Hobby Budget in a tough Economy !!

annie@christophers's Avatar
Has heard and stepped up as much as possible... We now have a raffle for those that are interested and all they have to do is review the girl in a timely manner and NOT send in fake HANDLe to double up the chances... Anyway that will be our contribution to the recession...Annie
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Yes, I fired the maid too. She is married and I was not attracted to her at all. I just thought it was an un-needed expense. I grew up poor and never had others wait on me, so I do not particularly enjoy it, unless hobby related of course. I can vacuum, do dishes, sweep and mop with the best of them, I did spend time in the military!

The pool cleaning is somtimes kinda relaxing, once I learned the proper chemical combination, it is not that hard to do. The polaris vacuums for me, all I do is skim and add chemicals. Once in a while I scrub the whole thing out, again though not that hard to do. To be honest though I have thought about rehiring a pool guy, the cost is around $250 per month plus chemicals, and I would have to give up an hour session of hobby time to fit in budget.

I have always been a hands on kinda guy. I do my own car maintenance, pool, fix house stuff myself. In fact I am in middle of a few home renovation projects at all times it seems.

All the money I save by doing all this stuff myself helps me hobby even more!! Now being a hands on kinda guy I gotta make a call to get my hands on sumthin and reward myself for all my hard work, lol.
Nothing sexier than a man doing housework!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
but April---he needs to be butt nekkid doing it!!{lol}
Nekkid or fully clothed... doesn't matter to me!! As long as HE'S the one doing it, either way works for me!!!
hey april. if you have a house cleaning party im in.
Don't think that we ladies here don't appreciate all of you guys efforts at managing your finances. We truely do and love you for it! Without you all, we wouldn't be here.
Thanx, LAVixian. You're now on my to do list.