Coptic Christians Beheaded

LexusLover's Avatar
State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf declared “we cannot win this war by killing them [ISIS], we cannot kill our way out of this war” on Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball.”
When she finally meets up with General Patton perhaps they can have a chat about "reality."

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
"He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

George S. Patton
isis doesn't have a navy, no air force to speak of, not much of an army as armies go, no industrial capabilities to develop heavy weapons

what they do have is our immigration nonsense and democrat political correctness

Europe is relegated to patrolling sensitive sites and Jewish synagogues, playing after the fact defense in their own lands

now Obama wants to establish another government jobs program, and this time not even for us or even the mexicans
When she finally meets up with General Patton perhaps they can have a chat about "reality."

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
"He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

George S. Patton Originally Posted by LexusLover
Or when LLIdiot "finally meets up with General Patton perhaps they can have a chat about "reality."

Be sure to tell him the last time you wore something other than a Boy or Girl Scout uniform. Whatever the case might be!
I was reading a while back about how, after our Victory in WW-2, we managed to make a mess of two subsequent wars, partially in Korea, and totally in Vietnam.

General Giap, the leading North Vietnamese commander, told us how the North defeated the greatest super power that ever existed.

He new after a while that he did not have to have military victories. He knew that all he had to do was get the American Public to see the futility of loosing lives for seemingly no reason.

Through a willing press, he accomplished this goal, and we left with our tails between our legs.

I think that our Congress should have invited General Giap to address a joint session of Congress and explain to all of our leaders how he played our Government, and our Press, like a cheap fiddle.

ISIS must have read General Giap's writings. They know they don't have to win a single battle to defeat us They know that all they have to do is wait us out.

That is, unless we are willing to do what we did in the last Great War we won. Be willing to kill every damned one of them by what ever means we have at our disposal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We shouldn't get involved in a war unless we are willing to win it quickly and decisively.
LexusLover's Avatar
General Giap, the leading North Vietnamese commander, told us how the North defeated the greatest super power that ever existed. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Who recalls the revelation that Vietnamese visited Baghdad before U.S. action to discuss just that topic.
LexusLover's Avatar
Whatever the case might be! Originally Posted by bigtex
Still haven't found my OMPF have you?

What's the problem? Above your pay grade? Or are you just HOT AIR!
Still haven't found my OMPF have you?

What's the problem? Above your pay grade? Or are you just HOT AIR! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I suspect General Patton would be slapping LLIdiot in order to make an example out of him!

On second thought, General Patton would not have slapped someone who was only a uniformed Scout.

The General would have quickly determined that the Scout was all talk and no action!