because that would not be a fair application of justice. They want him penniless and behind bars. Those who in fact do wish him dead, probably only wish that so they can scratch off a bucket list item....shitting on Trump's grave. Just kidding