Dating a provider

moneytalksny's Avatar
A provider and I discussed it, and as soon as we got to an "exclusive" talk it was over Originally Posted by Gentlemen Rendezvous
Sounds like a wife...
jughead1171's Avatar
I date providers all the time. It is for an hour at a time at their going posted rate Joking aside I would consider dating a provider if things ever went that way between us. I do though go into the hobby with both eyes open realizing that is not a likely situation that I will find myself in and don't plan on letting myself believe the fantasy I pay for is anything other than that a fantasy.
johnnyrgv's Avatar
This was a better response than what I expected. I'm taking this off my bucket list. Best case scenario, we hit it off; worse, we don't. I guess taking it one day at a time will have to do for now. Discounted pussy...I don't have a need and as they say, "you get what you pay for."
jughead1171's Avatar
I think this is probably a fantasy for many on here to be able to date a provider but then when it becomes reality it sometimes fall short of what was hoped for. I remember my first provider (ASPD days) and my ATF. I would have loved to have had a relationship with her beyond the hobby, but as many do in this hobby she retired and I moved on to the next. I always kind of watch hoping she might some day return to providing but in the mean time I hobby on .
  • 09-02-2016, 10:04 AM
It would probably never work as a long term thing because they will remind each other of how they met just by looking at each other and if they ever get in an a heated argument he might throw that in her face unless he is willing to put up with the fact that she was or is an escort. There are exceptions to the rules and it might end up being the best thing that happened to them and it could also be a nice experience even if it is just something of a fling. Anything can happen. Good luck.
CuddlyForest's Avatar
Nah man, don't listen to these guys. Take the jump man, what could possibly go wrong?

kiki2012's Avatar
[QUOTE=Moondoggie;1058543982]What the hell, what's the worst thing that could happen? Buckle up and just know that you signed up for a wild ride.

She can't be any more dangerous than any other bat shit crazy chick.[/QUOTE.
LOL!! That's right most women are crazy! Me included! Lmao