Any recommendations for Swing clubs

gptxman's Avatar
I myself, love Aftermidnight Club. The owner has done alot of updates on the place.. And as LC stated above, it's BYOB. Originally Posted by TexasStarr
I think BYOB is true of most if not all of the swinger clubs. The thing that makes the floor stand out is that they let you do BYOB and then all the setups are free so you don't end up tossing more money for setups than the drinks would cost in most regular clubs.
gptxman's Avatar
Great club info Lexy. Those of you that are looking at her info that she provided pay close attention to the ON Premise & OFF Premise part. You can only legally have sex in the ON Premise clubs not to say that it doesn't happen at the others. Believe me it does and if I am in one of the OFF Premise clubs you had better bet it will be happening.

Iniquity is also OFF Premise as far as I know. In the ON Premise clubs you will find beds or they have been in the ones I visited.
Ya'll know I'd love to hold your... Err.. Uhh.. Hand there..
Just give me a call..
Yes... They are ALL BYOB

Either way.. I LOVE IQ.. It's really a good time.
gptxman's Avatar
Ya'll know I'd love to hold your... Err.. Uhh.. Hand there..
Just give me a call..
Yes... They are ALL BYOB

Either way.. I LOVE IQ.. It's really a good time.
Originally Posted by Vixen DeVain
I have some real close swinger friends that are Platinum members of IQ we go with them quite often to the club. It is a great club for mingling with some real hot people.

I have been thinking of trying out a new club and was thinking of going by myself to do so which might work perfect to have you join me. I would appreciate it if you would please send me a PM with some rate and time info for this.
  • hd
  • 02-17-2010, 08:52 AM
This post caught my eye because I've always been curious about these places. But it's turned into a "Would a provider care to join me and show me the ropes" post. So, include me in on this too, I'd love to attend one but would certainly feel out of place if able to go stag. I'm probably like a few other hobbyers, my SO will be gone in a few weekends to give me this opportunity so I'll take advantage of it, otherwise, I'll revert back to doing a couple of appointments with ATF's.
I'll be waiting by my PM's....................