Comey’s General Counsel Believed It Was Appropriate To Charge Hillary Clinton With Mishandling Classified Information

bamscram's Avatar
If there was a contest between Clinton and Trump as who lies it would be a tossup.
Well, many of us suspected as much. BUT i doubt anything will come of this.
themystic's Avatar
Flynn is an excellent fucking example of why Trump isn't talking to Mueller. Comey testified under oath that he and his agents didn't believe Flynn lied; yet, fucking Mueller charged Flynn with lying.

Mueller paved the way for Comey to make millions in just a few months, and you're bragging that Comey went and talked to Mueller as if that is somehow remarkable? That notion and five dollars will get you a coffee at Starbucks.

Comey has to worry about the new AG.

Your lying cunt, hildebeest, was a greater liar, and the choice was between her and Trump. Trump is hands down better as president than that lying cunt your party ran for office.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lighten up IB. Pence is about to be your new President. Maybe hes picking Nick Ayers to be VP and thats why he didn't take the Chief of Staff job. Pence is part of the Deep State. Look out IB, the boogie man is going to get you. Pow Bang Whop!@#*&#
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lighten up IB. Pence is about to be your new President. Maybe hes picking Nick Ayers to be VP and thats why he didn't take the Chief of Staff job. Pence is part of the Deep State. Look out IB, the boogie man is going to get you. Pow Bang Whop!@#*&# Originally Posted by themystic
What in the fuck does your post have to do with either Comey or Baker in regards to hildebeest's illegal handling of Top Secret SAP intel?
themystic's Avatar
What in the fuck does your post have to do with either Comey or Baker in regards to hildebeest's illegal handling of Top Secret SAP intel? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You were talking about Flynn in this thread. Is that pertinent to Comey and Baker? You should practice what you preach
I B Hankering's Avatar
You were talking about Flynn in this thread. Is that pertinent to Comey and Baker? You should practice what you preach Originally Posted by themystic
If you check the thread above you'll discover you were the one that hijacked the thread onto Mueller and Trump by pretending you were ignorant of Comey's relationship with Mueller. You should man-up and be honest and admit you are attempting to hijack the thread off topic, i.e., Comey's testimony that gave proof to the lie Comey told the American public when he exonerated hildebeest.
Nice fantasies you have there mystic. Too bad that's all they are. IB:2. Mystic and wtf:0. Comey just perjured himself again. For a "smart" guy he's pretty stupid. Or does he not remember what he said just a few days ago? If he's truly that big an idiot he needs to be taken into custody for his own safety and that of others. Can't have people who sound like they're beginning to slp into Alzheimer's just wandering the streets.
themystic's Avatar
If you check the thread above you'll discover you were the one that hijacked the thread onto Mueller and Trump by pretending you were ignorant of Comey's relationship with Mueller. You should man-up and be honest and admit you are attempting to hijack the thread off topic, i.e., Comey's testimony that gave proof to the lie Comey told the American public when he exonerated hildebeest. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I admit its hard to fallow your threads. Its like following a drunk driver. If you're not careful you could end up in the ditch
I B Hankering's Avatar
I admit its hard to fallow your threads. Its like following a drunk driver. If you're not careful you could end up in the ditch Originally Posted by themystic

You "fallow threads" and "follow drunks into ditches"? Maybe you should read Comey's transcribed testimony regarding how he mishandled the hildebeest email investigation and discover what a liar Comey is.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nice fantasies you have there mystic. Too bad that's all they are. IB:2. Mystic and wtf:0. Comey just perjured himself again. For a "smart" guy he's pretty stupid. Or does he not remember what he said just a few days ago? If he's truly that big an idiot he needs to be taken into custody for his own safety and that of others. Can't have people who sound like they're beginning to slp into Alzheimer's just wandering the streets. Originally Posted by Lantern2814

He "lost" his memos.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-11-2018, 03:35 PM
IB:2. Mystic and wtf:0. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Well, well , well, who died and appointed you official scorer?

Neither Trump or Comney will be indicted.
themystic's Avatar
Nice fantasies you have there mystic. Too bad that's all they are. IB:2. Mystic and wtf:0. Comey just perjured himself again. For a "smart" guy he's pretty stupid. Or does he not remember what he said just a few days ago? If he's truly that big an idiot he needs to be taken into custody for his own safety and that of others. Can't have people who sound like they're beginning to slp into Alzheimer's just wandering the streets. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
I give you credit lantern, that is funny. But the reality is Clinton, Trump and Comey aint going to jail. All this deep state and lock her up talk is all bullshit. Manafort is locked up and Cohen is about to be. Flynn is convicted of lying. Those are facts. Mueller 3 Trump 0
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Don't forget the 25 FBI agents who have lost their jobs, been reassigned or are currently under investigation.

Those are facts.

So that makes Mueller -25 Trump 0