Rush Slimebaugh attacks the Pope

bambino's Avatar
I have no idea what rush has said now (don't really care) but I want it on record that I am highly suspicious of this pope. He was great till he began saying Christ wasn't the only way to heaven. I'm cool w folks believing what they want but that is a fundamental Christian belief and the leader of the catholic faith should never say stuff like that. Ever.

Then he started trying to reach out to muzzies. Nope. I'm gone. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
You're hot, who cares about the Pope.
Biggie is back! And dumber than ever! If that's possible. Originally Posted by bambino

I'va +10
Bumbimo - 0
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I know you didn't really hear what Limbaugh said if you make those comments. You are parroting partisan news sources.

Timmie, CJ, Dupe, FuckZup, and friend.
bambino's Avatar
I'va +10
Bumbimo - 0 Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Spell chick is worth at least 1000. That's an all time gotcha! You really out did yourself on that one. How's the Harley ride back from Pittsburgh?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's hand-on mean? Gotcha? It's the silly game you play. That's the second gotcha today from a hyena pack member. And it's only 11am. So, you Libby atheists are sticking up for the Pope? Ratings must be low. Originally Posted by bambino
You epitomize the low-information slugs on this board, pissant. You just want to scuffle, threaten and bluster. But every fucking threat(d) you post is another contradiction.

You're hot, who cares about the Pope. Originally Posted by bambino
This is fucking RICH! Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound. Actually, Hating Kayla is right up there on your list of spinners. Check it out. She could be a pulling guard for the Pissburgh Steelers.

She's probably a tad more than 5-2 and 130. But you can lick her asshole, pierogi breath!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-03-2013, 02:04 PM
You're hot, who cares about the Pope. Originally Posted by bambino

she's waaaaaay out of your league Bimbo ... she can spell prostate
I have no idea what rush has said now (don't really care) but I want it on record that I am highly suspicious of this pope. He was great till he began saying Christ wasn't the only way to heaven. I'm cool w folks believing what they want but that is a fundamental Christian belief and the leader of the catholic faith should never say stuff like that. Ever.

Then he started trying to reach out to muzzies. Nope. I'm gone. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Pope Francis is a bit different from past popes. The most controversial aspect of this Pope is, he is the first Pope who is a Jesuit. If you're not familiar with what a Jesuit is, I won't spoil it for you and let you research it on your own. One thing I will say is priest of the Jesuit order are bound by oath not to seek higher office in the Roman Catholic Church.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-03-2013, 02:26 PM
What a maroon. Fat-ass, Oxycontin drug addict Slimebaugh v. the leader of 1.5 billion Catholics. Are his ratings down or something? Originally Posted by timpage
Well put -he is a fat ass!
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-03-2013, 02:28 PM
I have no idea what rush has said now (don't really care) but I want it on record that I am highly suspicious of this pope. He was great till he began saying Christ wasn't the only way to heaven. I'm cool w folks believing what they want but that is a fundamental Christian belief and the leader of the catholic faith should never say stuff like that. Ever.

Then he started trying to reach out to muzzies. Nope. I'm gone. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
So Jews don't go to heaven?
No, he still has the highest rated talk show in the far. So maybe he's just stating his opinion.
BigLouie's Avatar
Then he started trying to reach out to muzzies. Nope. I'm gone. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Here's a news flash for you, the Pope is just being the Pope. Trying to get people to put aside differences and work together. Trying to help people at the bottom of every social, political and economic ladder there is. It's what Popes do. You on the other hand seem to want to kill each and every one of them until what, there is just you left.
So the Dims are so embarrassed by Obamacare that they have to find something Limbaugh said today so they can blow it out of proportion to use as a distraction. I'm surprised they didn't come up with the "Republican War On Catholics."

At least Rush didn't call the Archbishop into the White House and lie to his face like President Obama did.

Newsflash: Rush is an entertainer. I listen to him about two times a year for about an hour. He says stupid stuff all the time to fill out time. He isn't the GOP spokesman just like Rachael Maddow isn't the spokesman for the Democrats.

The Pope is the Pope and not above criticism except in Vatican City. BigLouie, since when did you give a damn about the leader of the Catholic Church? You are one to the biggest anti-Christians on the board.
Bunch of hypocritical bastards.

When the Pope talks about the "sins" of homosexuality, abortion, divorce, fornication, adultery, the liberal left says, "no religion in politics, mind your own business"

But when he speaks favorably of their liberal agenda items, it's, " right on your holiness"

The pope ain't nothing but the representative of a bunch of imbeciles who have created God in their own image, thinking some priest can punch their free ticket to heaven.

We talk about the Muslims living in the 12th century. Ever read the shit the Catholics pawn off on the ignorant masses.

Here's one for you. The next time President Obama is talking about the Pope, ask him if he believes in the "virgin birth". That should shut him up.

Come on, is praying to "The Virgin Mary" any more ridiculous that expecting 72 virgins when you die a martyr.
Spell chick is worth at least 1000. That's an all time gotcha! You really out did yourself on that one. How's the Harley ride back from Pittsburgh? Originally Posted by bambino

I wouldn't ride my Harley to Pitt. Bimbo
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The pope is no different from the radio entertainer, a man with an opinion.
Catholics have not been following the pope for years; they may as well be Lutherans.