Little Miss Melissa

Hawkeye9's Avatar
Sorry to hear about the stalker, but more happy to here she is ok
A-f***ing-mazing that some idiot would stoop this low. Can we find, out, then tar and feather the no good son-of a bitch?

Glad to hear LMM is alive and kicking. Now, let's deal with the low life scum who started this thread.

What a fucking piece of shit! I thought to weird, just joined and then only one post and it was to this nature. I hope you get what is coming to you!
rex4998's Avatar

please, ban the OP and just DELETE this thread.
I am alive, promise!!! I dont know why someone would say some sick stuff like that.... But it not me and I did not died yesterday. \

XOOX, Miss Melissa
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
OMFG! That was a awful thing to read! But thank goodness you're still around. I have never met you but man, that UPSET me to read that you passed.

I agree...I think this damn thread should be deleted. Not fair for her and not fair for those who read it. Very upsetting news for it to be nothing but bull shit.

Again, thank goodness you're OKAY LMM!

I was about to bust out in tears...all over a damn lie!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I am alive, promise!!! I dont know why someone would say some sick stuff like that.... But it not me and I did not died yesterday. \

XOOX, Miss Melissa Originally Posted by MissMelissa

well i dont know you hun but thank god!

take care and ill say a prayer about your stalker situation
TheWanderer's Avatar
Please delete this thread or close it. Melissa did nothing to deserve to be associated
with this sick and unnecessary prank.
I agree with Mr. Patella, just let me know where and when.
Plainly obvious that LMM is alive and kicking!

I have also talked to her. Please remember to be safe out there and watch your security.

This is now closed.