This Guy is Catching Hell Now!!!

I don't usually comment in this forum, but for once, and it does happen from time to time, I actually agree with Whisky Tango Foxtrot... Seriously, WTF am I thinking?

Glad you asked. EVERYBODY has an opinion on other races, always have and always will. Those opinions are not in themselves racist, however. In this case, that opinion was the only concern expressed by Sterling and it is not racist. In my opinion, it is rather poor judgment on his part to be involved with some mixed race chick when one of the races he does not like is part of her heritage, and who thinks she can covertly record their private conversations. I would have dumped any chick I was dating that tape recorded me and did not tell me beforehand, and I found out later. Clearly, he should not trust her with anything.

The real problem in this case is the girl because one has to question the motivations of why she recorded her conversations with Mr. Sterling and did not tell him she was doing so. The follow up problem is obviously people like Jesse Jackson, who is clearly a racist, for making the claim that Mr. Sterling is a racist for an expression of his belief in private conversation, or Michael Jordan and Ervin Johnson for being as stupid as they are for going along with the masses by claiming disgust and racism. Just wait, next there will be a flash news story by another problem child in the form of Al Sharpton calling for a congressional hearing on the issue since alleged racist comments are being expressed by individuals *oh lordy, lordy the sky is fallin*; nothing wrong with having adverse opinions of other races btw.

Notice that the ones that played the race card are black, and are the ones making the most noise about this guy’s opinion. Stupid is as stupid does in this case.

Now for Mr. Sterling, I would think finding a way to end the marriage to his wife should be the highest order of business then finding a new girlfriend would be the next step. Obviously, the Black-Mexican chica has significant issues since she is a) a married man’s mistress, b) the subject of ongoing litigation from Mrs. Sterling and c) for stupidly thinking she can get away with surreptitiously taping private conversations with her boyfriend/benefactor/master and making demands on him while he is paying her bills. Obviously this chick is as dumb as a box of rocks and is a viper.

End the end, it is entertainment along with very bad judgment, but unquestionably not racism. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
I agree 100%... lmao on you calling Bubba "Whisky Tango Foxtrot"... But what about Cliven Bundy does he get a pass too?
I used creative expression while creating that post. I figured two WTF's in the same sentence would reflect poorly on me.
Trust me, I chuckled when I wrote that.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Smart enough to be a billionaire. Check.

He spoke his mind in private. Check.

He said nothing personally racist.

If you listen to the tape in context and understanding that this bitch is trying her best to make him out to be a racist, you'd see that the only thing he did wrong was fuck this two bit snake.

Should he be convicted for being a dumbass? Yes. Way more pussy out there for him to fuck than this gold digger.

Oh and fuck Snoop Dog in the ass. Originally Posted by WTF
OK - I'm willing to concede she set him up. She did that to get even. How is he not racist?
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  • 04-27-2014, 09:49 PM
I don't usually comment in this forum, but for once, and it does happen from time to time, I actually agree with Whisky Tango Foxtrot... Seriously, WTF am I thinking?

. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
It takes some longer than other to get on my Zen like plane.

Just make sure and properly attribute my sage offerings...

In the end, it is entertainment along with very bad judgment, but unquestionably not racism. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera

What I can't understand is why nobody in the sports commentary world won't stand up and state the obvious/
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  • 04-27-2014, 09:51 PM
OK - I'm willing to concede she set him up. She did that to get even. How is he not racist? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I do not know if he is racist or not but based on the recording I heard, nothing he said appeared to be racist to me taken in context of the whole conversation.
Smart enough to be a billionaire. Check.

He spoke his mind in private. Check.

He said nothing personally racist.

If you listen to the tape in context and understanding that this bitch is trying her best to make him out to be a racist, you'd see that the only thing he did wrong was fuck this two bit snake.

Should he be convicted for being a dumbass? Yes. Way more pussy out there for him to fuck than this gold digger.

..... Originally Posted by WTF
I agree that this was a private conversation she secretly taped to set him up for a back out plan just in case. But...

The league has been trying to get rid of this owner for years. He's the Bud Adams of the NBA. The public today is going to take the side of the pretty young Latina over the old white billionaire no matter how marginal the circumstances...same with the players and the former players and ESPN analysts.

So what if Sterling donated a couple of thousand Clipper tickets in the cheap seats that he wasn't going to be able to sell.
BigLouie's Avatar
I don't know about him being racist and all but after taking one look at him and one look at her, whatever he is paying her to fuck him is not enough. And I am pretty sure the girl is in the relationship for the money.
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  • 04-28-2014, 06:23 AM
I don't know about him being racist and all but after taking one look at him and one look at her, whatever he is paying her to fuck him is not enough. And I am pretty sure the girl is in the relationship for the money. Originally Posted by BigLouie
I.9 million just in gifts.

I bet you'd fuck him for half that!
I'm shocked. She's in it for the money.
Does she have a showcase on ECCIE. Maybe she frequents the Diamonds and Tuxedo Forum.

One interesting note that has cropped up,she is in on this with Magic Johnson. Since the NBA has been trying to get rid of this guy for quite a while, they set the entire thing up. When he is forced to sell, Magic steps forward and takes the team off of his hands.

If you listen to the entire tape, he comes off not so much as a racist, but as a sugar daddy who wants his sugar baby to simply tone down her actions in public.

I suppose having a owner who is a Gay ex NBA star who caught AIDS glory holing in San Francisco is better than a racist any day.

One thing is for sure.,when it is all over, he will still be an old white billionaire, and she will still be a whore.
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  • 04-28-2014, 07:08 AM

If you listen to the entire tape, he comes off not so much as a racist, but as a sugar daddy who wants his sugar baby to simply tone down her actions in public.

. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yep....that is exactly wtf I heard. I heard a man tired of her shit and she knew she was about to get kicked to the curb. That is why she taped this , to blackmail him, pardon the pun. She should be charged with extortion.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Everyone understands she is in it for the money for the sexual relationship - I for one think that is great - when I'm eighty I hope to still be with pretty girls like her. No need to insult any girl for that.
how can he be racist sleeping with a half black chick?

and the other half is Mexican btw

he knows her race

he supplies her with money, a 1.8 million dollar condo, cars, made her in charge of his charitable foundation..and enters her body

the clip I heard, he used the word black and not some other disparaging term....
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
To my knowledge he never used the "N" word correct? This should be an interesting legal battle.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
To my knowledge he never used the "N" word correct? This should be an interesting legal battle. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
I think you are right. If he gets banned from the league and never used the N word, then this would be new legal ground. Perhaps we should have an area like "Speakers Corner" where the word can be used. Anywhere else, and you get an immediate drone strike from a bomb loaded with cow shit and skunk oil with a special additive that doesn't go away for 3 days!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Sterling is a BIG Democratic donor... LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Smart enough to be a billionaire, dumb enough to speak his mind and give money to the Democrats! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Nice try to hang him on the democrats.
He gave $2000 in 1989 and $2000 in 1991 and none since.

IBCulling talks about culling people for the benefit of society (does that sound familar to you at all? remind you of anything?) and you don't say shit about it. Nothing.
But you're up in arms about an argument between a hooker and and her rich douche-bag team owning asshole 80 year old boyfriend.

Good to see you have your priorities straight