Dick Cheney beats the war drums

Cut corporate tax rates; get people back working, stop the flood of illegal immigration that is driving down wages of working poor, cut back on the welfare state (individual and corporate). Down size Federal agencies, transfer power to the states (in accordance with the constitution), promote energy independence (drill baby drill, solar, wind, nuclear)................

National defense is one of the primary requirements of our constitution; Obama phones and other Progressive non-sense is not !

Basically get the government the fuck out of the way and let the great American economy roar.

Please tell me how you plan on reducing the deficit while supporting more wars and more surges? Originally Posted by WTF
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I won't even address whir-LIE-turd's stockpot talking points right out of the TeaParty handjob, er handbook.

However, this is undisputable: American troop deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan would have been reduced -- PROBABLY TO ZERO -- had we stayed the fuck out of there to begin with.

boardman's Avatar
Cut corporate tax rates; get people back working, stop the flood of illegal immigration that is driving down wages of working poor, cut back on the welfare state (individual and corporate). Down size Federal agencies, transfer power to the states (in accordance with the constitution), promote energy independence (drill baby drill, solar, wind, nuclear)................

National defense is one of the primary requirements of our constitution; Obama phones and other Progressive non-sense is not !

Basically get the government the fuck out of the way and let the great American economy roar. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Exactly, but you know that went in one ear and out the other just as my similar response in other threads.
Over/Under on how many posts before WTF asks the same question that has been answered numerous times = 10
I blame The Shrub and Darth Cheney for losing focus on the perpetrator's of 9/11, by foolishly authorizing the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq.

I could not help but notice that satexasidiot conveniently forgot to include the number of US Deaths in Iraq between March 2003 and January 2009, which just happened to be almost twice as many as you listed in Afghanistan from 2001-2014.

How convenient for satexasidiot to forget the approximately 4500 American soldiers who died in Iraq, while on Shrubbie and Darth Cheney's watch! Originally Posted by bigtex
OK dumbass and your sidekick Little Timmie. Iraq was winding down and troops pulled out by 2012. Of course there were more casualties in Iraq in the early years versus Afghanistan because there were far more insurgents in Iraq than Afghanistan. Therefore more actual fighting.

Notice that insurgent attacks on US personnel increased dramatically during Obama's watch .. why? Because the insurgents know OBama is a pussy and doesn't know how to use the military.
OK dumbass and your sidekick Little Timmie. Iraq was winding down and troops pulled out by 2012. Of course there were more casualties in Iraq in the early years versus Afghanistan because there were far more insurgents in Iraq than Afghanistan. Therefore more actual fighting.

Notice that insurgent attacks on US personnel increased dramatically during Obama's watch .. why? Because the insurgents know OBama is a pussy and doesn't know how to use the military. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Typical dumb ass remark, like the officers in charge of the operation weren't really in charge. Did you just awake from a coma?
frenchybruno18's Avatar
It was such a waste to five a perfectly good heart to Cheney.
Numb nuts, this thread is about Afghanistan, the war that Obama said was a justified war !

Obama lost the Iraq war, the war he originally claimed was a victory, a great achievement of his administration, the same place we are now returning to fight again.

I won't even address whir-LIE-turd's stockpot talking points right out of the TeaParty handjob, er handbook.

However, this is undisputable: American troop deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan would have been reduced -- PROBABLY TO ZERO -- had we stayed the fuck out of there to begin with.

FACT JACK! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Numb nuts, this thread is about Afghanistan, the war that Obama said was a justified war !

Obama lost the Iraq war, the war he originally claimed was a victory, a great achievement of his administration, the same place we are now returning to fight again. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlaturd that has got to be a indication you need medical help.
I B Hankering's Avatar
... stop the flood of illegal immigration that is driving down wages of working poor... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Odumbo ain't never goinna let that happen!

U.S. Sharply Cutting Deportations

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama, who has postponed until after Election Day his plans that could shield millions of immigrants from deportation, is already on pace this year to deport the fewest number of immigrants since at least 2007.

According to an analysis of Homeland Security Department figures by The Associated Press, the federal agency responsible for deportations sent home 258,608 immigrants between the start of the budget year last October and July 28 this summer. During the same period a year earlier, it removed 320,167 people — a decrease of nearly 20 percent.

Over the same period ending in July 2012, Immigration and Customs Enforcement deported 344,624 people, some 25 percent more than this year, according to the federal figures obtained by the AP...

As of early September, only 319 of more than 59,000 immigrants who were caught traveling with their families have been returned to Central America.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the FUCK does that have to do with Dick Cheney, IBIdiot?

Nothing, you hijacking fool!

Dipshit on every level.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Same old douchebag, only now he quacks from the cheap seats, thank god.

http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/firs...re-war-n200111 Originally Posted by timpage
How do you keep your ears sand free?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I blame The Shrub and Darth Cheney for losing focus on the perpetrator's of 9/11, by foolishly authorizing the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq.

I could not help but notice that satexasidiot conveniently forgot to include the number of US Deaths in Iraq between March 2003 and January 2009, which just happened to be almost twice as many as you listed in Afghanistan from 2001-2014.

How convenient for satexasidiot to forget the approximately 4500 American soldiers who died in Iraq, while on Shrubbie and Darth Cheney's watch! Originally Posted by bigtex
Apparently you are unfamiliar with the US Constitution. Bush did not authorize military action with Iraq, Congress did. People like John Kerry, John Edwards, Harry Reid authorized Bush to use military force. Bush asked for the authorization which is something that Obama says he doesn't have to do. So why don't you blame the majority democratic party for those deaths in Iraq?
So why don't you blame the majority democratic party for those deaths in Iraq? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, Democrats who voted for the war are partially to blame. But it was the Shrub Administration that prosecuted the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. The Administration brought forth the evidence which was later found to be inaccurate. The Administration bears the lion's share of the responsibility for the actual invasion. As well they should!

As for your false claim that the Democrats were the majority party, that is an out and out lie! Is anyone surprised? During the build up to the actual invasion, the Republican Party not only controlled the White House, they also were in complete control of the House of Representatives. Newt Gingrich was the Speaker! Do you think the "majority democrats" elected Newt to be their Speaker? Duh!

As for the Senate, they were almost evenly split. If my memory serves me correctly, it was 50 dems, 49 repubs and 1 independent, with the Indy being a former Repub Senator. It should be noted that VP Darth Cheney held the deciding vote in the event of a tie. Duh x 2!

That does not sound like a "majority democratic party," as you previously claimed. Duh x 3!

Let's call it what it is, shall we? You and your cousin TrendingIdiot are both fuk'n LIARS! Duh x 4!

I rest my case!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You want to get technical? Who fired missiles into Iraq in 1998? Clinton. Why did he fire missiles into Iraq? WMDs. Who voted and/or stood by while he did it? Congress. Who cheered his leadership? Democrats.

As for the numbers, let us lock in your answers for all times. Yes, the GOP controlled both houses on both occasions. The only difference was the president. So when it is a GOP president you're outraged even when the majority of the democratic party supported him. When it is a democratic president, then you support him.

The lesson to be learned is that all things being the same Tampon always supports democratic presidents and hates GOP presidents even when they do the same thing. You are a partisan hack and a hypocrite. You've out yourself. Thanks for playing along you dumb piece of shit.

I'm going to mark this so we can bring it out again later and play it when you are supporting Obama at the gates of hell.
Who fired missiles into Iraq in 1998? Clinton. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
According to JDIdiot, the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq is all Bill Clinton's fault because in 1998 he lobbed a few missiles into Iraq.

We now have a firm and final confirmation that JD is indeed a card carrying member of the Friggin' Idiot KLAN, errrrr Clan!