Thinking of Retiring

It comes down to what you are looking for in the hobby. Some things you can find here, others, not so much or likely, not at all. It can be complicated sometimes to know where the lines are in this most personal of businesses. I guess I was lucky to meet an experienced provider early on who gently taught me where the lines were as I was trying to figure it out. We remain friends and hobby lovers, communicating often even if we have not seen each other in a while. But at the end of the day, I want to return unencumbered to my real life and allow her to do the same in return. That same idea has served me well with all of the fine ladies I've met here. Do I have feelings for them? Oh hell yeah! I sincerely want them to be happy and well. Nothing wrong with that. But beyond that is problematic. Perhaps the OP is looking for too much here.

When in doubt, read my sig lines. Or better yet, listen to the song. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Thank you for the honorable mention, Watchout.

I don't believe any of my dates are ever impersonal; like Lolahhhh said, I look at my clients as friends. Naturally, the longer we've been friends, the more our rapport develops... However, it is what it is, and for the most part, you shouldn't expect a romantic relationship to develop. I'm not saying that it hasn't ever happened to anyone in the hobby, it's just a rarity.

PeterNorth, I'm glad you recognized your situation for what it was. I think you saved yourself a lot of heartache and money in the long run.

Good luck to you, TOG1. Life is too short to settle... I hope you find what you're looking for.
Lonesome's Avatar
i always think of retiring.
the other head always vetoes Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
That's my situation. I've needed to retire from the hobby ever since becoming eligible for Medicare, so I think about it all the time and often say I'm doing it this time for sure. Then after awhile the little head brings me out of retirement, so I was actually on hiatus - not retired. I've never thought the providers were cold & impersonal, but old age brings on other shortcomings that let's a fellow know it's time to bow out. Yep, this time I'm going to do it for sure.
shortblkguy's Avatar
Due to saving for a house, fewer trips to Dallas and NWA just no being kind to me in the hobby sense , I have greatly reduced my expenditures in the hobby. I have found a few other uses for the funds but mostly it has gone into investments. I take the hobby for what it is, physical and if I can get a connection with a lady (Ginger Doll & Selena ) that is an extra added to the good times. I have found a few civilian ladies to fill in but that brings it own issues. Everyone must find there balance.

Have fun, be safe, and do not take eccie or the hobby too seriously.
... I take the hobby for what it is, physical and if I can get a connection with a lady (Ginger Doll & Selena ) that is an extra added to the good times... Originally Posted by shortblkguy
Aww! You're so sweet. Hugs & kisses. And don't forget my kitty.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I've made a connection with a few men I've met. Most of the time it's just in and out, wham bam thank you ma'am. But I appreciate those that I feel like I can me human around. I try to make everyone feel welcomed and give them a true experience.

There are some guys set on making life hard. They get the same treatment as the next guy.
Ok, let me get the record straight. I have wrote this after having a drinking contest with myself and I lost. I am not looking for an actual girl friend or the love of my life. I think I was talking about the illusion of passion (I think). If they were actually interested in me I would think there was something wrong with them. This is what I hate: Hi my name is???? Small, small talk; ok take off your???? Now we do this **** then we do ***** I hope you come back to see me bye. Feels like being on an assembly line or maybe a disassemble line. Don’t let my rambling make you think that I haven’t met some great ladies here like Felina and Jaylen to name a few (still trying to catch Ginger) but when you are in a three day drinking contest that you are really trying to win and when you aren’t drinking you eat a meal (maybe a small pizza from Papa John, I guess that was who I paid) and you wash that down with “This ain’t your father’s Root Beer”. Very good Root Beer, I wonder why they only sell it at the liquor store? You should have seen some of the stuff that I ordered. I hope my brother in law in Arizona understand why I ordered him a boat anchor. I know there was a good reason, just can’t remember why right now. Ok everyone you can carry on now.
Excuse the grammar, in a hurry trying to write everyone that I written in the last few days.
You may have to put a breathalyzer on youre phone. Lol
TechOne's Avatar
the boat anchor was likely an anniversary remind him why he got hitched in the first place...LOL
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Off Topic: They sell "This Ain't Your Father's Root Beer" at Wal-Mart. I found the last box last night.
i do hate you feel this way, maybe you havent meet the right provider yet!!!
I take all my sessions serious. To me it isnt about the money as much as the friendship and connection..
well said peter, but having a connection and a great friendship is always a plus, that being said i think that once you do find the one you are most comfortable that isn't boring and full of drama,,,
Don't dare go anywhere until we meet!!!!
Don't dare go anywhere until we meet!!!! Originally Posted by Sweet Casey
Yes ma’am! With an offer/demand like that I will most definitely delay my retirement.