How can we joke with out internet friends, if we can't joke with them on the internet?

John Bull's Avatar
OK, I understand where you're coming from and I was on the P as a mod too so I know the tradition. What I don't like is the bc complaining that he said this and she said that and my feelings are hurt and I'm not going to post anymore and all that!

So, if you want things to go back to where everyone can call WTF a wuss and he can lay into you, that's fine with me. But don't come crying later!!
dearhunter's Avatar
Hey.......................not all of us are mean............I'm just saying.

I didn't know WTF had any feelings....................I thought he was an Obama puppet.

Tell them to come cry to me......................WTF and I have been long time adversaries.......the man can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag from Taco Bell...........I'm just saying.

Iron sharpens iron........................
From my vantage point the forum is pretty self moderated or at least it was. Sure people step out of line from time to time but have we come to the point where you can not even come close to the truth with good humored wit? That is what nudges them back over to sense and sensibilities. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF is right. This forum is a continuation of the old HDH at ASPD which had been around since about 2000-2001. The cast of characters changed over that period, but the basic gestalt did not. The forum was always known for:
1) Intelligent, wide ranging conversation;
2) Rampant thread drift;
3) Lots of good natured ribbing of each other;
4) Long running inside jokes;
5) Welcoming newcomers (we usually put them to work making lists); and
6) Self moderation.

Yes the Mods would occasionally lock a thread at HDH, but it was not a common occurrence. A lot of the moderation was done by peer pressure. When folks got out of line, a liberal use of humor and/or the ignore button usually either brought them back to the fold or they found a new sandbox.

I figure that if we can survive years of NPOA threads, we can survive any shit flowing WTF's way. He is a big boy. (Well actually, I've been told he is not that big, but thats another thread.)
discreetgent's Avatar
Nah, when things get out of hand we can steer the topic to NPOA, who is an HDH, GWB: worst or best president ever? and then the Mods will lock it lol

Since there is a line between joking and harassment I do think that if a poster is feeling harassed then whether or not that is the case, the intent, etc the to and fro needs to stop; I suspect that will cause things to get out of hand far less frequently.
And posters need to develop thicker skins
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  • WTF
  • 03-23-2010, 09:30 AM
What I don't like is the bc complaining that he said this and she said that and my feelings are hurt and I'm not going to post anymore and all that! Originally Posted by John Bull
I am going to better regulate my views on certain subjects with certain posters. While I still would like to see a balanced view on just what are facts and what are beliefs, I realize that some just do not care for any joking thrown their way. There is nothing wrong with that. I'll say my piece and leave them be.

So, if you want things to go back to where everyone can call WTF a wuss and he can lay into you, that's fine with me. But don't come crying later!! Originally Posted by John Bull
John, I am going to do my best to just joke with people I know. I really don't care what the people I do not know or care for, think and have been an idiot lobbing stink bombs to and fro with them! Hopefully that will slow the flow of RTM's.

I didn't know WTF had any feelings....................I thought he was an Obama puppet.

Originally Posted by dearhunter
puppet my ass. I forged that Commie's birth certificate. Healthcare was just a start, he owes me so much more change!

the man can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag from Taco Bell...........
Originally Posted by dearhunter
That was a low blow. Besides, you don't wanna go there!
dearhunter's Avatar
I thinck it is an easy cop out to throw in the "you are harassing me" towel.................kind of like a "stalking" charge.

I once had a Mod tell me "if they feel harassed, then you are harassing them"............he was a bigger pussy than they were.

I like JBs latest post.............."everyone can call WTF a wuss"...........the man has vision.
I'll say my piece and leave them be. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes!!! There is a God.
First of all, I have no idea what all this is about. So I'm just making a generic statement about no person or situation in particular:

Ribbing is all well and good between people who are understand the "voice" of the person writing. However, in the internet world, where a person hasn't met you and probably doesn't know you very well - I think knowing when to moderate yourself (or throw in an emoticon to make your intent clear) doesn't hurt.

And even when things are meant as a joke, they can still be tasteless, inappropriate and crass.

The other problem with forums where people like to laugh at each other's expense a lot, is that it discourages new participation. People log into the forum, and consider it critical, unwelcoming, or mean spirited. We've lost a few really thoughtful people from the forum since it started, and that's a bad sign. A community can't grow if we're chasing people off because they don't' appreciate the humour of the members in a clique who know each other better. I think it's better to have a warm and welcoming board - though I know a bunch of you roll your eyes at the thought of kindness as a default.

Some people need thicker skins, some people need to be more empathetic and considerate. There's a balance between the two.
TexasGator's Avatar
So, if you want things to go back to where everyone can call WTF a wuss and he can lay into you, that's fine with me. But don't come crying later!! Originally Posted by John Bull

And posters need to develop thicker skins Originally Posted by pjorourke

I'll say my piece and leave them be. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes!!! There is a God. Originally Posted by Ansley

BTW, I'm setting the over/under on WTF "leaving them be" at 2 days max. Any takers?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-23-2010, 10:07 AM
Yes!!! There is a God. Originally Posted by Ansley
There is no God or Goddesses in my world!

Well dearhunter is a sort of Wayward like God.
There is no God or Goddesses in my world! Originally Posted by WTF
Well it's obvious there is one in my world working miracles with you.
boardman's Avatar
And posters need to develop thicker skins Originally Posted by pjorourke
boardman's Avatar

BTW, I'm setting the over/under on WTF "leaving them be" at 2 days max. Any takers? Originally Posted by TexasGator
I'll take the under on that.

BTW mods can do all they want but there is no ignoring the laws of the internet.
Some people need thicker skins, some people need to be more empathetic and considerate. There's a balance between the two. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Everyone wants world peace too. Sometimes you just settle for being out of the line of fire.

Start with the thicker skin. Its easier to achieve. It also helps if everyone remembers that nothing here is real.