An absolute tragedy at a Connecticut elementary school.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think LE has the guys brother. It was said earlier he may have been a second gunman, but I don't know if that is still the case. As far as I know, the GF is still missing.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-14-2012, 04:24 PM
I think LE has the guys brother. It was said earlier he may have been a second gunman, but I don't know if that is still the case. As far as I know, the GF is still missing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
they do... hes being questioned
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-14-2012, 04:27 PM
..hopefully she is hunkered down somewhere .... or ...

.. is that the 2nd person LE is 'interviewing"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
not sure

if shes in town, and she couldnt tell the guy was going off the deep end any better than the rest of the family, chances are shes dead too
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fifty five million babies have been killed in the womb since Roe v Wade. A Democrat, expressing compassion for dead children, is absurd. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Joe, you are an insensitive, ignorant, worthless piecce of shit.

You should never have come back.

Shame on you.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
I hardly think comparing abortion to the murder of young school age children is realistic. There is no comparison.
One another note, not only is it a tragedy for families, but imagine being one of the officials that walked into the school to witness the aftermath. I can't imagine you'd be the same after seeing all of that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The crime scene must be horrific. You're right, those officials will never be the same. The proportions of this tragedy continue to grow and grow. I hope that we don't have copycat crazies jealous of the publicity this punk is getting.
pyramider's Avatar
The litterbox has reached a new low thancks to Joeblow.
I see NO difference between late term abortions and the Connecticut massacre. Both are tragic, sad, should never happen, and should be condemned by everyone.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Saw this online, and thought it apropos.

"If 18 children were murdered in a Pakistani schoolhouse by a drone, no one in the media would report it and just about everyone would go about their lives not caring. Statism has a horrifically dehumanizing effect on how we perceive other human beings that aren't American."

The horror isn't any less because the people are different from us. Let's get together to stop this everywhere.
Sign me up if the revolution of consciousnesses includes the unborn, especially those who are viable, partially delivered, then executed (at close range, unlike a drone strike from 15,000 feet). Until then it is just selective outrage IMO.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
I agree. Late Term Abortion is horrific.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-14-2012, 09:37 PM
Sign me up if the revolution of consciousnesses includes the unborn, especially those who are viable, partially delivered, then executed (at close range, unlike a drone strike from 15,000 feet). Until then it is just selective outrage IMO. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So in your view one injustice justifies countless other injustices. It there is one wrong in the world, they you feel no reason to decry other injustices.

I suggest you need to read this post:

then look yourself in a mirror. So nice of you to avise others, but ignore your own advice.

I'm sure you know the term for that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I see NO difference between late term abortions and the Connecticut massacre. Both are tragic, sad, should never happen, and should be condemned by everyone. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are a fucking Neanderthal. Hateful, insensitive and self deprecating. abortion is a totally different issue, and subject of another debate but you grasp at any TeaBag rant to get a little attention. To equate that with Newtown is the raving of an imbecile.

Your mama should have had a choice...or maybe should have breast fed you...or something. Seek help.
Prior to opening this thread for the first time, I somehow knew it was destined for the gutter. Joe the Bloehard and Whirly quickly proved my initial thoughts to be justified.

My personal observation: May God bless those poor, poor children, their family's and friends.

Everything else pales in comparison!
LexusLover's Avatar
I see NO difference between late term abortions and the Connecticut massacre. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Several major differences are .... the fetus was fully aware of what was about to occur or occurring emotionally and the fetus was not aborted in the presence of other conscious and aware children ... also, the parent had made that decision consciously and the parent didn't have to wonder for hours if his or her child was dead ... not to mention the other children in the family wondering what happened to their little sister or brother they were with the day or morning before.

Your analysis is to make "political" points ...

..... this tragedy should not be used politically, except to make "political" decisions as to how better to protect children in schools and the staff who are there to teach them. THose decisions need to be made quickly, but with serious analytical discourse without people pushing an "agenda" and using the tragedy to score political points.

We need for children to feel safe when they HAVE to leave the safety of their homes (already traumatic for them) and to have their family feel they are safe when the drop them off or send them off to the bus for school .... and NOT JUST FEEL ... but BE SAFE.

The truth is that Columbine presented an opportunity for all schools to establish procedures and install equipment to provide a level of protection with appropriately trained LE personnel to be present to monitor the procedures and equipment and respond to any breaches or threats BEFORE it happens ....

.. it is called "proactive" or "community" policing.