This proves that liberalism is a mental disorder.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Can't find a book called "Outliners". You really show your stupidity when you try to sound smart, WPF.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2014, 12:18 PM
Can't find a book called "Outliners". You really show your stupidity when you try to sound smart, WPF.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy got me COG.

Did I at least provide a link for you to follow? Hmmmm looks like I did. If you're still having trouble finding that book or can't afford one, let me know and I will send you one. Early Christmas present.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
every Jew had better remember that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What the fuck does THAT mean?
Most successful people have had all kind of help. The mere fact that you were born in this country is a certain privilege that others do not have. May I suggest Gladwell's book "Outliners"....

Mr. Gladwell explains that the hockey phenomenon is an example of "accumulative advantage," where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. He notes that sociologist Robert Merton dubbed the phenomenon "the Matthew Effect," after the biblical verse in the Gospel of Matthew: "For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." Success, in the hockey example, depends not only on the natural ability of the athletes but also on the idiosyncracy of the selection process used to identify talent. Originally Posted by WTF

selection process = aborted fetus = true outlier =
lustylad's Avatar
That's not what I said... I'm not playing that game. If you can't make your point without changing what I said and then thinking you're clever, we're done here. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

I'm not trying to be clever. Let me try again. Are there no privileged blacks? Are there no underprivileged whites? Does privilege guarantee success? Then why do so many people succeed without it? What is privilege anyway? Most successful people would say they created their own privileges by refusing to let doors close on them.

But let's assume all whites are privileged and all blacks are not, as you seem to believe. What are the ramifications? Does it follow that we should confiscate wealth from whites and redistribute it to blacks? And if so, isn't mugging just another way of achieving this? Have you really thought the whole thing through? If I misstated what you said or meant, then go ahead and explain it to us. Originally Posted by lustylad

Crickets. Too bad UC's brain is still under construction.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
THAT'S funny!

NOT ALL JEWS ARE SMART, in fact, some of the most ignorant Jews in America are rabbis

Of course, most of the ignorant ones are also leftists like Rabbi Robin Nafshi from New Hampshire, who also happens to be a lesbian which makes her opposition to anti-sharia legislation even more hard to understand.


"By Kevin “Coach” Collins

A story from New Hampshire reminds us once again that liberals are often willing to commit suicide to prove how liberal they are.

It would be hard to imagine a more ridiculous scenario than a lesbian rabbi making a public stand in favor of adopting Sharia Law as the new ruling principles of any American state; but Rabbi Robin Nafshi of New Hampshire has done just that.

With the type of smug,” I’m a liberal so I’m smarter than you” hubris only the sickest of liberals can muster, Rabbi Nafshi scolds her fellow Granite Staters in a piece she has curiously titled “The misguided push to ban Sharia Law.”

Of course, the Rabbi takes an obligatory shot at Republicans as she whines that the final point in their statement of Party principles says, “Take any and all actions possible to protect against the implementation of any part of Sharia Law in New Hampshire, including legislation outlawing Sharia law.”

Her hollow argument makes a comparison between Sharia Law as the Muslim way of life and Halakhah the Jewish way of life. This idiot must think that Jews cut the heads off homosexuals and blow up non-Jews in belief that doing so will insure their place in paradise. Sure thing rabbi, not a dimes’ with of difference right?

The logic-challenged rabbi then gets to the real point of her complaint by demanding to know why New Hampshire Republicans have not moved to ban Roman Catholic Cannon Law.

At that point the rabbi runs out of things to say so she falls back on the liberal Democrat lie that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” that has been “hijacked” by extremist Muslims. We are supposed to accept this lie from her because, well because she said so. We are supposed to accept what this liberal fool says because she is a smart liberal and who has more “smart and liberal” credentials than a lesbian rabbi?

The rest of her “argument” was the usual liberal lies and half-truths. Nevertheless, people like this woman are dangerous because they use legitimate positions of power and influence to poison our lives and sidetrack our efforts to protect ourselves against a genuine and determined enemy. All of this is to prove she is a good liberal and make herself feel good.


Get your free PDF of Coach’s book “Crooks Thugs& Bigots: the lost, hidden and changed history of the Democrat Party.” If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

Just ask at"
White privilege is easily seen. All you have to do is open your eyes... you yourself or you know friends who do, believe in Jesus. In the book about him he flew through the sky, walked on water, raised dead people, etc, but you find it hard to believe that being white gives you some inherent privilege? Gimme a break. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well if you're White you're alright, but if you're Brown don't come around, if you're Black stay back. I guess that's how the story goes.

rioseco's Avatar
White privilege is easily seen. All you have to do is open your eyes... you yourself or you know friends who do, believe in Jesus. In the book about him he flew through the sky, walked on water, raised dead people, etc, but you find it hard to believe that being white gives you some inherent privilege? Gimme a break. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

So you have seen those same pictures of a white Christ ? I used to believe the same when I was six years old.
Do you not believe that was either a faulty concept from the start or else a predjudiced view of Jesus ? Being that Jesus is from the Middle East, I would think him not to be of caucasian color.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What exactly is "caucasian color?"
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What exactly is "caucasian color?" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Same general color as about 90% of us in Eretz Yisrael - at least those of us who belong here.
Same general color as Abraham and Isaac and Jacob (Yisrael)

Of course, you knew that, didn't you?
Or, have you ever even been to Israel?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Assup proves that on a daily basis!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Assup proves that on a daily basis!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No shit!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Same general color as about 90% of us in Eretz Yisrael - at least those of us who belong here.
Same general color as Abraham and Isaac and Jacob (Yisrael)

Of course, you knew that, didn't you?
Or, have you ever even been to Israel? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Can you prove that, IBHomo, you lying sack of shit? Doesn't make much sense, after all, from a purely archaeological standpoint, but I'm sure You fucking know.

With each passing post on the subject, you reveal yourself as a religious right wingnut fraud.

Whose your pastor, IBHomo? Hagee? Westboro?

Have YOU ever been to Israel?