Trump is losing his mind

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have got that dead wrong in my case. There isn’t but one God and he ain’t named Trump.
Trump will curtail the invasion, that is what Trump is to me nothing more nothing less.
Not sure why you libs go there, he didn’t promise to stop the sea from rising, like y’all’s boy eluded too. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
You got something to substantiate the claim about "eluded too"?

The term invasion is a bit loose there, amigo.

Remember the plaque on that big green French statue in NY Harbor.

You got something to substantiate the claim about "eluded too"?

The term invasion is a bit loose there, amigo.

Remember the plaque on that big green French statue in NY Harbor.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't forget Ellis Island. Americas largest and most active Immigration processing Station. Nobody just waltz into the the country without being processed. Some were rejected for various reason. We need something similar on the Border. But they'll never do it because it makes too much sense. This country is ran by total idiots on both sides of the aisle.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You got something to substantiate the claim about "eluded too"?

The term invasion is a bit loose there, amigo.

Remember the plaque on that big green French statue in NY Harbor.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's all in his head.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Don't forget Ellis Island. Americas largest and most active Immigration processing Station. Nobody just waltz into the the country without being processed. Some were rejected for various reason. We need something similar on the Border. But they'll never do it because it makes too much sense. This country is ran by total idiots on both sides of the aisle. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Hear hear, sir

Hear hear! THIS!
VitaMan's Avatar
It may perish in November 2024

It may perish in November 2024

Originally Posted by VitaMan
... I don't believe that Mr. Lincoln would think that
America is gonna perish there, Vita.

... How remarkably apt 'tis that you would mention
Abraham Lincoln here, mate...

Seeing-as Mr. Lincoln was the FIRST Republican President
and Mr. Trump - the front-runner now - surely happens
to be the Most Recent Republican President.

So some of you lads believe that Trump is somehow
losing His mind?? ... Then you must have thought that
of Mr. Lincoln - as he and Mr. Trump have LIKE MINDS
on a number of issues. ... Just sayin'

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Takes a seriously deluded poster to mention Lincoln and Trump in the same thought.

This thread is about Trump losing his mind. Not you.
eyecu2's Avatar
OMG, comparing Trump to Lincoln!!??

Trump brought up Lincoln in a rally... saying he wasn't that great.

Trump said he believed the Civil War could have been avoided through negotiation, though that would've changed the legacy of former President Lincoln. Trump, at an Iowa rally Saturday, said he finds the conflict “fascinating” but “so horrible.”

Deluded Donnie thinks he could negotiate the civil war!

I guess if his ghostwriter from "art of the deal" was around to help?!!

Nope- What an insane stupid mother fucker
Trump losing his mind?? That's funny, sleepy joe lost his about 10 years ago, and still looking for it
Trump losing his mind?? That's funny, sleepy joe lost his about 10 years ago, and still looking for it Originally Posted by onthemovie
... - and STILL can't find it! ...

Too Right, mate! ...

... I don't think that Trump is losing HIS mind.

But I DO know what is on Trump's mind ---- REVENGE.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
... I know ... Trump just said that to piss-with you. ..

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Sorry, Salty.

Mr. Trump is not smart enough to think of that.
biomed1's Avatar
In this instance, I speak for myself, and not as a Member of the Staff.
... I don't think that Trump is losing HIS mind.

But I DO know what is on Trump's mind ---- REVENGE.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
If this is what you truly believe; you yourself, have validated all of the people who have posted their thoughts that Mr. Trump should not be elected for a 2nd term as President of the United States.

No Political Office should be sought or served in IF . . .

The goal of the person seeking that office is to effect a Personal Vendetta or Revenge for past insults or transgressions, Real or Perceived.

Further, it is my fervent belief that the people of The United States of America . . .

Would see and recognize the agenda of the person seeking office and that they would deny that individual the office through the legal and lawful election process of this country.
... I'm afraid YOU mis-understand me point there, Sir.

Trump won't be looking for REVENGE for himself - but for
REVENGE for all the American people!

Those people who were put-off their jobs due to co-vid
work restrictions - business owners who went out of
business because of the shut-downs imposed on them.

President Trump coming back can offour them PROSPERITY!

... And those who lost their energy sector jobs - next year
MORE Prosperity for them!

... The family budgets - surely stretched to the limit on accounte
of the SKY HIGH PRICES FOR EVERYTHING - from food prices at the
grocery, to energy prices, and petrol-gas and diesel fuel.

Electing a stalwart fellow like Trump is REVENGE for the people
who have suffered over the last 3 years.

And surely the reason Trump is leading in the polls!

... Re-electing Trump is the BEST revenge at Biden and the
Dems who have led the country into this mess.

And do I even need to mention the illegal immigration??

... FIXING all the great problems the disastrous Biden regime
has done to America is the "revenge" that Trump's mind is
surely thinking-of. ...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Bio posted more eloquently than I was going to. Revenge is revenge. Revenge is to punish the other side. In which case is around 81 million voters and gop members who don't agree with trump.
With Revenge in mind and his diminishing cognitive skills. Trump should not get the presidency.
... And whether Trump wins or not - let's leave it to the
American people to decide.

In a true and honest election.

... Reckon that like-minds can agree on that.

#### Salty