
The united spirit around the country as phenomenal 10 years ago. That was US at our best.
anaximander's Avatar
"The real differences around the world today are not between Jews and Arabs; Protestants and Catholics; Muslims, Croats, and Serbs. The real differences are between those who embrace peace and those who would destroy it; between those who look to the future and those who cling to the past; between those who open their arms and those who are determined to clench their fists." -William J. Clinton, 1997

Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
What sophist crap.
It's because of this idiots refusal to see WTC 93
for what it was that we got 9-11.
No real diff between arabs and jews?
Yeah thats why the palestinians elected Hamas.
Thats why the Israeli ambassador has fled egypt.
No diff with the serbs and croats?
Um exactly why are the christian churches
being burned throughout kosovo then?

The 'future' as this progressive socialist sees it,
is a godless dystopia run by the UN.
Peace is not the abscence of war or fighting.
True peace requires justice to reign.
NoKo is locked down hard that doesn't
make it peaceful or kim jong il a man of peace.

Sadly while some muslims are genuinely against
a rise of a new caliphate. The gross majority I
speak to have no qualms with one. Some even
seem desirous of such.
True the jihadi types are a functional minority,
but they have control of the group in general.
Few dare speak against them or their cause.
You will get no help from their clerics.
They all have dreams of Mecca becoming
as guilded and respected if not more so
than the Vatican.

We are on the cusp of the last crusade prophesised.
The blood has yet to flow.
Hundreds of millions will die.
The only real question;
hundreds of millions of them dead
or hundreds of millions of us.
No real diff between arabs and jews? Originally Posted by anaximander
Or you and me.
anaximander's Avatar
We are Americans hello.

You evidently haven't watched the palestinian version
of sesame street. A muppet with a bomb vest,
other muppets cheering rocket attacks and
terror raids into Israel.

Nothing remotely similar even in jest on Israeli TV.

One could argue there is little difference between
you and Andrea Yates or Casey Anthony.
However it is safe to say I'm sure there is a big difference
between you and them.

Israelis don't violate the dead,
or decapitate their prisoners.
We are Americans hello. Originally Posted by anaximander
Yes, I am an American and very grateful that I am. I'm just not able to have animosity towards a whole nation of people.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yes, I am an American and very grateful that I am. I'm just not able to have animosity towards a whole nation of people. Originally Posted by Ansley
Well...you have a point don't ya?

Hating an entire nation for what a few did, is like hating an entire race because one black, white, mexican, asian, or indian guy raped you.

I hate what they did, but those people are now in hell so it does not get much worse than that. I can't hate innocent children for the stupidity of adults. If we give into that hatred, we are just like them.
plove35's Avatar
Reagan and bush train and gave that piece of human waste Osama bin bitch his weapons this an American problem not dem or rep
anaximander's Avatar
Well goody for you.
Considering that over 90% of said nation would
bury providers up to their waist and stone
every single one of them.
And they wouldn't have to know you either.
Just two peeved sheik johns pointing you out.

If mexican TV had specials honoring the likes
of Richard Ramirez you might have a point.
But they don't, so you don't.

September 11 was a day for parties
and celebration of the 19 throughout
much of the muslim world.
MEMRI had replays of arabs handing
out candy to jubilant children.

Yeah, the implications are disturbing.
It isn't going to be pretty.
You must realize that the repulsion
you feel regarding the treatment of kids
is completely abscent there.
The PA cheered the stabbing of an infant
in its crib. The sicko was hailed as a national

Those who are kind to evil,
will in time be evil to the kind.
London Rayne's Avatar
That anger and hatred you so vehemently try to project on others, makes you sound just like some of them...just sayin. It's that attitude that divides nations and even families. You can't get rid of war with WAR! What about that don't you people get? You can't make love out of hate...it's the ultimate paradox, and it never works.

If you want to be IGNORANT and hate people who have nothing to do with you or this, go right ahead. Won't change them, but it will change YOU. I could give a flip what some other nation thinks of me or me being a provider...I am not that weak minded to hate someone because they lack understanding.

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the "other" person to die from it. SMDH.

I can say I am not for a communist society, but children born into that have no voice. They too are living in fear of what might kill them.

Anyhow, I doubt the OP's intent for this thread was a pissing match based on who should hate who? It was a sad day that we will never forget, and we should be thankful...not bitter!
anaximander; ignorance is no excuse

Well the thing is I am far from ignorant. To measure my level of intelligence for choosing not to hate a whole group of people seems silly to me. For me not to hate has nothing to do with my patriotism or fighting the evil in this world. I'm not going spout off my list of life experiences and influences just to prove something to you. But trust me I'm not ignorant.
anaximander's Avatar
Reagan and bush train and gave that piece of human waste Osama bin bitch his weapons this an American problem not dem or rep Originally Posted by plove35
Nice try but grossly incorrect.
Ubl was a johnny come lately to the Afghan
theater of operations. Al Masoud of the
Northern Alliance had already drove the
bulk of Soviet forces when ubl showed up.
Additionally, ubl's initial draw when he
arrived was he had his own money.

Now much of the taliban supported
the new creation of al queda. There
was considerable cross pollenation,
but they are seperate entities.
US funded the development of
the taliban. Al Queda didn't receive
money and arms from the US directly
until sheik hussein took over the US.
Right now AQ is recieving money,
weapons, training, air support, and
intel from sheik hussein's pentagon.
AQ's number three man has been
to the pentagon a few times since
sheik hussein's coup.

Clinton declined ubl's capture more than once.
Not to mention clinton's dea was paying the
taliban to control poppy production.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I think we have had enough here, nowhere to go but down
