Are we close to WW III?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope, not at all, Biden basically started the attack on Israel with the payment of $6 billion to Iran…

… And yet the same policies that the “stupid” try work and the policies the “educated” try fail. Nothing in Biden’s foreign policy has made the world safer. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Has Iran gotten the money? No.

Now about those “stupid” policies. Howzabout a little list?
... So the Biden Administration is NOT going to send it to Iran?

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
RE the OP:


Seems as though the world powers (big and small) are in a similar state to the conditions in Europe around 1912 or so. . . .just before WW-I.

Maybe closer, as open hostilities have already begun. Maybe its more like the situation in 1938.

Maybe "Global Warming" (or "Climate Change") doesn't matter as much because of that.
... So the Biden Administration is NOT going to send it to Iran?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I believe that Qatar has some control over the funds. Also, if you were to ever read and research you’d know that there never a plan to give Iran access to cash. That was established in the initial agreement. If you bothered to ever read anything that’s not a nutty right wing blog you would know that a fund would purchase goods and services from the money for non-military purposes.

So I suppose in answer to you question, no.

Now that being said, money is fungible. Money I don’t have to spend on the mortgage is money I can spend on something else. So it could be argued that if Iran doesn’t have to use its general fund to pay for grain, that’s money they can use to provide weapons to Hamas or Hezbollah or Russia. To extent it’s a reasonable claim that allowing Iran access to another pool of funds isn’t a good choice. But the claims by the right are simply false, as usual. And your claims and understanding are simply false and absurd, as usual.
eyecu2's Avatar
n The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations, the author expands on Osama Bin Laden saying,"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." written by Lee Smith- more on him below.

That means that in Islamic culture, appearence is just as important as actions. Biden signaled weakness by releasing Iranian frozen assets. OR.. the Biden administration got them to bite on a release of funds and now they realize they got played and are getting none of what they thought they would get?

In Islamic thought, why fear striking the weak? What we in Christian based cultures may see as a sign on reconciliation or kindness, they see as weakness. We won't ever be seen in our country as anything but infidels due to not only culture, but also by religion.

Of course this was MONTHS in planning but that only points out further that our enemies realize they need not fear striking at the West because it's full of lefties and commies and now Moslems who we have imported that will tear at the fabric of the nation.

So much for diversity is our strength... *Sadly you see it that way, and you've as much shown that you have neither acceptance of others views or input based on politics or race. Youre comments about Leftists Commies & Muslims above is perfectly set as the example of what a shallow thinker might portray. You'll never understand the other side's view unless you can see it from their perspective which happens all the time from us lefties here on the board, but NOT reciprocated AT ALL by you gents on the right. Sound about right?

Do you think that unfreezing assets or dropping pallets of cash ala Obama did shows strength or weakness in the eyes of the Iranians and the assorted Arab enemies we have?

You really need to look up the money that was sent by Obama and why it was sent over. You're conflating legal issues with impressions of strength. Originally Posted by texassapper

Now- onto our esteemed author Lee Smith- While I won't even delve into the fact- that his name is likely a ghost writer's name only, the majority of his books are primarily about Trump and how he was the victim.

Of course our conservative friends will love them some of those fine outhouse liners for both the fancy words and extravagantly crafted conclusions based on bias, and unconfirmed legal ideas, conspiracies and anything else that Nunes and the funky bunch used to help shield Trump in his impeachments and the current attempts to change the political landscape.

More on Lee, -He is a card carrying member of the "conservative think tanks" like the Hudson Institute, and other fine groups where you really don't need any facts, just a juicy byline, and some salacious tawdry conspiracy ideas, that some nitwits will purchase.

With the following titles in mind, LEE SMITH has been able to get some good old greenbacks off you right leaning folks from titles like:

* The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President. (with a picture of Trump on the cover for your cocktail table reading and a coaster all in one).

* The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History-( see same pic and coaster application)

and finally the *Strong Horse- where you quoted from above.
According to Smith’s “Strong Horse Doctrine,” the Arab world naturally aligns itself with strength, power, and violence. He argues that America must be the strong horse in order to reclaim its role there, and that only by understanding the nature of the region’s ancient conflicts can we succeed. That last sentence is the one that is ambiguous. Of course uneducated people as there is an abundance in the middle east, only understand schoolyard bullyism and power and violence are synonymous.

So is what you're promoting is that we follow good-ol Lee Smith into a route of "power and violence" to quell the problems in the middle east? After all, it's the essence of what he says they understand, and respect?

If we weren't at DEFCON 4 already, we'd be there shortly with that mentality.

Additionally, the American people and our culture are indeed much different than those in the middle east for a multitude of reasons, including education (thanks blue states), acceptance of cultures and and while we have the ability to make the middle east a parking lot, all it would do is create the next batch of Martyrs.

Lee Smith may understand Arab culture, but he surely comes up short when providing alternatives to how to deal with them vs. creating WW III. F- is his grade when it comes to his books, titles and solutions.

NONE of what he has written has been proven, and his conclusions have been debunked by not only congress, but also courts and lastly by the voters of this country when Biden handed DonnieT. a big fat L

by the way-all those books can all be found at the bottom of your local outhouse or sold at the link below:
RE the OP:


Seems as though the world powers (big and small) are in a similar state to the conditions in Europe around 1912 or so. . . .just before WW-I.

Maybe closer, as open hostilities have already begun. Maybe its more like the situation in 1938.

Maybe "Global Warming" (or "Climate Change") doesn't matter as much because of that. Originally Posted by ICU 812

The hating on Jews in Europe and the United States sure makes this seem more like the 1930's, and open hostilities against the Jews and Israel is not getting as much negative push back against Hamas as other times.

Plus the open borders of Biden and Democrats has probably let many terrorists across the Mexican border some being funded by Iran. I think we are very close to having another terrorist attack in this country. Will probably wait till after the 2024 election hoping they can get Biden and more Democrats elected so they will have support in Washington DC
Precious_b's Avatar
Nope, not at all, Biden basically started the attack on Israel with the payment of $6 billion to Iran Originally Posted by farmstud60
Sadly doesn't appear as though you're very well-informed here. That $6 billion dollars was the Iranians which was seized and frozen prior. And even after release, sits in a bank in Qatar - and cannot be released without additional permissions from the United States. No money of that distribution of Iran's own money has reached Iran. Not to say that it doesn't sound very good to have people like Blinken negotiating the release of hostages and release of monies regardless of supposed ownership.

“The facts of this arrangement are when this money arrives in these accounts in Qatar, it will be held there under strict oversight by the United States Treasury Department and the money can only be used for humanitarian purposes,” State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a Sept. 12 press briefing. “We will remain vigilant in watching the spending of those funds and have the ability to freeze them again if we need to.”

Administration officials have also said none of the money has been spent yet Originally Posted by eyecu2
Has Iran gotten the money? No.

Now about those “stupid” policies. Howzabout a little list? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Now eyecu2, you don't have to go hitting so low below the belt with facts

It is fun to watch them squirm and back out of what they said. Kinda par for course for those rightie right folks.

Plus, didn't #HeWhoShallBeNamed say it was probably gonna be WWII?