You havent called anyone out and you wanted people to jump and agree with your bullshit, I wont... you just make yourself look foolish.
I open doors for a women yep Ive empowered a woman with kindness...guess Im a white knight?
I cleaned out my ex's gutters the other day....damn once again white knight!
My sugar baby asked me to get her a drink of water the other day after I ate her 20 yr old pussy...
Crap Jayhawkers gonna call me a white knight!
Yeah your right I would rather empower a woman to know when she is with me she comes first so whether Im paying her or not paying her she can concentrate on things that will help her be better.
I dont degrade or devalue women if thats your thing.
Maybe that physical ugliness you state you have isnt just skin deep, maybe it goes right to the bone of who you are.
Now ill await your response in 3...2...1