Any available Sugar Daddies.....

Xesaddict's Avatar
I didn't think of that! I'll have to include the young black pimp next time.

Oh and are you suggesting that Seeking Arrangment is a better site? Many hobbyists here have accounts on that site just like the providers. My experience with that site is that it's full of men who are looking for 'non-transactional' relationships at a very cheap price . . . often including bareback. After finding a deal, they will come back on a hooker board and report their hunts for the world wide web to see. Do you want me to PM you the thread about the $50 bareback sugarbaby?

Anyhow, I'll stick to financial domination and raping the wallets of old men who happen to be white (Sorry, I don't get too many options regarding who's wallet I rape!)

Here's a gif of my last cash meet! And yes, financial domination (findom) is a real thing. Google it!

Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
I have no experience with Seeking Arrangements website, so I will take your word about what frequently occurs there. And, no, I do not need to see the thread about the 50.00 SB. Will also take your word for that. I have to lol at your statement about raping the wallets of your clients. I saw the donation rates on your profile/showcase, so I agree with that analogy. More power to you as long as they go for it. I will not be among your "rapees", however. Ciao
I have no experience with Seeking Arrangements website, so I will take your word about what frequently occurs there. And, no, I do not need to see the thread about the 50.00 SB. Will also take your word for that. I have to lol at your statement about raping the wallets of your clients. I saw the donation rates on your profile/showcase, so I agree with that analogy. More power to you as long as they go for it. I will not be among your "rapees", however. Ciao Originally Posted by Xesaddict
If you saw the rates, then you also saw the location. Apparently, you have selective sight and understanding.
uparoundnoon's Avatar
Courtney getting back to your original topic there are some SD men on here. They don't have thousands of posts and hundreds of reviews. Although I have been a SD 4 times for 4 years 3 years and 2 two year deals where the provider did not have to see other men. I still do it occassionally but not much since one of my last SB's OD'd and died at 24 three years ago. I realized it was not a great idea to take a capable young woman in her 20's and make it where she didn't have to work or get a job.

But back to your post. I would suggest that your friend put her own profile up with some attractive pics and say she is looking for regular type customers and she just might snag one who wants to take her off the market. It happens. Tell her to come on Welcome Section and don't put "Need SD" or 20 hater guys will respond she is in the wrong place. Just say she wants to be utr and have a few regulars. That has worked in the past . Trust me. I know from experience. I got 2 like that and 2 from strip clubs.

And BTW a lot of guys like me don't start out looking for SB's. It just happens when I would find someone who tales me to the top and I want to have her availibility. The problem is she is going to have to be willing to "sleep around" a little bit first to find a guy like that. I have a good friend provider who got one off here that lasted 7 years and he paid for everything including apartment and car.

The biggest problem is there are A LOT MORE girls who want a man to pay for every thing then there are guys who want to do it.
Xesaddict's Avatar
If you saw the rates, then you also saw the location. Apparently, you have selective sight and understanding. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
No problem here with my sight or understanding, but maybe you should read your own showcase. Go to the browse showcase tab, go to San Antonio and then to your showcase. It clearly lists your locations as Chicago, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio and your hourly rate as 500.00. No pussy worth that regardless of location, time or circumstances. As I said, good for you since you have been able to get others to pay that freight, but, as I also said, I won't be one of your "rapees" any price. But, we are way off the OP's original topic here. I have better things to do than argue with a smart assed, foul mouthed prostitute. Out!
uparoundnoon's Avatar
I stole this girl off here and was her SD for 8 months. She was a college student. I was her 2nd customer here and she never worked here again. Unfortunately she met a guy and fell seriously in love and had to quit me because it got serious between them. Actually that happens a lot and I wish her the best. After all they are HOT YOUNG girls so it's only natural they young men are chasing them too.

Funny thing is there was all kinds of stupid bruhaha speculation here like there ALWAYS is. I always say 60 % of the posting here is nothing but stupid speculation as in this case if you read on for 5 pages of dumb stuff
Post her pic
No problem here with my sight or understanding, but maybe you should read your own showcase. Go to the browse showcase tab, go to San Antonio and then to your showcase. It clearly lists your locations as Chicago, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio and your hourly rate as 500.00. No pussy worth that regardless of location, time or circumstances. As I said, good for you since you have been able to get others to pay that freight, but, as I also said, I won't be one of your "rapees" any price. But, we are way off the OP's original topic here. I have better things to do than argue with a smart assed, foul mouthed prostitute. Out! Originally Posted by Xesaddict
Awww. Do you feel better?
The problem with SD on this site is so many women believe their between the legs entertainment is worth 3 to 500 an hour. To the people who wanna pay thats fine. And i have played with many in all different price ranges and i have some awesome playtime with 180$ girls than with the ones i paid 3 bills or higher. Wont do it againbut to each their own.
M.I.L.F. JOY's Avatar
I beg to differ....I found three SD on here and yes older white male but the last one isn't old at all & is going to marry me in December & yeah he accepts all I do....lucky me
AB. Could be. I certainly am not a mind reader, and am sure you intended it to be sarcastic, but what I am curious about is why you chose those particular types: old, white, ED, etc., etc. Originally Posted by Xesaddict
You must be white & offended
I beg to differ....I found three SD on here and yes older white male but the last one isn't old at all & is going to marry me in December & yeah he accepts all I do....lucky me Originally Posted by SENSUALCITA
So who is he marrying again?
guy fawkes's Avatar
M.I.L.F. JOY's Avatar
So who is he marrying again? Originally Posted by NalgaSuckie
No problem here with my sight or understanding, but maybe you should read your own showcase. Go to the browse showcase tab, go to San Antonio and then to your showcase. It clearly lists your locations as Chicago, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio and your hourly rate as 500.00. No pussy worth that regardless of location, time or circumstances. As I said, good for you since you have been able to get others to pay that freight, but, as I also said, I won't be one of your "rapees" any price. But, we are way off the OP's original topic here. I have better things to do than argue with a smart assed, foul mouthed prostitute. Out! Originally Posted by Xesaddict

Her reviews show a much lower price. Maybe 500 an hour is wishful thinking.
I'm young a white...not under 30..but look it easy...I currently have 3 SB' are you gonna pay me my dividend or do I not count cuz I'm white??