In Praise of Older Women

ck1942's Avatar
All! of the above!
I cannot add much, if anything to this thread. Almost every woman that I see is over 40 and my hobby wives are 50+, I love them dearly, may we continue practicing our honeymoon night for years to come.

One of our founding fathers, Ben Franklin also appreciated mature ladies. The quote below is advice that he gave to a young man seeking council and trying to resist matrimony.

But if you will not take this Counsel, and persist in thinking a Commerce with the Sex inevitable, then I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones.

You call this a Paradox, and demand my Reasons. They are these:
1. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor'd with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreable.
2. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman.
3. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc'd may be attended with much Inconvenience.
4. Because thro' more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin'd to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes.
5. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding2 only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.
6. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.
7. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy.
8thly and Lastly They are so grateful!!

Now I don't agree with all of Ben's reasons. My lovelies are all still beautiful and I do not consider anything that we do a sin. More like enjoying a slice of heaven.

And I doubt that any of my ladies are nearly as grateful as I am for their attentions and affections.
I remember a list years ago of reasons to date older women. I don't remember them all, but two that I do remember are that you can save money on buying them lingerie because they already have a drawer full, and all of their friends think you're hot, too.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-04-2014, 08:35 AM
I must concur with pdid... And have "concurred" with many of the same ladies of which he may be speaking and can honestly say I've been educated many times by them. The mature gal is simply that, mature! I've been lucky to sample from their wealth of experience. As a general observation, I find their professionalism, TCB and BCD more reliable. I've had my world rocked in ways I'd never considered so to all of you, thanks!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I can agree. I find older women in their thirties absolutely fascinating.

Past their thirties it seems like they have their own opinions about things. Originally Posted by Doglegg
We may have our own opinions, but that isn't always a bad thing. We usually come from an age where we were raised to treat people with respect.
I must concur with pdid... And have "concurred" with many of the same ladies of which he may be speaking and can honestly say I've been educated many times by them. The mature gal is simply that, mature! I've been lucky to sample from their wealth of experience. As a general observation, I find their professionalism, TCB and BCD more reliable. I've had my world rocked in ways I'd never considered so to all of you, thanks! Originally Posted by Netx9
Mature ladies are normally raised in a different era. We were taught to fear/respect our elders and people in general. Taught to take pride in our work, which is why TCB is more reliable. And as we get older, the libido just gets stronger for some.
We are now in an age where it's easy to change jobs with little to no repercussions. Used to be that if an employee was not reliable, the previous employer could say so. Nowadays, all they can say is that the person has worked there unless they are let go for legal reasons (theft, etc). But if they are just unreliable or show up late, if they don't put in much of an effort or if they have a bad attitude, the previous employer can't say that.
pickupkid's Avatar
like a fine wine . older women are the best
supermario691's Avatar
Being Sicilian the know the phrase first hand. Believe me the broth is always excellent!
It made me smile to read this thread. Thank you, gentlemen
{Why I like the older women folk by Yoyoma}

They give you good lovin. They are passionate about getting the good lovin too! They know how to make you say, "Ooh E Ooh Ah Ah, Ooh E Walla Walla Bing Bang!"

{Why the younger ladies tend to stress my carotid artery}

[Me] How have you been?
[Themz] My boyfriend has been treating me so badly ...
[Me] Contemplating on biting the cyanide capsule implanted in my tooth but scanning the room for the 'Exit' sign first ...

I agree with your sentiments about Older Women cause I'm an Older Guy. But, the song went "Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang".
mwsatx's Avatar
I'll take a lush, passionate, 40+ lady over a 20 something any day of the week. Mmmm....