Shaved or not

I shaved of my pussy-stache a week or so ago, I miss it sooo much!! My crotch looks so plain now, I need some accessories! I'm trying to grow it back to it's regular lush and full state, but I'm thinking about rubbing some miracle grow on my pubic area to speed it up lol
My tongue makes a great accessory....

My preference is shaved, but a well maintained love patch or landing strip is nice, too. A lack of taint and ass hair is a must, though.
Trim down the base and shave if possible the jewels boys, makes for a more pleasurable "how many licks does it take" experience for all! Love that yum stuff!
shorty's Avatar
I shaved of my pussy-stache a week or so ago, I miss it sooo much!! My crotch looks so plain now, I need some accessories! I'm trying to grow it back to it's regular lush and full state, but I'm thinking about rubbing some miracle grow on my pubic area to speed it up lol Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
How about a clit ring for a accessory, Skylar.
shaved, shaved, shaved,
shaved, shaved, shaved

Did I say shaved?
I prefer shaved on myself.
Trimmed or shaved on the gent is my preference.
I never liked body hair except what's on my head.
burkalini's Avatar
I think for myself alot of it has to do with the thickness of the hair. If it's dark and coarse I prefer shaved because anything else kinda rubs you a little raw. Alot of gals with either blonde or red hair have thin consistency and it's very soft and attractive so a neatly trimmed bush is attractive to me. What the fuck am I saying I like pussy in all it's forms as long as it clean.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Damn straight!

Alot of gals with either blonde or red hair have thin consistency and it's very soft and attractive Originally Posted by burkalini

A woman should *look* like a woman in her nether region. Not bare like a little girl. Not to mention, a bare pussy that has the stubble look. Is unattractive. No matter how closely shaved it is. It still has the stubble look. Not pretty at all.
I shave bald about every 2-3 days. I don't mind about clients as long as they are clean!
I know most men expect shaved in this profession, but recently I had a epiphany.... I've been shaved since I was about 16... So 10 years of nothing there.... I've been playing with it to see what I like the most... But all I can relate it to is watching a man try to do something fun and new with his facial hair, screwing up and having to shave it all off.... I think I need like a reverse stencil!
darter's Avatar
I prefer shaved on myself.
Trimmed or shaved on the gent is my preference.
I never liked body hair except what's on my head. Originally Posted by Shayla
Well I guess that leaves me out of the Shayla love fest.
The only places I don't have much hair are the nether region (by choice) and my head (not by choice). I refuse to shave my chest... : )

My preference now is trimmed or a landing strip. I was actually very surprised the first time I was with a lady that was completely shaved, but that was a long time ago and I've gotten used to it.

One of my ATF"s used to have me trim and shave her into different designs. A heart was the most common, but she once had me shave an arrow pointing to the spot. That was a lot of fun, but nerve racking at the same time!
canuckvic's Avatar
shaved, clean and tasty
Either way is fine with me, just not a jungle.
The ATF has always bee shaved, but on occasion has let it grow a tad. Can't say as I mind either way, taste the same.
gimme_that's Avatar
The ladies mostly here will tell you to shave your balls, I mean which provider is gonna say openly in public forum that a hairy cock and balls is cool too. Don't expect a different response then that anytime soon here.....who wants to be the poster provider for the hairy cock preferred ladies.

In civilian situation most ladies were trimmed but kept their hair. The hobby seems like its more catered to the woman who shaves due to the volume. But if she shaves so much she gets razor bumps, she should just trim it and grow it out. I mostly dated black woman in my civilian life, and they were rarely bare, but always trimmed and neat.

After I saw a girlfriend get waxed and proceeded to bleed 1 to 2 days after I kinda didn't find it overly important if she waxed or shaved or not. Just as long as its neat and trimmed I'm good.

Now as far as in hobbying I prefer shaved, but its no big consequence if she wasn't. I assume more will prefer she will be bare in the hobby and just deal with it.

Now as far as me I'm not especially hairy at all, or wolveriney as I call it. I'm black and black peoples hair in regions like that reacts different. It curls in. I shaved my balls once and that shit was itchy and uncomfortable as fuck after. I felt like I was a rapper or micheal jackson or something, couldn't keep my hands off of was hell after playing sports too. Lots of hand washing. I'm not especially hairy to no extent but I'm not doing that again. It was hell.