What is your definition of a lefty.

texassapper's Avatar
The only people I see on here who always try to act like they think they are smarter than the rest of us is the same group of you that always says things like that. Your statements here are just as 'arrogant and entitled' as most other stuff you post that I have seen the last few days. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Oh, I didn't say lefties AREN'T stupid... jus that they THINK they are smarter than everyone else and hence their entitlement to tell everyone else what they ought to be doing.

On the contraty, you will not find me telling anyone how they ought to live, what shots to take, what wars to support etc. I'm just pointing out that you are being lied to and there is evidence that you ought to look at if you're interested in making decisions for yourself.

Like I just posted in another dumb thread here you don't have to worry much longer. I will stop making trouble for you soon. Originally Posted by gladi8r
I find it humurous that you think you are making life difficult for me or that I give your thoughts/posts anything other than a cursory review. You just don't matter to me as much as you seem to think I do.

You are all really depressing and I will let you have this forum all to yourselves. Originally Posted by gladi8r
This isn't an airport, no need to annouce your departure... I don't care whether you are on here all day or never. You're not that important. I feel sad that you feel depressed by reading my posts. Cognitive dissonance will do that to you I guess.
I try to respect everyone and listen to their opinions. That is not wanted here. Originally Posted by gladi8r
who told you you couldn't present your thoughts or opinions? You can write whatever you like (within limits of the ToS) nobody has to agree or support you.... that's on the merits of your arguments. Maybe make a better argument.
I'm going to enjoy my family and friends and start fucking hookers again now that I am healthy. I'm not going to sit inside on every beautiful June evening and try to convince you of anything. You should get out more and ignore social media. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Are you trying to convince me or you? Again, I don't care how you spend your time.
No one who disagrees can ever talk to you. You always have a reason you are right and they are wrong. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Meh, If you have a logical thought or argument that isn't dependent on believing government propaganda or "the experts" that have lied to the public so often, I eill entertain it, but you have nothing of the kind.
  • Tiny
  • 06-10-2024, 12:04 PM
On the contraty, you will not find me telling anyone how they ought to live, what shots to take, what wars to support etc. Originally Posted by texassapper
Well, you're not shy about telling us what shots NOT to take and what wars NOT to support. While I usually disagree with you about the shots, I have learned a few things from some of your COVID links. And usually agree with you about wars.

Your views show how it's hard to pigeon hole people with definitions like "lefty" or "liberal." On the economy, I believe you're a classical liberal. And on, say, Ukraine, your views are closer to Bernie Sanders' than to most other politicians'. But nobody would call you a lefty.
texassapper's Avatar
Well, you're not shy about telling us what shots NOT to take and what wars NOT to support. While I usually disagree with you about the shots, I have learned a few things from some of your COVID links. And usually agree with you about wars. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah mostly it's sarcastically asking people how fcuking gullible they are? I used to laugh when George Carlin said never believe the government... after all this time, I realize I shouldn't have been laughing...
Your views show how it's hard to pigeon hole people with definitions like "lefty" or "liberal." Originally Posted by Tiny
Not really. Supporting abortion, gun control, foreign wars, expansion of the state are for me, pretty much the identifying symptoms of someone suffering from liberalism.I don't support any of those things.
On the economy, I believe you're a classical liberal. Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm not even sure that's a meaningful description anymore.
And on, say, Ukraine, your views are closer to Bernie Sanders' than to most other politicians'. Originally Posted by Tiny
I have no idea what Bernie thinks on the subject... being a communist, I doubt he'd side with Russia unless he's just nostalgic for his honeymoon. It's not our war. It's not our business. Our foreign policy "experts" exascerbated the conflict with talking about expanding Nato and the Maidan revolution. That was just more stupid CIA perfidity.
But nobody would call you a lefty. Originally Posted by Tiny
Not to my face.
  • Tiny
  • 06-10-2024, 12:50 PM
I used to laugh when George Carlin said never believe the government... after all this time, I realize I shouldn't have been laughing... Originally Posted by texassapper

Not really. Supporting abortion, gun control, foreign wars, expansion of the state are for me, pretty much the identifying symptoms of someone suffering from liberalism.I don't support any of those things. Originally Posted by texassapper
Both sides support foreign wars, not just the left. Believing like you do that we shouldn't tell other people what to do, within reason, I wouldn't put abortion in the same category with the rest.

Our foreign policy "experts" exascerbated the conflict with talking about expanding Nato and the Maidan revolution. That was just more stupid CIA perfidity. Originally Posted by texassapper
Agreed, 100%.

I'm struggling to stay on topic. If we want to continue we probably should move to other threads.

I find it humurous that you think you are making life difficult for me or that I give your thoughts/posts anything other than a cursory review. You just don't matter to me as much as you seem to think I do.
Originally Posted by texassapper
Is that why you went line by line by line by line by line responding to everything I said? My God you are an insufferable arrogant boor. You make good company with WYID. So sorry that my previously announced departure was delayed! The delay was worth it though to see you spend so much time on a cursory review.
I fucked a whore last night! You should try it. It is a lot more fun than beating down every one that calls bullshit on your bullshit. Well, for people that aren't rude trolls it would be.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Is that why you went line by line by line by line by line responding to everything I said? My God you are an insufferable arrogant boor. You make good company with WYID. So sorry that my previously announced departure was delayed! The delay was worth it though to see you spend so much time on a cursory review.
I fucked a whore last night! You should try it. It is a lot more fun than beating down every one that calls bullshit on your bullshit. Well, for people that aren't rude trolls it would be. Originally Posted by gladi8r

texassapper's Avatar
Is that why you went line by line by line by line by line responding to everything I said? Originally Posted by gladi8r
Do you think picking apart your vacuous posts is difficult? that's funny.
My God you are an insufferable arrogant boor. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Been called worse by far better.
So sorry that my previously announced departure was delayed! Originally Posted by gladi8r
Sure. You keep announcing hoping that someone will say don't go... lol
The delay was worth it though to see you spend so much time on a cursory review. Originally Posted by gladi8r
sure okay if you say so. All you're doing is demonstrating your acute obsession with me. It's unhealthy... you should move on.
I fucked a whore last night! Originally Posted by gladi8r
Sure you did.
You should try it. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Well I came for the hookers but stayed for the insights...
It is a lot more fun than beating down every one that calls bullshit on your bullshit. Originally Posted by gladi8r
don't under estimate how entertaining it is to laugh at your posts.
Well, for people that aren't rude trolls it would be. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Oh RUDE, is it?! lol... you're hilarious. Don't ever stop being you.
Is that why you went line by line by line by line by line responding to everything I said? Originally Posted by gladi8r
Do you think picking apart your vacuous posts is difficult? that's funny.
... All you're doing is demonstrating your acute obsession with me. It's unhealthy... you should move on. Originally Posted by texassapper

Wow. And you have the gall to talk about an unhealthy obsession. You almost defy belief. Almost.

Yet just limited exposure to the rest of the nonsense you post confirms who you really are: a bullying troll who plays to a small group of like-minded misfits that insist upon dominating the "lefties" in a sub-forum that almost no one reads. On a hooker board.

It's pitiful, and I almost have sympathy for you. It is quite obvious that this is all you have. I mean...you do post a lot of other stuff here. But it is almost all shit. To wit, your implications that the elevated rates of high blood pressure problems among young athletes is related to the COVID vaccine were foolish (Tiny tore your shit up on that one!) And you love to use fringe outlets like VNN (though I have to thank you for that one because now I am all caught up on my Dr. Phil news!)

I am tempted again to tap out, to let you and your tiny cabal of divisive Misinformers have your little playground back to yourselves.

But...nah. I'm gonna enjoy checking back periodically and fucking shit up. It's just too easy. And a bit satisfying. Most of the stuff you and your band post doesn't even withstand basic fact-checking.

One of the hardest lessons in life to learn is not to underestimate others. You are going to learn it here, for sure. I have been a little careless in my posts so far. But I am not the borderline literate simpleton you think. I know how to write and I know how to do objective research. Better than you, I promise. Your game is weak as shit.

It is now your turn to reaffirm your obsession.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Spoken like the true lefty that you are. And no I have no empathy or sympathy for Hunter especially when he had numerous people trying to help him get clean and stay clean and he chose to continue with his continued drug use. And I think we all know that at some point is that daddy will pardon him or commute his sentence at some point. We know this because his decrepit senile daddy said he wouldn't but we all know that this was a lie the minute his lips started moving. Originally Posted by golferguy55
I find this post from golferguy55 illuminating. Apparently empathy is a “lefty” trait. I find it hard to believe that the opposite a “righty” would like to be classified as heartless or callous. But from many of the posts i’ve seen not to mention the things that Trump has said and done it appears to be true.
I find this post from golferguy55 illuminating. Apparently empathy is a “lefty” trait. I find it hard to believe that the opposite a “righty” would like to be classified as heartless or callous. But from many of the posts i’ve seen not to mention the things that Trump has said and done it appears to be true. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
There are problems that both sides have that hurt their cause. But lack of empathy is one of the biggest. As is the enjoyment that many take in mean, vindictive behavior. It hurts us all.

To this, I would add the massive acceptance now of dishonest and unethical behavior.

All politicians are self-serving liars. But the behaviors of Trump are truly some of the worst in our political history. Supporting him is immoral. This is not a "lefty" thing. It is a moral person's obligation not to be a supporter and enabler of this type of behavior.
I find this post from golferguy55 illuminating. Apparently empathy is a “lefty” trait. I find it hard to believe that the opposite a “righty” would like to be classified as heartless or callous. But from many of the posts i’ve seen not to mention the things that Trump has said and done it appears to be true. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

LMFAO what a crock. You certainly follow the marching orders that you lefties have been given. I can damn well guarantee you that if it was one of Trump's kids convicted of the same crime you and the rest of the left would be shouting to lock them up. BTW you never did answer my question Tx Dot as if you work for the same agency as your user name? Just asking for a friend.
LMFAO what a crock. You certainly follow the marching orders that you lefties have been given. I can damn well guarantee you that if it was one of Trump's kids convicted of the same crime you and the rest of the left would be shouting to lock them up. BTW you never did answer my question Tx Dot as if you work for the same agency as your user name? Just asking for a friend. Originally Posted by golferguy55
The baseless angry rants and accusations continue.

And why, pray tell, would you expect txdot to give you any personal info about himself? I would certainly advise him against it.
txdot-guy's Avatar
LMFAO what a crock. You certainly follow the marching orders that you lefties have been given. I can damn well guarantee you that if it was one of Trump's kids convicted of the same crime you and the rest of the left would be shouting to lock them up. BTW you never did answer my question Tx Dot as if you work for the same agency as your user name? Just asking for a friend. Originally Posted by golferguy55
The idea that I have no free ideas or thoughts of my own is insulting and ridiculous. That’s what you are saying when you say things like “marching orders “. I know that there are some on the left that would vilify Trump and his kids if they had a similar issue as Hunter Biden. How come I feel that the response from the right would be 10 times worse both in quantity and callousness.

Please respect guideline #5.

#5 - Membership here is entirely anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board or elsewhere will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real first or last names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously, as will posts deemed by staff to be a 'threat of outing'. In other words, posts which simply imply knowledge of personal details beyond one's public fictional persona or what has been revealed in writing on this board will be dealt with using the same strong measures as actual outing of one's personal information.
winn dixie's Avatar
Guys, I have no beef with anyone in this thread. But I'd advise to take this private and get on topic.
Guys, I have no beef with anyone in this thread. But I'd advise to take this private and get on topic. Originally Posted by winn dixie

(sorry! I couldn't resist)
