For Clients: How many times, on average, do you bareback escorts? (Anonymous Poll)

Wtf? Why did you delete everything? That was good data. There were like 1500 votes. What was the point in erasing all of it? This is the gayest fucking site on the planet. Fuck this. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Why was it deleted? Gee I don't know. Perhaps because it was totally fucking stupid to begin with. Just like the overwhelming majority of your posts
Wtf? Why did you delete everything? That was good data. There were like 1500 votes. What was the point in erasing all of it? This is the gayest fucking site on the planet. Fuck this. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Sorry... I think I hit the wrong button.... my bad...
  • Tiny
  • 03-27-2018, 03:56 PM
Wtf? Why did you delete everything? That was good data. There were like 1500 votes. What was the point in erasing all of it? This is the gayest fucking site on the planet. Fuck this. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Yitzchak, I've been fighting fires for a couple of weeks so not following this web site, but did check in once, and the results of this poll and a similar one you posted where escorts responded didn't make sense. Also the number of respondents was very high compared to historical polls. I suspect a hacker may have gotten into the system and voted repetitively so that the moderators had to shut it down.

I note that, in other polls, you tried to tie bareback sex to STD's. Unfortunately, that's extremely hard to do the way the polls work here. I think you'd need elaborate software, where you could ask specific follow up questions based on answers to previous questions.

That said, yes, it would be good to know more about the risks of the hobby, and there aren't many decent studies out there. There are some for sexworkers, mostly outside the USA and based on surveys of women who go to STD or female care clinics. The data for hobbyists in the USA is sparse, maybe nonexistent.

There is a need for more knowledge, and I believe that would cause some hobbyists and providers to be more cautious. If you're gay and all your friends start dropping dead from AIDS, like in the 1990's, then you know you need to change behavior. In our community it's different. In the real world we don't go around shouting from the rooftops that we got a provider or a sugar baby pregnant, got STD's, etc. We don't even post about it in our threads. Anonymous polls are one possible way of bringing that information into public.

Unfortunately though, like many things in the world, there are certain lessons that aren't passed down based on experience of others. People must learn these lessons the hard way, over and over again, from the unfortunate results of our risky behavior.
There were 500 views and about 1500 votes, which did not make sense. If it wasn't for some JOKESTER, it would have been the quantitative data we needed in order to really estimate how many people bareback. I could include the STD thing into one poll, but it would be about 100 questions long.

We will try again, Tiny.

We will try again, one day.

Thank you for fighting fires and keeping the community safe.

It's people like you that make this life worth living.

Thank you, again.


your pal,

Dr. Reverend Rick Russel Ronald Wallace Regal IV Ph.D., M.S., B.S., G.E.D.
  • Tiny
  • 03-28-2018, 08:59 AM

your pal,

Dr. Reverend Rick Russel Ronald Wallace Regal IV Ph.D., M.S., B.S., G.E.D. Originally Posted by yitzchak
This is off topic, but I bought my Ph.D. from Stanford College for $900 from an advertisement in the back of the Economist. My GED on the other hand was damn hard to come by, it took a couple of tries and a lot of studying. We've got a lot in common Yitzchak, keep up the good work.

The results of my polls were deleted as well, which didn't appear to be tainted. So I suspect either because of the prejudices of the moderators or a lurking hacker, it won't make sense to post another poll on this subject in the future.
The world is cut into two hemispherical halfs. Their bases seperate from each other a distance equal to twice their radii. They rotate 90 degrees about a vertical axes along their centers. The left clockwise; the right counteclockwise, so that the perimeter of their bases form two circles that align horizontally. My head splits in two. My left eye sees one half; my right the other, like reading two sides of an opened book.
The world is cut into two hemispherical halfs. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Geeeeez... why did you use 3 words when just one would do?!?(Rhetorical... Nobody really cares) Maybe if you conserved your words a little better, people would pay attention to what you say......NAH!!