US suffers worst economic decline on record in second quarter as GDP contracts by 32.9%

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Desperate dems pray for the deaths of Americans and destruction of our cities to advance their political ambitions, which is why they’re anti-hcq and pro riot. There was a time I respected, and at times voted for, the party, but advocating and cheerleading the loss of lives and livelihoods is going WAY to far. The party is now completely un-American and should be swinging from ropes.
Desperate dems pray for the deaths of Americans and destruction of our cities to advance their political ambitions, which is why they’re anti-hcq and pro riot. There was a time I respected, and at times voted for, the party, but advocating and cheerleading the loss of lives and livelihoods is going WAY to far. The party is now completely un-American and should be swinging from ropes. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Great post

It’s time every America loving person stand up

saying you don’t like trump isn’t good enough

Trump is the guardian and custodian of our freedom and liberty and the constitution

You might wish it were another but that’s not an option right now

The fate of the republic continuing resides with republicans

There is no, zero, zilch truth in the dimocrat party, that’s as plain as the nose on your face.

If you need further convincing just watch the house judiciary committee hearing with William Barr this week, it was a shocking Display of not just denial of truth but open noncaring and vileness by the dims, every one of them
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Trump is the guardian and custodian of our freedom and liberty and the constitution Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I agree. He should probably read the constitution, and learn the obligations, and responsibilities, of the presidency, and executive branch. Clearly, he doesn't know them, or understand them.

I mean really...cancel the election? Bwahahahahaha
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
jazz got banned
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
jazz got banned Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

yep. got a good idea why. it wasn't anything he posted here it was likely in the Pittsburgh forum.

speaking of bans .. several have recently made parole.

Little Monster lost his "ankle bracelet". so did Sistine Chapel and Blisswithkriss however it looks like Kriss's account is at least frozen or disabled even if it doesn't say so. sometimes that doesn't work right to update as "account disabled" however if you check his profile you can't send him a PM meaning the account is not active. it's possible he emailed the mod squad and said "i'm done here" and they disabled it effective when his ban expired.

FTW .. er WTF seems disinterested in posting. as does Monster and Sistine Chapel. considering each has convinced themselves the mod squad has it out for them when in fact they are their own worst enemies.

as most people are.

bambino's Avatar
yep. got a good idea why. it wasn't anything he posted here it was likely in the Pittsburgh forum.

speaking of bans .. several have recently made parole.

Little Monster lost his "ankle bracelet". so did Sistine Chapel and Blisswithkriss however it looks like Kriss's account is at least frozen or disabled even if it doesn't say so. sometimes that doesn't work right to update as "account disabled" however if you check his profile you can't send him a PM meaning the account is not active. it's possible he emailed the mod squad and said "i'm done here" and they disabled it effective when his ban expired.

FTW .. er WTF seems disinterested in posting. as does Monster and Sistine Chapel. considering each has convinced themselves the mod squad has it out for them when in fact they are their own worst enemies.

as most people are.

BAHAHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Jazz got banned from the Pittsburgh forum.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jazz got banned from the Pittsburgh forum. Originally Posted by bambino

yep. i saw the post i think got him the hammer.

some modtards have no sense of humor i guess ..
  • Tiny
  • 07-31-2020, 06:15 PM
the decline of 32.9% is not the real decline rate for this year, its a projected annualized decline if the year declines at the same rate as the second quarter Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I looked up second quarter year-on-year GDP changes for some countries. In other words, how much has GDP dropped in the 2nd quarter of 2020 compared to the 2nd quarter of 1999. These have already announced the numbers:

USA -9.5%
France -19%
Germany -11.7%

The following countries masked up early on, and have announced:

South Korea -2.9%
Singapore -12.6%
Hong Kong -9%
China +3.2%
Taiwan -0.7%

The following haven't announced yet but here are the average forecasts by economists,

Sweden: -8.3%
New Zealand: -14.9%

I threw those out because Sweden didn't do a lockdown. Interesting their GDP loss will be almost as high as the U.S., if the actual number turns out close to the consensus forecast. And New Zealand had perhaps the toughest lockdown of western countries, and indeed their GDP probably has suffered accordingly.

I have no idea how much stimulus was provided by the various countries' governments and central banks. You'd think that would have a big bearing on the GDP number, maybe bigger than their respective strategies to cope with the virus.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 07:00 PM
in practice - it would appear that masks are some benefit
Lockdowns devastate an economy - and are beloved of the authoritarian Marxist governors and mayors.
sportfisherman's Avatar
So does all this mean that it is Good for it to have contracted 33 % ?

Is this Good ?
  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2020, 04:26 PM
Certainly from a DPST 'mmarxist' POV.
sportfisherman's Avatar
So Chump should include this in his ad campaign to brag on his Economic genius ?

He should really push this ?

Cause at first I thought it was bad.
But after you Chump's debate I think your saying it's good ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So Chump should include this in his ad campaign to brag on his Economic genius ?

He should really push this ?

Cause at first I thought it was bad.
But after you Chump's debate I think your saying it's good ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman

it's a good thing for you that the liquor stores are closed till Monday ..
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey Wacko IT man ;

Is that the best you got ? That's pretty lame ;

You did not answer the question ;

Is this something for Chump to claim and brag on ?

Or is it something for Chump to dodge and disavow ?

You know how he claims no responsibilty.
in practice - it would appear that masks are some benefit
Lockdowns devastate an economy - and are beloved of the authoritarian Marxist governors and mayors. Originally Posted by oeb11
I think it's safe to assume every state is still in Phase 2 with state mandated Mask while in public. Yet I see rising cases. I think it's due to the inaccuracy of the tests. Something just doesn't make sense with this whole pandemic.