new-details-discredit-fox-news-benghazi reports

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! You missed the point altogether! Wadda dumbass!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-04-2012, 01:31 PM
LOL! You missed the point altogether! Wadda dumbass!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
point being, who fucking said it .. right or left?

cant you answer a simple fucking question for once?
Quote: " Everyone was fully engaged in trying to provide whatever help
they could " and everybody died, and the terrorist literally just walked
in, took the place and then raped and killed or ambassador, after which
Obama and his administration spent their time apologizing for a youtube

And anyone would wonder why we need a new leader.

Hope and change! Hope and change! Hope and change! Originally Posted by bojulay

Raped and killed the Ambassador.SNICK rabid right keeps on spinning this it is like the blind leading the must have been a Glenn Beck fan...
LovingKayla's Avatar
Ok I apologize, Im missing something as usual. What proof did they put forward that proved our proof was a lie? We have actual memos, emails and some audio (I've only heard once and it went poof). Soooooo, have mercy on my simple nutty mind. I just want to understand.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lets see... It's the worst crime in history ... Even when the accusers are shown to be wrong.

makes perfect sense.

Biggest witch hunt since Clinton used the wrong end to clip his cigar...
Quote: " Everyone was fully engaged in trying to provide whatever help
they could " and everybody died, and the terrorist literally just walked
in, took the place and then raped and killed or ambassador, after which
Obama and his administration spent their time apologizing for a youtube

And anyone would wonder why we need a new leader.

Hope and change! Hope and change! Hope and change! Originally Posted by bojulay
You posted the above quote.

Typical liberal reply, no he wasn't raped, only just beaten
and killed. Come on, don't make it sound like it was something
actually bad.

You guy's crack me up with your convoluted reasoning that
seems to permeate all of your arguments. Originally Posted by bojulay

Then you backed up and changed your mind on the rape blaming liberals, asswipe!

dont look now but a rightwinger made the rape claim, not me Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, he won't admit to being a right winger but neither does he admit to LYING either!

But here is Barleybrains at his anti-Obama lying best repeating the lie about the ambassador being raped
! Barleybrains lies almost as much as Fox "News"!

Don't you want to know why Obama let his ambassador get raped and murdered? Why did Obama let good Americans die when he had the power to save them? This is not going away even after the election. I want to see Barry wearing Gitmo orange.

You really want to end this, tell Barry at your daily briefing to come completely clean with the people. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Just so we have a record of at least one of the lying purveyors of anti-Obama SHIT!!

Let's blow that up and put it in bold type, Barleybrains!

Don't you want to know why Obama let his ambassador get raped and murdered?

And Kayla, you wanna ask again why Fox is such a POS "source"? They can't even get a news broadcasting license in Canada because they make up so much shit that is later proven false and then they either don't retract it or just make excuses.

So there you go, you anti-Obama lying sacks of shit. I fixed it for you!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
[QUOTE=Little Stevie;1051856117][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple

And Kayla, you wanna ask again why Fox is such a POS "source"? They can't even get a news broadcasting license in Canada because they make up so much shit that is later proven false and then they either don't retract it or just make excuses.

you bitch about poster's spelling but you cannot read, once again I post
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Don't confuse our little Stephanie with facts while he's on caffeine. It will just make him mad. Watch.
Unlike you, Cpt. Johnstone, I can admit it when I make a mistake. Remember no admission from you when you found there were DEATHS at embassies under Bush? I do.

I admit I am apparently wrong about Fox's current ability to broadcast in Canada. Even though the clarification allowing them to obtain a license looks like it came in 2011 and amounted to a statement that the regulation agency would not enforce the rule as strictly as it had been enforced before.

And the NEW clarification was worded so that they can still LIE THEIR ASSES OFF unless it causes a threat to someone's life or health!

My admission doesn't make Fox any less DISHONEST than they always have been but it apparently does make them less vulnerable to prosecution for lying on the air in Canada.

So I guess the decision NOT to deny the license for the same reason they gave prior to 2011 is not as important to Canada anymore.

You are right. My statement about Fox's ability to get a Canadian license was wrong but the underlying regulations were and are there. It is just the enforcement guidelines that have been relaxed along the the threat of prosecution for the type of misinformation in which Fox specializes.

And the MAIN REASON for this thread STANDS. Fox lied about Behghazi!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What did I tell you?
gosborne38's Avatar
Oh, so the Ambassador was only murdered. Not raped. Just killed by terrorists. Score a point for team Obama. I guess that makes it okay.

Only murdered after he had repeated requests for more security denied by the State Dept and administration.
Only murdered during a multi-hour fight during which aid could have been sent, but wasnt, for various lame, inexcusable reasons that don't match the SOP for when embassies and ambassadors are attacked, and point clearly to a Presidential-level non-decision, and/or high-level 'stand down' that is baffling.

Only murdered, and then after the POS (Pathetic Obama Slimeball) administration blames a movie for 3 weeks, smearing the innocent while failing to call out the real guilty, even though within 24 hours their own intel reports concluded there was no connection. And they did this for the worst and most politically selfish of reasons: Had they admitted this was a terrorist act up front, it would have blown the whole "we got Al Qaeda on the run" campaign claims, since Al Qaeda had called for revenge attack on this specific date - 9/11.

Everything about this stinks like 5 day old fish.
bojulay's Avatar
You posted the above quote.

Then you backed up and changed your mind on the rape blaming liberals, asswipe!

Well, he won't admit to being a right winger but neither does he admit to LYING either!

But here is Barleybrains at his anti-Obama lying best repeating the lie about the ambassador being raped
! Barleybrains lies almost as much as Fox "News"!

Just so we have a record of at least one of the lying purveyors of anti-Obama SHIT!!

Let's blow that up and put it in bold type, Barleybrains!

Don't you want to know why Obama let his ambassador get raped and murdered?

And Kayla, you wanna ask again why Fox is such a POS "source"? They can't even get a news broadcasting license in Canada because they make up so much shit that is later proven false and then they either don't retract it or just make excuses.

So there you go, you anti-Obama lying sacks of shit. I fixed it for you!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Little blind stevie didn't get it ether.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Unlike you, Cpt. Johnstone, I can admit it when I make a mistake. Remember no admission from you when you found there were DEATHS at embassies under Bush? I do.

I admit I am apparently wrong about Fox's current ability to broadcast in Canada. Even though the clarification allowing them to obtain a license looks like it came in 2011 and amounted to a statement that the regulation agency would not enforce the rule as strictly as it had been enforced before.

And the NEW clarification was worded so that they can still LIE THEIR ASSES OFF unless it causes a threat to someone's life or health!

My admission doesn't make Fox any less DISHONEST than they always have been but it apparently does make them less vulnerable to prosecution for lying on the air in Canada.

So I guess the decision NOT to deny the license for the same reason they gave prior to 2011 is not as important to Canada anymore.

You are right. My statement about Fox's ability to get a Canadian license was wrong but the underlying regulations were and are there. It is just the enforcement guidelines that have been relaxed along the the threat of prosecution for the type of misinformation in which Fox specializes.

And the MAIN REASON for this thread STANDS. Fox lied about Behghazi!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
there you go lying again, I admitted I made a mistake. If I had the time, I would look it up for you

you remind me of that old donkey friend of mine who would leave the room when I turned Fox on. I watch Fox from 4pm to 6pm, hell they even have a donkey in their discussions, unlike NBC, CBS and ABC

but why don't you ask, why are they leading in the polls?
BigLouie's Avatar
Ok I apologize, Im missing something as usual. What proof did they put forward that proved our proof was a lie? We have actual memos, emails and some audio (I've only heard once and it went poof). Soooooo, have mercy on my simple nutty mind. I just want to understand. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Since you asked here is what all major new sources with the exception of Fox News and certain members of this board who refuse to admit otherwise have reported on the incident.

Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens appears to have died of smoke inhalation. He was taken to the Benghazi medical center by locals. The Libyan doctor who treated U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens says the diplomat died of severe asphyxiation and that he tried for 90 minutes to revive him. Ziad Abu Zeid told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Stevens was brought to the Benghazi Medical Center by Libyans the night before, with no other Americans and that initially no one realized he was the ambassador.

Abu Zeid said Stevens had "severe asphyxia," apparently from smoke inhalation, causing stomach bleeding, but had no other injuries.

That he was raped was reported once but has never been mentioned in any news report. Certain members act as if it is gospel.

One issue is that certain members of this board refuse to admit this is the truth and continue to act as if discredited stories from FOX news true without addressing news reports from CNN, AP and CBS that they are not.

The story line about help being refused has been proved to be a lie but again certain members of this board have refused to admit that the Fox News reports are incorrect. The Fox News report has been totally discredited by every other major new organization.
there you go lying again, I admitted I made a mistake. If I had the time, I would look it up for you Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No apology here, cpt.johnstone. Note time and date.